Plant Sterols for managing cholesterol - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Plant Sterols for managing cholesterol

Wightbaby profile image
16 Replies

Does anyone take Plant Sterols to help keep their cholesterol low? Do they affect your INR's ? Do they work?

My last cholesterol reading was slightly over 5, and I left GP surgery with a prescription for Statins (Atorvastin). I have read the possible side effects (and the packet has remained untouched!!)

I really want to avoid them if i can...I love walking and don't want muscle pains in my legs!!

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Wightbaby profile image
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16 Replies
secondtry profile image

All I can say is my cholesterol level is around 7 and has been for 20 years. For 10 years I have eaten a full fat diet and the cholesterol level hasn't moved. Five years ago as a result of AF I had Heart and Carotid arteries scanned and they were completely clear. Needless to say Big Pharma doesn't convince me.

Mrsvemb profile image

I have taken plant sterols for several years and they keep my cholesterol within normal limits. When I first began taking them my cholesterol came down from over 6 to under 5 over 6 months between blood tests. I definitely believe that they work. I am on Rivaroxaban, not warfarin so INR not an issue but have had not had any problems with taking the plant sterols. I agree, much better than taking statins.

in reply to Mrsvemb


Just seen your plant sterol post

Are you still on them?

I'm looking for an alternative to statins, which I took 3 years ago for 12 weeks

I stopped them because of the muscle aches, which unfortunately have progressed

So, can plant sterols cause muscle aches?



Mrsvemb profile image
Mrsvemb in reply to

I am not aware that plant sterols can cause muscle aches. I have stopped them at the moment because I have so many intolerences to tablets. I have gone back to my prescribed meds only for now, but will start the plant sterols again at some point. Did you try more than one statin?

I was never advised to go on statins, my cardiologist gave me 6 months to reduce my cholesterol which I did.

in reply to Mrsvemb

Thanks for getting back, I know it's an old post, so much appreciated

I was 'advised' to go on statins in Nov16 after it was found my Agatston score was 1315 (0-1500) - very high indeed

Being vegan, my total cholesterol was 3.0, but they did not take that into account

I feel that 'everybody' is 'advised' to take them for any cardiac condition at all

My cardiac arrery blockages were genetic related?

As I didn't have any of the usual lifestyle factors

I was a lifelong cyclist, BMI 20, never smoked or drunk, vegan diet

I was booked for a CABG in Feb 17, so took just 3 doses of simvastatin 5 mgs

The aches started then and I told the Dr and he changed it to rosuvastatin, which I took for 12 weeks

The aches, though mild, persisted, so I stopped them myself in April 17

The Dr should have stopped them

My cholesterol has been back at 3.0 since stopping statins in April 17

However, my HDL could do with a bit of raising as it's always about 1.1 (1-3)

So, I'm looking at alternatives

I am aware that Ezetimibe is different as it targets the cholesterol in the blood

Unlike statins that target the same liver enzymes that muscles use

But, being a 'medication' I am hesitant!

I have been on sterols for 10 days now and feel no different, so shall continue

Good luck on your health journey!


sleeksheep profile image

Probably the best information you can get

I take phytosterols which are very good for the heart

I dont take any prescription statins and my readings are high 5's to 6

My Dr. is quite happy with that level.

Polski profile image

Sorry - I'm ignorant. Exactly what do you mean by 'plant sterols'? Thank you!

Wightbaby profile image
Wightbaby in reply to Polski

Copied from heart foundation website :

Plant sterols (phytosterols, phytostanols and their fatty acid esters) are cholesterol-like substances that occur naturally at low levels in fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals. ... When eaten in higher amounts, between 2-3 grams per day, plant sterols can naturally reduce LDL ..

Polski profile image
Polski in reply to Wightbaby

So this is actually about eating lots of healthy fruit, vegetables, nuts and wholegrain cereals . . . Aren't we all doing that anyway? And if we are, then our choloesterol levels should be right for us. If not, maybe less red meat and other saturated fats eg dairy products?

Incidentally, isn't it the LDL which really needs to be lower, not the total? Oats (porridge or home-mixed muesli) are excellent at lowering the LDL, and is even better for us if it replaces the wheat in our breakfast. We usually eat more than enough wheat in the rest of the day!

Auriculaire profile image

A total cholesterol level a little over 5 is nothing whatsoever to worry about. Epidemiological studies show that older people especially women with higher cholesterol live longer and are healthier. Statins are poison. They act on a pathway in the liver that also stops the liver from making other stuff our bodies need like co enzyme Q 10 and dolichols. Reduced cholesterol leads to reduced ability to manufacture vit d and sex hormones. Docs get paid for dishing out this rubbish. I once read an article about how plant sterols were produced for margarine. Not encouraging. Lots of nasty chemicals involved. Stop worrying about your cholesterol level. Throw the pills away ( or better still return them to the chemist).

irene75359 profile image

I have porridge every day (sadly not salty anymore as I had as a child in Scotland) and my cholesterol levels are fine.

I love salty nuts as well, but I rarely indulge!

Wightbaby profile image
Wightbaby in reply to irene75359

So do I.....a bucketful made with skimmed sugar or salt, but chuck a few sultanas in.....Also use Benecol spread...which has the naughty palm oil in it...Oops!

Doesn't seem enough to keep it down, unfortunately...but I will contact Heart UK and see what they say.

BHF told me I should get it down to 4!!....Told them, I was already fed up with deprivation and abstinence and THAT would just be impossible!

Nutritarion profile image

Hi, I have been on the Eat to Live diet (whole food plant based and no oil) for 6 months and stuck to it 95% of the time. I have just had a blood test and my cholesterol level has not decreased - it’s 8. Has anyone else found this? Should I continue in the hope that it will eventually help? I really don’t want to take statins.

Wightbaby profile image
Wightbaby in reply to Nutritarion

Sorry I posted my question a while ago,,,so not been checking.

Why don't you post your question as a new post then everyone will see it?

I have been on a low (ish) fat diet for over 6 years and must admit that my cholesterol level dropped from 6.6 to under 6 in only a few months , as soon as I cut out biscuits, apple pie and custard etc!

It doesn't sound like yours is having any effect.......not that I am an any means!

sleeksheep profile image

There are some supplements that can reduce cholesterol

Red Rice Yeast -

but as the write up says it can be highly variable between brands and it is a statin but not regulated like prescription drugs so quality is ultra important.

Beta Sitosterol -

You need to take a lot 4000mg + to make an impact on high rates which yours is.

tabletphobic profile image

Just been told my cholesterol is very high and has been for 8 years ( news to me ) prescribed statins, already feel ill on the tablets I'm on so don't want to take them. The nurse said Benecol products must work because they wouldn't be allowed to sell them as effective.

So switching now to these products, I am not taking statins if I can help it. I had already altered my diet to an healthier one ( oily fish, fruit, veg. Less of the fatty stuff ) so that apparently didn't help.

Dr Sanjay Gupta also does a talk on this

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