This is probably a stupid question but I really need to know! I am booked for an urgent appointment for a biopsy of a skin lesion - 2.30 pm over an hour's drive away. My letter says nothing except 'turn up here at 2.30'. My worry is that I'm sent away because of the anticoagulation and my husband and I will both have a melt down for different reasons 😠😨 . So I'm wondering if I should skip the morning dose to be on the safe side, or am I being ridiculous? I suspect this thing has a good blood supply (rather not explain further) and it is too big to totally remove without real surgery. Yes, I'm panicking 😱
Biopsy and Apixaban - do I need to mi... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Biopsy and Apixaban - do I need to miss a dose?

Is there someone where you are due to have the procedure who would be well enough informed to answer your query by phone, Buffafly? They are bound to have had experience with other patients on anticoagulants.
Best wishes
No link available but the BSDS have a download on this. For a very vascular lesion, I expect the dermatologist will want you to miss two doses.
I'm guessing you have rung him by now 🤔

Not a dermatologist actually, as I said, I'm in the dark at the mo.

Thanks anyway, decided to miss one dose and have an almighty tantrum if told to rebook.

The normal DOAC advice is two doses I believe but please call the centre where it is bening done and explain.
I had to have a lumbar puncture earlier this year. It was delayed for 24 hrs so that I could miss 2 doses of dabigatran. I was absolutely furious that I hadn't been told that this was necessary. This is minor on the possible blood loss front when compared to a biopsy.
Hope all goes well Buffafly and you have procedure done Sometimes our worry makes us forget questions to ask
Hope you get it done ok, surely the person who saw you had your notes with them and could have seen your meds list? Quandary for wishes
I agree that the person who has sent you would be my port of call as they will have taken your meds into consideration.
Not all ops/procedures want you to stop anything but it is usually the anticoagulant that is stopped for a couple of days. However my EP has told me to take my Riveroxyban as normal when I go in for my ablation in a couple of weeks.