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Acid reflux

ShaunMB profile image
15 Replies

Hi all, I've had reflux to some extent since my late teens. Found out I had a large hiatal hernia in 06'. I had surgery to repair it in 08'. Everything was great for about four years,no reflux or stomach issues and didn't need any meds or any anti acids. Then I started having a little reflux again. Had another endoscopy and found out that the surgery had failed to a degree and I had a small hiatal hernia. I continued to have issues and a couple years later after another endoscopy I was diagnosed with Barretts esophagus.Doc's put me on a PPI that really didn't seem to help a whole lot. I kept taking the PPI and used anti acids as needed. About two years ago I started having some issues when I would lift more than about 30 lbs or do a lot of bending at the waist. Mostly pain and what I thought were spasms. The spasms were actually PAF but it always felt to me like it was in my gut or stomach. I never associated it with my heart because I'd always had abdominal issues and it didn't last very long. Most all of my AF has started in the evening after eating and lying down or when I would turn onto my left side to go to sleep. Unfortunately I could only sleep on my left side because I can't fall asleep on my back or stomach and if i slept on my right side because of the failed surgery I had awful reflux that just made things worse. After doing a lot of research I've found that most people with reflux don't have to much stomach acid but to little. Food doesn't get digested properly and it ferments in the stomach causing reflux. I stopped taking the PPI, Ranitidine and Sucralfate they had prescribed and started taking a Zypan and a digestive enzyme with my meals. Also started taking a probiotic. My stomach and digestion issues are a lot better. Stomach acid is there for a reason, without it your body doesn't get the nutrients from the food you eat like it should. You end up with undigested and partially digested food in your gut which leads to bad bacteria forming and all sorts of bowel and digestion issues. Not to mention the reflux.The bad bacteria feed on sugar and processed carbs among other things witch is why so many people have cravings for them. Don't know how many millions of people are taking a PPI daily that shouldn't be. These drugs can cause a lot of problems if taken long term. They were never intended to be taken for longer than two weeks. It still says that on the box. Gut health is very important for overall health. Wish I would have known this sooner but better late than never as they say. Not sure if the years of reflux might have contributed to my vagal PAF. Maybe not at all as I've heard you need to be predisposed to it to get in the first place. But makes me wonder. On another note I had a sleep test done a couple weeks before my ablation which I should have done a long time ago but only recently found out about the connection between afib and sleep apnea. Turns out l have mild sleep apnea which wasn't to surprising. I was going to get ablation regardless of results. Getting a CPAP machine next week, hopefully it'll help with my insomnia and help keep AF at bay. Might even be able to sleep on my back.Don't know why more cardiologists and EP's don't tell people about the connection between afib and sleep apnea. Not to mention magnesium, potassium, alcohol, being overweight ect ect. Anyway second day post ablation and feeling pretty good. PVC's were at it last night but a little better today. Still no AF knock on wood. Anyone else think it's bad luck to even talk about some times? Weird how it can get in your head like that. Got a little snow here overnight,I'm in Seattle doesn't happen very often. Sure would like to get out and take a walk in it but will have to be content with just looking for now. Best wishes to all,talk to you soon. Shaun

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15 Replies
CDreamer profile image

I have had a similar journey - luckily I already knew about PPI’s so I refused them when prescribed as protection against drug induced bloating.

CPAP works for me - had it for nearly 4 years now and all I can say is that first night of full 6-7 hours sleep is just so restorative - and then it just gets better. But it does take quite a while to get used to - about 6 weeks before I could tolerate the mask on my face for more than a few hours. I had to try 3 different types of masks in about 2 sizes before I found one to suit me SO - persevere!

I work with a nutritionist re the GI and paid for a full GI test which detailed the gut bio balance and threw up a few results which showed I had plenty of good gut bacteria but also an auwful lot of bad and that can only be treated with certain compounds so I took a Tannin supplement for a few months + another to block the affect of an enzyme which stopped me absorbing short chain fatty acids. The trouble with shooting ‘blind’ on gut issues is you really don’t know if you are helping or hindering with diet changes and supplements unless you have a GI profile. Cost about £500 all told - unfortunately not something offered on NHS - I am sure they could save a fortune if they did!

I now use Kefir daily - I make my own water kefir - which helps motility and keep the bacteria balance up there. Plenty of leafy green veg, ginger, garlic and Tumeric every day and fresh lemon.

No processed food at all! No carbohydrates - especially for breakfast so NO cereal (porridge is OK) NO bread or toast and eat small meals - 4 small meals are better than 3 larger meals.

And both my GP and EP did tell me these things and GP directed me to Functional Medicine as one of the other GPS in the practice has just qualified and setting up in practice locally.

Unfortunately it is the NHS who don’t support people who want to work on these issues and unfortunately the majority of the population just don’t want to know and prefer to pop a pill. Hence many of the doctors who DO want to work in this way leave and have to set privately.

More and more doctors are going that way - interestingly many of them seem to be of Indian descent. Check out the The Doctor’s Kitchen - & Dr Chaterjee on FB - lots of excellent information.

Also check out Dr Sanjay Gupta’s videos on here on vagal AF - all available on YouTube and he is doing a series at the moment on Dysautonomia, sleep etc.

Best wishes CD.

WendyWu20 profile image
WendyWu20 in reply to CDreamer

Hi, do you have a link for the kefir recipe, thanks?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to WendyWu20

It is water kefir not milk based so you need different grains as a starter but it is really easy - 2 tablespoons of dissolved sugar in about 1 litre of mineral water - you can’t use tap water or allow the grains to come into contact with anything metal so you need a jar, muslim, elastic band, mineral water, plastic sieve and the grains and you are away.

You can also use coconut water so I usually alternate between sugar water and coconut water.

I made a sheet for my nutritionist who wanted instructions step by step so I will try find it and pm you with the file.

WendyWu20 profile image
WendyWu20 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks, dairy products really don't agree with me :o)

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to WendyWu20

I need to do that from my computer so will be laters.......

fallingtopieces profile image

Hi Shaun,

It’s certainly a fact that you are left to discover all these facts for yourself.

Taking PPIs, anti inflammatory drugs, sleep apnea, alcohol, excess weight and lack of important minerals such as magnesium, are all known to play their part in Heart arrhythmias.

Once diagnosed, only those of us who are able to do our research eventually find this out ourselves and take some action. I feel sorry for the others.

Unfortunately the medical profession is geared to prescribe drugs and performing operations.

I haven’t had an AF episode since 2012 and no longer wake in the night with SVT. ( yes, I also feel I’m tempting fate and need to touch wood when saying that) I put my ‘success’ (🤞🏻🙏🏼) down to the supplements I take.

Now you’ve made these discoveries yourself, I’m sure you’re on the path to a better future.

Onwards and upwards.


ShaunMB profile image
ShaunMB in reply to fallingtopieces

Hi Pat,you're certainly right about the Doc's prescribing meds or sending you for surgery. Sad state of affairs if you ask me. Hope you have continued success will the supplements. Knock on wood lol. What is the regime your taking? If you don't mind me asking,and thanks for the reply.

Best wishes, Shaun

fallingtopieces profile image
fallingtopieces in reply to ShaunMB

Shaun, I take a number of supplements: magnesium citrate 800mg, taurine 1000mg, potassium 200mg, nattokinase, probiotic, vit B complex, Vit C, omega 3, ubiquinol Q10 200mg, Vit D and hawthorn. Plus cherry, turmeric and Celery seed to aid arthritis.

My early research into supplements began on the site ‘Afibbers’. It’s a U.S site, have you looked there already? If not, take a look as it’s very good. Lots of research into supplements there.


ShaunMB profile image
ShaunMB in reply to fallingtopieces

Thanks for the info Pat. No haven't checked that site out yet but I will soon. Want to take more supplements but my stomach can only take so much at this point.

meadfoot profile image

Pleased you have made these discoveries, frustrating you have been through so much before hand. Be well.

ShaunMB profile image
ShaunMB in reply to meadfoot

Thanks meadfoot,you too.

Best wishes, Shaun

CDreamer profile image

Check out The Four Pillar Plan on Sleep, Exercise, Food and Relaxation.

ShaunMB profile image
ShaunMB in reply to CDreamer

Hi CDreamer,thanks for the additional info. I'm definitely going to get full GI study done soon. Also going to get checked for h-pylori, were you checked for this? Like you I've made a lot of diet changes. No processed sugar or foods,gluten, wheat,cut out most dairy except for a little butter and hard cheese. Switched from 2% to unsweetened almond milk. Very little red meat or carbs. Eat a lot of vegetables,low sugar fruits, nuts, berries ,fish, chicken, sea food. Going to try adding some plain kefir to my smoothies. I quit drinking alcohol when I was diagnosed with afib as it seemed to be a trigger a couple times and I think it was contributing to other issues. Might eventually get to the point where I feel comfortable having a beer or two we'll see. Working my way through the Sanjay Gupta videos,they've been very helpful. He sure knows his stuff. Hopefully CPAP works as well for me. I'm excited to give it to try. Going to start doing some meditation exercises soon. Just got a couple books on the subject I've been reading while recovering from my ablation.Talk to you later.

Best wishes,Shaun

Ianc2 profile image

Ah, yes, it is all good and proper but what about the porridge?

ShaunMB profile image
ShaunMB in reply to Ianc2

Never been a fan. Either eating or covering body in.RE my post on Not Enough Support lol.

Best wishes, Shaun

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