Have persistent A F ( normally controlled), Diverticucular disease and RA. Past 6 months have had horrid chest pains , always a bit worrying . Turns out to be acid reflux , now on Pantaprazole twice a day and maximum Gaviscon during day.
Still my stomach is noisily protesting and if I take gaviscon in middle of night I think my heart starts thumping . Advice needed please.
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First steps, cut out all fat and vinegar and raise the head of your bed 3-4inches. I used to use old books under mine, then progressed to wooden blocks. Wear very loose clothing around your body and never overeat. If the burning starts eat a banana. Oddly yogurt could irritate my stomach too, someone on this forum advised I stop having it.
If that fails buy yourself some Mastic Gum capsules (quite expensive), but they work a treat and those steps are how I cured my acid reflux. I don't think about it now and must have suffered for years with it in the distant past.
I declined the endoscopy offered by a hideously overcrowded A and E in a big hospital here ,because I had been in there 9 hours ( for the second time in two weeks) . I had become exhausted and very stressed by what I saw in there. I feared going into a major A F episode .
LIn the past months I have had multiple blood tests ,a colonoscopy, ct stomach scans, steroid injections in spine and foot and heart scans. There comes a point ehen you can’t take any more. Or, am I just pathetic ? I live alone so going in to A and E alone is not fun , not fun for anyone.
I cannot praise the staff in that department highly enough!!!!!!!
I don't use anything now - haven't for years, I'm cured! I bought the Mastic Gum capsules from a private health food shop. Afraid it's too far back now for me to remember the make. I'll have a look online and see if any jog my memory.
actually, cutting out all fat is a very bad idea. Cut out the bad fat (seed oils for example) and leave in healthy grass-fed, grass-finished beef fat. Without fat, and cholesterol, our body cannot make cortisone, testerone, estrogen, and a host of many other hormones. My acid reflux actually disappeared on a pure carnivore diet. It was boring, but my constipation, my skin dermatitis and psoriasis, my dry hair and dandruff, my acid reflux, all disappeared in just a week. And my good cholesterol shot through the roof surprisingly and my triglygerides went down 20%. So much for the typical western diet advice. Also guys/gals, a lot of us with AF have it due to gut issues, which is almost ALWAYS ignored by cardiologists, who only care about the heart.
Western medicine has failed us and we have to be our own advocates for our health.
I only get AF now or tachycardia, when my gut starts belching gas for hours at night, which causes aspiration into my lungs (acid is NOT a good thing in the lungs!) and this in turn causes my heart to start beating very fast to compensate for the lungs intaking less oxygen, which in turn many times evolves into full blown AF.
Two cardiologists (one of them a heart surgeon) agreed with this (they are from Eastern Asia and though western medically trained, they are young still and open to NEW ideas, methods and knowledge). They told me that doing yet another ablation was pointless if I didn't get my gut issues (root cause) taken care of first! Sound advice, I wish the dozens of other cardiologists from all over the world I have seen since 2000 would have given me.
We all have so many different ideas of what's right and I respect yours. I was just saying to Luludean how I cured my reflux. I was actually diagnosed with h-pylori. Two courses of very strong medications didn't clear it, so I knew I had to do something myself.
My sister in the U.S. sent me some garlic and herb capsules (oregano I think). They worked for a short time, then when it came back she said to try the mastic gum. Thank goodness she was able to advise. No, she's not a doctor of any kind but has had a lifetime interest in natural cures. My father was into healthy living from back in the the 1950's, long before it was fashionable. He'd come home from the farm and then do gardening, grew all our veg for the whole year. I remember him storing it over the winter in a shelter made from bales of straw.
Thank you Tarikor, I did see a nutritionist/ physio just before covid . Filled in masses of pages of questions , he thoroughly examined me and talked. Made me promise never to go vegan and to eat as much protein as possible. I am slim and normally very active considering AF , RA and losing so many friends. Onwards and upwards !!!!! L
Thank you Ben , I am worried about heart rate going erratic when I swig Gaviscon . Sny pain in the chest rings alarm bells when one had has heart surgery. L
There is a nerve in the body called the Vagal Nerve. It acts like an 'Information Superhighway' linking brain, heart and gut. If this gets dysfunctional, from say food , it may become inflammed and may kick off all weird stuff in the chest and abdomen - which in many of us can cause pain in and around the heart or gut or lower chest.
In my experience, Gaviscon is a very short term remedy, it is better to examine your diet, your food intake and modify your diet - hence my suggestion re Nutritionist. If you have the time it is worth reading up on Vagal Nerve and to illustrate its complexity 'Google' Vagal Nerve Schematic diagram.
Sometimes conventional GP wisdom just does NOT extend to diet ( other than loosing weight ).
All my issues kicked off with burping, intestinal gurgling and diahorrea ( NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME ) anyone at any toime at pure random - I got tested for IBS and Coeliac Disease and was offered more invasive tests but declined ... and I then took myself off to the Nutritionist. If you go that way and are in UK go to the BANT website and see if their search box will suggest someone near you.
l have hiatus hernia and acid reflux. I stopped taking Gaviscon liquid and in tablet form because they contain the artificial sweetener aspartame which is a major trigger for AF. Could be your problem and the anxiety will make the condition worse.
Keep taking the Pantoprazole in case you have an ulcer. It should heal everything in a few weeks and then you can have a review. I get chest pains with my acid reflux and even the medics can’t tell the difference until you are checked. It’s a problem when you have heart issues. They would have checked you, so if they say it’s acid reflux it is. Good luck.
I beg to differ Cavalier. You are quite right that the tablets contain aspartame but the liquid doesn’t. I have yet to find out why they put it in the tablets as they are convenient when out.
When l looked up the ingredients of the liquid it said it contains aspartame, so l really don’t know what to believe. Best to ask the pharmacist. All l can say is that l have improved by not taking Gaviscon.
I have checked too on several sites including gaviscons own site and also the bottle I have here and cannot see any reference to aspartame. I would be curious to know where you saw aspartame as I will not take anything knowingly with aspartame in it.
I asked the question “ does Gaviscon liquid contain aspartame?” I am unable to give you a link because l think it’s against the rules. Let me know what you find out Francis.
I have just asked that question and both Tesco and Sainsbury’s say it contains aspartame in their blurb but doesn’t list it. It says to check label for full list of ingredients. If you check that then aspartame is not a listed ingredient in the liquid. For your own curiosity check Gaviscons own site or google full list of ingredients. Sorry if I am sounding pedantic but aspartame is such a no no for me and usually so very careful.
Thanks. That’s what l noticed, that it doesn’t list it in the ingredients, but if you ask, it does. The plot thickens! I will put that question to the Pharmacist next time l go to the chemist. If you are worried you could phone Boots and ask about this contradiction.
Thank you. It was about a year ago I noticed the difference. I had used the liquid for years and didn’t bother to check ingredients when I tried the tablets. I assumed it would be the same. My fault for not checking and had only taken a couple. Quite a while back I had asked my local pharmacy and indeed in Boots why aspartame in the tablets as and not the liquid. They didn’t know and said it was Gaviscons decision. I’m not worried, just annoyed. Why not take a look at the ingredient list on Gaviscons website and see what you think?
I found Omeprazole gave me a very noisy stomach but if you may have an ulcer you should carry on for as long as you can stand it. I take Gaviscon at bedtime only. I did have an episode of AF recently but I think that was connected with an upset stomach.
There was recently an article in the Daily Mail health section on the subject of PPIs. It included advice on dealing with reflux
it sounds like you have serious inflammation (RA and Divertucular disease). Sugar, processed foods, cheap seed oils and gluten can be the main cause. Eating plain whole unadulterated foods with butter will be easier for your digestion and help you heal. If Gaviscon triggers your heart, don’t take it.
The medical should do a colonoscopy and mouth to stomach on tou. Sending cameras to look.
And a ultra-sound of your gall bladder.
If its got that bad as you describe you should not be piled up with anti acid stuff.
I ended up with a herbal bottle from the herbal shop.
But then I had another pain thing whilst at a conference in Christchurch. I collapsed. Dr gave to hotel and wanted to admit me. No thanks I said so gave me an injection for pain.
I had another so I did research. Mum said that Grandpa had his gall bladder out.
Both camera procedures showed everything there was fine but the ultra-sound showed little balls which I was told wouldn't bother me.
Then I declared about my grandpa. Surgery was scheduled.
Even the surgeon asked if I had tried gaviston. No I had a $20 bottle of something. I had had over time had your listed meds.
However the surgeon saw me next day. I had "4 portholes as the G B had disintegrated and I had to pick bits off other surrounding organs".
That was in 2000 year and I have never looked back. I know when my meal is too fatty so I keep to a low fat diet.
Trouble since a little girl, Mum used to give me Dinnefords.
Arfter G B removal your body gets used to some foods like avocado, fish & chips well drained and I have a milky drink after or icecream.
I had reflux after coffee, Tonic Water, etc and if I bent over immediately after I ate.
Do get some tests done. Some anti-acids are contra to your heart meds.
I had 2 clips whereas some have up to 40. I was a long time suffering.
Hi Luludean, I had GERD / Acid Reflux for several years in the past, at least in part caused by a dairy intolerance. I started with a daily “good quality” bio culture supplement along with a turmeric supplement a few years ago and have been pretty much free of acid reflux since.
I have had chronic acid reflux since being started on Ramipiril. This has been causing me disturbed sleep and terrible problems with my teeth. I was, of course, offered Lansoprazole by my GP but declined as I know it is not recommended for people who have osteoporosis, which I do. I have a book, “Dropping Acid: Cookbook & Cure” by Koufman, Stern & Bauer which is worth you getting as it goes through a list of typical foods and the acidity level of each so that you can either exclude or rotate things. My own process of elimination made it really clear that my symptoms were drug-related but that things like wine, chocolate, ketchup, mint and certain spices make the reflux even worse. Good luck!
OMG, you sound like you are talking about me I have had stents fitted so heart rate not too bad now. I have had Diverticulitis bad these last months and have been assured it is not cancer. But I have had acid reflux for days now despite taking lanzoparole in the morning and night. Gaviscon in the day many times and even omeprozole in the day from old tablets I used to take. And yes I feel my heart beating heavy when I wake up with heartburn. I'm seeing a specialist on Weds if I am told anything that may help you too I will let you know. I hope you feel better soon.
Having had a really bad experience with a hiatus hernia which gave me acid I would ask for further tests.A CT scan revealed my problem but an endoscopy also an option.
Uhm , had so many procedures this year I am getting phobic. Twice in A and E in past 2 weeks. Wonderful, kind, humane and SO caring staff !!!!!!! But , don’t go if you can help it. KKatz
If you want the gory details look at my posts.My hiatus hernia beside causing acid was causing chest pain, breathlessness and contributed to ectopics.Increasing Gaviscon & ppi didn't help.I landed up in hospital for 10 days,90 min op took 3.5 hours.Always check out increasing acid & possible hiatus hernia.
I have looked at your profile & see you have or have had lots of probs and can see your reluctance.
I stopped getting acid reflux when I cut out gluten. And Rennies (just calcium and magnesium) worked for me to relieve the symptoms when I got reflux. Just seconding the various recommendations to see a nutritionist, who might help you find what's causing your reflux, rather than just dealing with the symptoms. Hope you find relief.
Can’t add much to others’ comments other than that I hope you have been tested for H. Pylori so that you can be treated with antibiotics if you test positive.
Don’t let that put you off. I don’t know what your practice is like but mine would probably arrange a phone call to order a lab test rather than a face to face consultation. Or you can buy a lateral flow test from a pharmacy for under a tenner and do it yourself!
Join the club (although you've been in it for a while now!). I have the same three ailments, but not persistent AF, although it can be daily with masses of ectopics. Add in the usual older male issues to the diverticulitis and, if I dare to get constipated, well, evening visits to the bathroom are hourly. What fun life can be! And yet, I heard from someone yesterday who had to go into hospital COPD at the weekend. In comparison, I feel lucky.
In terms of treatment, the pantoprazole will eventually be the blessing you need, and if not, then try lansoprazole or esomeprazole (all have slightly different metabolism). Sadly, on rare occasions, the blessing can become a curse. This is because, in a very few, PPI drugs stop magnesium absorption in the small intestine and then have to be stopped. The worst is that, in the UK, there are currently no other drugs as effective as PPIs so the outlook at that point is not easy. not least since stopping a PPI after long-term use causes a rebound surge of acid (horrible - it took me six months to settle). There is a new drug still in registration from a Japanese company and, frankly, I wish they'd hurry up and get it on sale as it does not block magnesium. For me, Gaviscon was useless.
So, I would a) try initially not to take a PPI, and try, instead, an older drug such as ranitidine or cimetidine (as these don't have the potential Mg problem); also, they are not so effective at holding back acid so won't interfere with much else at all; b) if you do need the PPI, go for it but have an initial blood text that measures Mg and B12 levels. All will then be well if you keep a weather eye on those two through occasional blood tests.
I still would not go down the PPI route initially if you can get away with a non-PPI drug. I wish I hadn't started on them even though I am fine taking them. If the magnesium levels fall, taking extra won't do a thing, sadly, since only stopping the PPI can work. It's a rare issue and likely won't affect you - but it's real.
Yes - my daughter-in-law is a nurse, although not in A&E. The last government essentially have destroyed A&E which is swamped with people who ought to be at their GP. It was analysed in a newspaper article last week and the writer chowed it to be a disaster. 12 hours waiting at Leicester, for example, for our friend recently with their two youngsters in tow.
Sorry - I manage to get this thread and replies crossed! I hear locally that some GP practices are not easy to see or talk to. That is so different from my GP, so, yes - we are very lucky.
Just another thing - my disintegrated gall bladder was working differently well the body was.
Without a gall bladder acid-bile drips into the stomach 24/7. You don't have the role of the GB working. Its role is to check your contents of stomach - fatty for example would make for more bile to breakdown the fat.
So you can see why too much bile or not enough puts you into an awful state.
I soon know if the food - like cheesels and many gave me the runs the next day. I tend to experience that night or next days and cam be several days what I shouldn't have eaten. But time heals and I get few events. Usually eating out.
Some very, very interesting posts here Luludean, I too have diverticular disease and have just been to the gp with diorreah. Waiting for blood tests and poo tests. My AF is sort of under control but it's a minefield trying to understand your own body and what's best for it. I'm on the list in Bristol for yet another ablation.... you've had some great advice here so all the best for feeling better soon.
Yes it's awful to overthink but its something we can't help unless our minds are occupied with hobbies, work, family etc. Anxiety is even more prevalent in retirement, health may stop us moving around so much and then of course we start to think how we used to be in younger years and that makes us feel lost in some ways.....
i’m on apixaban and now having Gastro issues and chest pains intermittently. Has anyone else’s Gastro issues and reflux started after they started anticoagulation? Thanks.
I've got Gerd.I find if I have an acid reflux flare I get pounding heartbeat.Chest tightness.Arrythmias as well Waiting for 24hr.PH test in Jan.Had all checks for heart regularly.
I've got Gerd.I find if I have an acid reflux flare I get pounding heartbeat.Chest tightness.Arrythmias as well Waiting for 24hr.PH test in Jan.Had all checks for heart regularly.
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