Any advice on best type for the heart?
Magnesium : Any advice on best type for... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I tried mg citrate in powder form, mixing it into coconut water but I couldn't tolerate it, even at low levels it gave me gut trouble. I used a spray for a while but found it messy and I don't think it did anything for me.
Sorry to be negative in the first reply to your post - there are many, many others who find it helpful and hopefully will give guidance.
my GP prescribes Magnesium Citrate for me
I use Magnesium Taurate, manufactured by Cardiovascular Research Ltd, and bought from Amazon.
Doctor prescribed magnesium hydroxide... Milk of Magnesia
I though that doctors are not allowed to prescribe indigestion remedies like that now. Of course anyone paying prescription charges is cheaper buying it OTC.
Not paying... But the doc prescribed it!
Check out Nutri Musclesze MegaMag, my Naturopath prescribed it. It is a Mg compound with a variety of other relevant ingredients e.g. Potassium, Taurine etc.
Just Mg, I would suggest Mg Citrate by Klare Labs also recommended by my Naturopath.
Stomach doesn't like Mg, I use instead some Ancient Minerals Ultra Mg oil spray on.
Why don't cardiologists simply give their patients Magnesium?
Oh! Of course, the Big Pharma Conspiracy......silly me! You'd think someone at NICE would have blown the whistle on this mega-fraud by now, wouldn't you?
Try Magnesium glycinate. No stomach problem. My dad take this form together with a quarter teaspoon of sea salt per litre of water and sip throughout the day. No AF for almost 4 months.
I use ReMag from Dr Carolyn Dean and (shhh) along with breathing exercises, haven't had AF for 12 months. (Yeah, even I don't want to temp fate by saying it out loud). Also really worthwhile looking at YouTube Dr Sanjay Gupta York Cardiologist who has heaps of very informative videos. He has a very very good one on Magnesium. Honestly, well worth looking him up for any cardiology and ectopic information.
Magnesium taurate is supposed to be best for the heart and thus afib.
I take the Floridex from Holland and Barrett liquid magnesium. I swear it has helped hugely.
I use mag citrate and take it in one dose with my evening meal which I think helps.
The recommended daily dose is ~300mg so I doubt if any professional will say you should take more than that even though you probably should.
Low doses are probably not going to make a difference to AF and other rhythm disturbances.
It is worth trying 400mg at first then increasing daily until your bowels become too loose, once that happens, reduce the dose a little.
I have tried mag glycinate, oxide and citrate plus Magnesium mixes but prefer the citrate.If you buy Taurine separately you can take it alongside the magnesium.
I know I've mentioned this website many times before but it's worth Scouring through..