Prior to the pacemaker being fitted I was asked if I was allergic to penicillin and said no as I'm all right with most of them.
I was given a five day course of Flucloxacillin not realising it is one of the fluoroquinolones group that once caused me to have severe tendonitis but not a ruptured tendon as many do.
As some type of neuropathy has been making walking difficult for the past month I did not notice until Friday that it had subtlety changed and I was now getting a tight pain in the calves and behind the ankles. The side effects listed in the BNF include worsening of neuropathy as well as tendonitis. When I went out for a walk yesterday I did not get far before turning back then the penny dropped.
Normally I carefully read the package information leaflet but as this was dished out in the hospital for the first two days that passed me by and I did not bother on coming home.
If you have not had this type of drug do beware of it as it is quite commonly prescribed under names like Cipro for all manner of infections and commonly to men with prostatitis.