I had pacemaker fitted on 1st February. Today, 3 days after, I have swollen left wrist & hand. Did anyone else have this? Tia
Swelling after pacemaker fitted - Atrial Fibrillati...
Swelling after pacemaker fitted

No I didn’t have that. Was the implant on your left side?
I had some very minor swelling around the implant site which was obviously a bit tender, no bruising because they used diathermy and quite a lot of stiffness but arm and hand were not affected.
May I suggest that you contact the clinic/hospital where the implant was done asap and ask for advice. If you can’t get through then ring 111.
I had huge bruises all down my arm and slight swelling at the sight but nothing near my wrist and hand. Definitely get it checked.

Not in September when I had mine though quite painful for a few days. Ring where you had it fitted and talk to them.
my husband had a pacemaker fitted just over a week ago & I remember them saying if his arm swelled up then he was to report it to them straight away.
He is in a lot of pain & is heavily bruised but no swelling
I’m quite interested that people talk about a lot of pain - I had almost none, absolutely no bruising, redness and a little swelling for sure at the site of the implant and it was tender around the wound naturally for a few weeks and I had to have light massage and exercise to ensure scar tissue didn’t build up as you can then have shoulder problems as there are a lot of tendons and soft tissue around that area.
Good morning Ellie58, after having a pacemaker fitted around 2 years ago I noticed my left hand was becoming swollen. I noticed it as my watch gradually became impossible to fit on my wrist. Furthermore the swelling continued up my arm. Off to the hospital and had ultrasound and CT scan which resulted in I had a 'stricture' in my vein carrying the lead to my heart.
Also veins became distended around the top of my arm, around the pacemaker and across my chest. After a consultation with my Cardiologist, she assured me that other veins would take over the blood supply and the distended veins were a good sign that was happening.
I am much more relaxed about it although the swelling may never go but should improve. I keep a watch on my BP and heart rate which are OK.
Any doubts you have seek help from your hospital and Consultant who performed the procedure.
I was also advised to keep my arm elevated when I can to help reduce the swelling
I am 78 and play golf so normal activity still fine
Best of luck
The only problem I had with my pacemaker insertion was as soon as I started back on the anticoagulant 24 hrs after procedure, I developed a massive haematoma at the site. It felt and looked like a scene from Alien with a huge, painful cone trying to burst out of my chest wall. Had to have compression bandaging for a while but it took weeks for it to subside completely.