Hello I'm 70 male and had a pacemaker fitted 2015 because they found i have Sick Sinus Syndrome where my heart beats fast and slow yet I still feel tired all day, out of breath for the simplistic things no engery to do anything and I'm on warfrin plus 1.25 bistrol as I can't take anything higher. I feel worse with a pacemaker in is this normal.
Pacemaker fitted 2015: Hello I'm 7... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pacemaker fitted 2015

Hi David - do you have AFib?
My husband had a pacemaker fitted because of SS about 2014 and is on no beta-blockers and initially it helped and gave him a new lease of life, his energy levels have declined recently and his AFib episodes are more frequent. He is not on beta-blockers but does take calcium chanel blockers for high BP. He gets breathless on exertion but can still walk uphill better than I can - he is 83.
Beta-blockers can make you tired and breathless and some people tolerate them better than others. AF will also make you tired and breathless and you may not be aware of being in AF.
Everyone is so individual so that it is really difficult to answer your question - normal - everyone's norm is different. If you are concerned you should go and see your GP and ask for a referral to see your cardiologist or EP to discuss.
I would not be happy with the QOL you describe and would be looking for some changes. I do hope you haven't been like this since 2015?
Best wishes CD.
Hello thankyou for replying sadly yes I have been like it since 2015. I cannot tolerate anything higher than 1.25 and I cannot take calcium blockers. My GP has refferred me to a cardiologist in king's lyn. Yes I've suffered from AF quite a bit and when I had my pacemaker checked in May this year they said it was working well but I was in AF as well they didn't seem worried. It's the tiredness that's crippling as too very weak. I've had an echo scan and that showed good so what it can be I've no idea. At times my pulse variates. Bloods are being taken this Friday so really that's all I know.
I do hope that they find something and are able to make life more tolerable for you.
My husband can do most things, most days unless he is in AFib but I would only know because he gets crochety.
If your symptoms are caused by the AFib then there is a procedure called Pace&Ablate which you might ask about.
Very best wishes and let us know how you get on. CD
Hello and thankyou for replying since taking this beta blocker I'm constantly tired and breathless I had my pacemaker fitted Dec 2015 and since it's been fitted I feel worse than without it though I felt somewhat dizzy in 2015 but nowhere like I do now. I can't take this beta blocker I'm so tired as well and as for walking I can't I have spinal stenosis of the lumbar area that though is different to this SSS but my doctor's aren't listening and I can't get in to see a cardiologist as QEH for 26 weeks. I don't know wether to stop this beta blocker without telling the doctor see how I feel.
I would take a serious look at the beta blocker you are on. I did not tolerate it well & was only on a very low dose but it made me very tired and lethargic, I felt like I was in a black hole. Almost as soon as I was off them I started to feel better & within 48 hours I felt even better and my energy came back.
Thankyou I'm celebrating with a small glass bubbly the results of today I know this is nothing to do with my pacemaker my wife is clear of breast cancer.
1000 steps a day! Noway I can't walk more than 5 metres I have whiteout's if I stand and I have to hold on as I feel I'm going to pass out I'm ok sitting but standing I can't and walking is impossible
Have you had a pacemaker check. I take Bisoprolol and Flecainide and have a pacemaker which I am 99% reliant on. Since pacemaker rate was set to 60 and further part activated to allow me to go to 125 if needed I've been a lot better. Take beta blocker at night which has helped too. Sounds like you need pacemaker check and or meds reviewed.
Had pacemaker fitted at 71-yrs now 73. Hasn’t had much use I’m told. I do feel very tired during day and my sleep rhythm is stuffed. (Bed 3 am)
Under home lockdown on my own I try to have intelligent conversations with myself. It’s annoying sometimes to have a metal lump under collar bone but who knows the result of not having it. The trainee who put mine in under supervision put wires top to bottom but started again and hopefully got it right way round.
No big deal. All the best