I'm on this forum because my husband has Gleason 9 prostate cancer with a number of high risk factors like ECE, PNI, SVI, IDC, but he's completed 28 EBRT sessions and 2 yrs of ADT+Abiraterone, and he's doing well. No signs of a recurrence yet, thankfully!!!
I'm writing this post on behalf of a great friend who was diagnosed in 2019 at age 69, Gleason 4+3, PSA in the teens. He was diagnosed before PSMA pet scans were widely available. It was assumed from imaging at the time it was localized.
In 2019, he did EBRT to the pelvic region after original diagnosis.
In 2023, PSA gradually climbed and PSMA Pet scan found a recurrence in 3 lymph nodes. He did SBRT to the nodes and 6 months of Orgovyx and Abiraterone. PSA was undetectable and T went to 0. The emotional/physical side effects from the 6 months of ADT was REALLY horrible (way worse than my husband's 2 yr stint). He is a famous engineering author/speaker and ADT was so debilitating, he couldn't effectively do his work, yet we're grateful the ADT and radiation worked.
In March/2025, his PSA climbed to 2.x and new PSMA Pet scan this week found a recurrence in 5 new lymph nodes, but no bone/organ metastasis. One node in his neck, a few near his heart, and 1 in the pelvic region.
I know there are different schools of thought about hitting it hard up front vs a slower/wait and see approach. His oncologist doesn't seem concerned, and today wrote a note saying "overall good and stable, some nodes to watch, discuss in 3 weeks?" Does this seem aggressive enough or should he push for more immediate attention and treatment?
We are thinking they'll want to put him back on ADT and Abiraterone since it originally worked well and knocked his T to 0, but based on the significant depression, severe brain fog, and the extreme fatigue he experienced with the previous 6 months of ADT, he's wondering if there are other options.
A couple questions?
Would Docetaxel be recommended for lymph node metastasis w/o bone/organ involvement as part of hitting it hard up front? Maybe a few infusions would be more tolerable than months and months on ADT? Or, maybe he has to keep this in his back pocket for down the road?
Would other flavors of ADT potentially have less side effects for him, perhaps Lupron instead of Orgovyx?
Would other ARSI's potentially have less side effects for him, perhaps Darolutimide instead of Abiraterone?
What about mono therapy with an ARSI and skip the ADT?
Any insight from this amazing group would be appreciated.
Thanks so much, Adrienne in Colorado.