Hi in my last appointment with my Medical Oncologist she recommended me due the insurance coverage issues to reduce the dosage from 1000 mg with empty stomach to 250 mg and 5 mg prednisone with a low fat breakfast,I am stage four with Mets to bones ,lymph nodes.skull!! I am concerned about it , I don’t want to see my numbers going up again , I am doing my own research and appears to be the same result if I take only 250 mg with the low fat breakfast, my actual PSA is 0.096 , Testosterone is 2.5 and Alkaline Phosphate 74 , is anyone that already changes dosages and have good results , any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks
effectiveness reducing Aberitarone( Z... - Advanced Prostate...
effectiveness reducing Aberitarone( Zytiga Dosage)

there are some users here buying Aberitarone without insurance support at low price from online platform. may be google helps
In regards to dose/efficacy, what I will say is that most patients in most studies of Zytiga (abiraterone) received the full dose -- there is generally a lot less information on how patients who received reduced doses faired.
Generally you should be able to find generic abiraterone for ~125-150 USD / month if using GoodRx (free) and paying cash (rather than insurance)
Hi Thanks for your reply,I got GoodRx app to buy what insurance company doesn’t cover !!!!! Cheapest Pharmacy you can get the prescription is Publix and is not near close to $150 using coupons!!!!! I appreciate when other people are trying to help but cancer drugs are not cheap and in my case when you have other prescriptions,plus keep paying bills ,food , mortgage dealing with copayments here in USA things get a little bit hard!!!
Oh, trust me I understand -- here in USA as well.
Would def recommend you play around w/ the goodRx site and see if any of the major chains have a decent price - even if further away.
I do that for a pricey migraine medication and have Walgreen's fill it (too far away to drive to) and ship it (which they do free/pretty cheaply)
You may not need to be NEAR a pharmacy, but rather find one with a good $ and see if they won't ship the medication to you.
Can't hurt to also look into this: zytiga.com/starting-zytiga/...
The brand name drug is still available and the manufacturer behind it still has an assistance program up and running - have heard HCPs several times state their patients get the brand > generic b/c the brand actually works out to be less $.
Best of luck
Try getting the full dose from costplusdrugs.com It is only $85/ month.
Ty Allen, wasn't aware they had added it to their formulary --- To the original poster, I would say disregard my advice and go with this!
I just started at CostPlus Drugs with full dose (my doctor's office refused me a Rx for lowfat breakfast 250mg), Cost for me was $194/month (lowfat dose would have been less than $30/month). I wonder how I can get the $85/month price.
I started at 1,000, had start of liver failure so cut in half to 500, am going to reduce to 250 I think, then take a break for as many months as my psa stays down, we have to push the envelope as we are all in experimental mode with these latest drug combos, I am at it now 27 years so this IHT has work magic for me. Intermittent hormone therapy.
I can get Abirterone from India- is the same drug etc. for $190 per 120 500 mg. tabs, pm me to get information.
AA under the brand of Birato much less cheap than Zytiga.
Sorry made an error, I should have said, Been on 500mg with food for about 5 years, I started Zytiga 6 years ago. PSA has remained stable. Age 68.
been on 500mg for 4 years after liver problem on 1000mg. 3.5 years no detectable Good luck
Most studies are with 1000mg
However, there have
Take with Food: Study Tests Lowering Dose of Prostate Cancer Drug: National Cancer Institute April 23 2018
Also Journal of Clinical Oncology 2020
The following looks at low dose efficacy, but is written primarily from a cost reduction perspective for patients in developing countries
Low-Dose Abiraterone in Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Is It Practice Changing? Facts and Facets
Amol Patel, MBBS, MD, DM1; Ian F. Tannock, MD, PhD2; Priyanka Srivastava, MD, DNB3; Bivas Biswas, MD, DM4; Vineet Govinda Gupta, MD, DM5; Atul Batra, MD, DM6; Sainath Bhethanabhotla, MD, DM7; Raja Pramanik, MD, DM6; Shubh Mahindru, MBBS, DNB8; TVSVGK Tilak, DM9; Chandan Krishna Das, MD, DM10; and Prashant Mehta, MD, DM11
I am not sure where you get your meds, but if you get them from a specialty pharmacy attached to the Cancer Center you go to, they should be able to help you get the Abiraterone with no Copay.
Ask them.
There are number of Foundations and Non profits that help with this.
Use your CoPilot or Chap GPT to find a listing of them.
Also while not prying, please fill in some info in your profile so we on this site better understand you situation and can offer some advice.
Not sure if you have prescription insurance, but even if you do, Good RX, Single Care or Cost Plus can most times help with costs. They are all readily searchable.
There are also some proponents of the 250 mg with a high fat breakfast on the site, but I have never tried it.
Best wishes on your journey
To have to change your prescription, due to insurance saving money is so sad. America's health system is broken.
No wonder, CEO of United Healthcare was shot dead.
Best luck.
True I came to USA is 1994 work hard for what i got I always believe that I was in best system, I do follow every single rules , became citizen many years ago , never take anything for granted!! Is really sad when you see people who don’t do anything and have every single benefits and privileges and now the same system is closing the doors on my face and I can’t do nothing about it
I take 250 mg with a 350 calorie low fat breakfast and my T is undetectable. I buy it for $89 to my door from Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs. I’ve tried 4 a day with no change in the results. I suggest you have your T checked after a month of low dose. God Bless.
I been trying to download the form from the website!!! I send and email and basically they said that they don’t take my insurance!! Only option left is having my MO send the info to them and paid out of my pocket
Have been taking 250 mg with healthy lunch for 4 or 5 years now.
AA is fat soluble, if taken with a McD big breakfast you'd only need 50 to 100 mg day. Most of it is rejected by the body. The amount of prednisone should be about the same (as if taking 1000 mg day) because what counts is how much AA is absorbed.
I tolerate this approach (250 w/ lunch) much better than 1000 mg at 0500 but that just may be me.
Use Mark Cuban cost plus and spurn my insurance and its hoops (Express Scripts) now that the med cost is circa $20/month for AA.
Halloz Aloz,
There are TONS of posts regarding Aberitarone (a/k/a Abi) in our H.U. history file. You may wish to select and review them. Refer to top left area of this screen to access the H.U. history file.
Note: Treatment with abiraterone, which works by disrupting the production of testosterone, can increase blood pressure and decrease potassium levels. So prednisone is always given along with abiraterone to reduce the risk of these side effects.
BTW would you please update your bio, all info is voluntary but it helps you and helps us too. Thank you!!! One more thing, is it Your-ami or Mi-ami?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Thanks remember everyone is a different case !!!!, everyone has a different response!!! That is the reason why I ask to see what is going to be the best in my case!!!!I been on Abi plus Prednisone for around ten months or less unfortunately Health System in USA is broken that is my own opinion, I going to paid the prescription out of my pocket period!! Don’t want to keep stressing for something that have no fix !! Last thing is Miami were I leave for the last 30 years
Quoting you: "Everyone has a different case and a different response?"
Then there's no need for this site...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Hey if you dont like what I am posting or something else !!!! Like my name please back up and move forward on another direction !!! I have enough already to be dealing with people like you!!! So please ignore me !!! I going to keep posting whatever i feel like it
Try Costplus drugs. No insurance.
Try Onco360.com Depends on your income.. I get my Zytiga free from them for a couple of years now.. I don't know what there limits are but my adjusted gross income is like 22K and I easily qualify for free AA Good luck..