I mentioned Modified Citrus Pectin in several posts and replies but I was sent this write up and figured it was good to share. justusrhope.substack.com/p/...
Preventing Cancers, Dementia, and Spi... - Advanced Prostate...
Preventing Cancers, Dementia, and Spike Protein Disease with MCP

It's definately good and effective but very expensive
I think eating the white skin of oranges has benefit too but be careful not to expose your teeth to the fresh orange as the acidity wears down the enamal
My latest discovery is cloves, me and my husband have ground cloves every day now - where to start with the benefits there are so many - cloves contain a high amount of eugenol are the highest source of catalase I am blown away by the benefits of cloves and they are really inexpensive
Can you share which brand /amazon you take please?
This brand is the one used in the MCP cancer study, it's the only one I use. Best to get the powder, capsules you don't get enough product. study dose 15gr a day. Keep in mind MCP is a binder - removes heavy metals and detoxifies the body. So study up on it before deciding to use. It is very pricey . Brand name PectoSol by EcoNugenics ; amazon.com/PectaSol-Modifie...
Am I reading this right ? looks like Catalase is bad for PCa. pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articl....
That is a very confusing study - I have read it a few times it is suggestive yet not conclusive There are many other studies saying that catalase declines with age and low catalase predicts a poor prognosis when it comes to cancer
I am not advising just sharing possibilities
Me and my husband are continuing with cloves - it definately stops my arthritis that's for sure
I read further on it and I agree it had my head in a spin . Catalase in one regard is bad then not so bad. So many foods like Avacados, broc, etc have it , all of which I eat daily so what the heck. I did read Ivermectin lowers Catalase in the prostate. Cherries and other flavanoid rich foods help cancel out catalase. This stuff is mind bending to try and sort out. My first reaction was to let you know, but now after reading more I am just left confused .
Eating the white part of oranges may have some benefit but not via the same route that modified citrus pectin does. Yes, when you eat the pith, you ingest the same pectin. But the molecular weight of the pectin (think, a long or short molecule, as in: abc-abc-abc-abc, versus "abc-abc," is simply too long to pass the gut's barrier and enter into the blood.
The "modified" uses either/or heat and pH (think lye) to break the length of the molecules into shorter ones. For use on skin, hyaluronic acid is commonly used. Hyaluronic acid is availble in short-lengths, to long length, measured in Daltons, from 900,000 to 10 million. 900,000 is absorbed into the skin, whereas the 10 million acts as a barrier and is not absorbed.
In the case of modified citrus pectin let's use as a "for instance" that the pectin is normally 2 million Dalton. It's modified with heat/pH to "break" molecules apart, let's say 500,000 Daltons. Now the shorter length can get into the blood supply.
Cloves, I agree, go for it. The question is how much is enough to help, and how much might be too much--I don't know the answer. But on Amazon there is an inxpensive clove extract that is 10:1, meaning that 1/2 gram (a large capsule of the power) would contain as much as 5 grams of powdered cloves.
There are actually many substances, adjuvants and supplements that affect cancer
Pleiotropic Actions Against Cancer: Inhibits tumor growth; Inhibits tumor angiogenesis; Inhibits cancer cell adhesion or Inhibits cancer cell proliferation and I'll add another: Some are known to increase apoptosis (cell death).
I was diagnosed in July, last year, and was not about to be rushed, (I stated Orgovxy + Abiraterone in December) but felt that I was playing "Russian Roulette," so I took Mod Citrus Pectin + Quercetin + ALA + NAC + Green Tea Extract + Theanine + Trans Pterostilbene + Astaxanthin + Piperine + Curcumin + Ashwaganda
I chose the above for one reason, each specially hindered cancer's ability to attach to a blood supply (angiogenesis). What I feared was tiny clusters of cells metastasizing distant to the prostate.
In July my PSA was 54, in December (before taking Org + Abi,) it was 49. My Ca is Gleason 8, extracapsular spread and most would expect a PSA rise due to expansion of the tumor. Was it real? N=1, "not enough evidence."
But, every single one of those above, are not toxic, (at proper doses) and are pretty cheap (the mod citrus isn't it costs about $120/month). I have a capsule maker, and buy bulk and make my own pills.
Now that I'm on Orgo + Abi, I had to stop many of the above because the Org/Abi is cleared by our P450 3A4 system and many of the above (Pterostilbene, Astaxanthin, Piperine, Curcumin, Aswaganda interact with the 3A4 system, and might cause increased blood levels of the Orgovxy + Abi, along with increased adverse effects.
It really is a fascinating study.
Yes you can't just take natural remedies when you are looking at gleason score 8 that's what my husband had he went for surgery in 2018 we try to prevent any progression with the help of natural remedies preferably by the way of food
Grapefruit juice has the same effect on some enzymes - it blocks them and thereby blocks metabolism / elimination of some drugs
Definately fascinating
I take the maintenance dose for now of 5g. Hope I dont have to increase it.