My husband's PSA more than doubled after his first Pluvicto treatment, 265 to 646. Having to get blood transfusions routinely now. Anyone else have this occur?
PSA rising with Pluvicto: My husband's... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA rising with Pluvicto

How soon after? Did he have an FDG PET in addition to a PSMA PET scan?
It has been six weeks since the first Pluvicto treatment. I am not aware of a FDG PET being done. We are in Jacksonville for appointment at the Mayo Clinic now and he had his bloodwork done and his Hemoglobin is so low that I do not imagine that they will do treatment tomorrow. He will most likely be told to go home and get a blood transfusion. He is 83 and and has lost 25lbs since his treatment six weeks ago. He is unable to eat solid food without gagging and throwing up. He only drinks high calorie Boost, water and hydration fluids at this point. He has lost 70lbs over the past year. It is breaking my heart!
This might explain why his prostate cancer may have gotten worse after Pluvicto treatment:
Hi !
In some patients having Lutetium they can have a ’flare’. 1-2 weeks after first injection and PSA can rise a lot but then start to go down again. I don’t know of course when they measured the increase in PSA and if they have taken additional PSA after.
Anyway, just a thought and I think a dialouge with your MO is in place to get his / hers expert input
Best wishes - Ulf
hello seedeep
Yikes what a terrible situation you’re living through. As I 🤔 think about you I don’t want you having to deal with that. But as always it’s your choice. By listening to your soul and heart, you hear the echoes of truth
After my first Pluvicto infusion my PSA went from 320 to 840. After that it kept going down. Cut about in half every 3 months. My last infusion was in April and my PSA still is going down. I'm at a PSA of about 5 now.
You have such a difficult time right now though. He's pretty beat up from PC and treatments. I hope they can stabilize him (get his bone marrow, blood specifics up to par so he can receive treatment of some type. Be comfortable.
I had what is referred to as a Spec CT after my first Pluvicto infusion. This helped to identify that indeed the Pluvicto was attaching to my PC cells (PSMA cells). If they can identify that the Pluvicto is going to the targeted cells and IF he can get his blood labs in better shape maybe another infusion would be prudent. But all speculation on my part. The thinking of an amature here. So please discuss with his medical team.
My thoughts are with you. Its a tough thing this is.
So nice that you’re also trying to help. My help was just trying to help him get some nutrients down with juicing because he was vomiting. you’re right and I agree about talking to his medical team
for hubby, they told us to disregard PSA but his alkaline phosphate rose to 230. Had a scan after 4: Mets all over in the bones, skull to femurs. Major spread from where he started. He stopped pluvicto and started Jevtana
What a terrible situation! I do hope they are able to stabilize him and get him in good enough condition to do another Pluvicto. My PSA also rose after the first dose but then steadily declined. The before Pluvicto and after Pluvicto PET scans show an amazing decrease in tumors. I'm now in good enough shape to be looking for clinical trials, with traditional treatments as a fall-back.
Please have hope and try and find something he likes to do/watch/think about to help lift his spirits. Maybe just some sugar-free hard candy to suck on, or driving around to see the Christmas decorations. I do believe that the better one's spirits the better the QOL and the better the outcome. Having this disease is bad enough, without feeling miserable as well.
My best to you both because caregiving is hard -- I know from experience -- so take care of yourself, as well.
There are loads of posts regarding "PSA rising with Pluvicto" in our H.U. History file. Just search that file and you can review them.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Wow . This man is tough. Hang in there.