Radiation therapy is commonly used in the treatment of prostate cancer, but it is a carcinogen itself. Five years ago before my radiation no one told me about the risk of radiation-associated rectal cancer (RARC) . Those of us who have had EBRT have an additional problem in treatment if we get rectal cancer because if the area with the new cancer which will likely have been radiated previously, limiting the new treatment options. Many of us that had EBRT may have already developed radiation proctitis after pelvic radiotherapy which makes diagnosing RARC even more difficult. The risk factor for colorectal cancer is definitely higher than the general population and more frequent surveillance is suggested. Endoscopy with biopsy still remains the gold standard for diagnosing rectal cancer. I wonder if anyone here has had a colon/rectal issue associated with radiation and how you dealt with it.
Just when we thought it was safe - Advanced Prostate...
Just when we thought it was safe

"Many of us that had EBRT may have already developed radiation proctitis after pelvic radiotherapy which makes diagnosing RARC even more difficult. The risk factor for colorectal cancer is definitely higher than the general population and more frequent surveillance is suggested. Endoscopy with biopsy still remains the gold standard for diagnosing rectal cancer."
I have had no bowel or rectal issues since IMRT for prostate in 2021 and for pelvic nodes in 2023. Last spring I was sent a questionnaire for my 5-year colonoscopy, as the previous two removed polyps, but was not invited to have it. Probably because I disclosed the prostate cancer with all the bowel radiation, plus being age 81.
Thanks for your input vintage. Yes, they generally stop recommending colonoscopy after 75. I’m still going to see my gastroenterologist, had an occult test thru pcp in 2022 , showed negative.
I had my last colonoscopy at 77, and was told if I was still in such good shape I could have one again at 81. But by then my bowels had been subject to radiation twice, for prostate and pelvic nodes, which is a risk factor for colonoscopies. I think it was that more than my age that caused the gastroenterologist to not pursue another colonoscopy.
where did you get this information from? An endoscopy is not used to evaluate the colon for polyps and cancer
I may have missed it but I didn't see any mention of an endoscopy being used to detect polyps in this post (but It does mention rectal Ca).
BTW Would you please be kind enough to update your bio. All information is voluntary, but it helps you and helps us too. Thank You!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Okay, done Mr John from the Bronx
I beg your pardon Mr. McHale, "Da South Bronx"....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Gotcha….I’m a Queens boy, born in Hells Kitchen ….wow South Bronx 40 Pct
I'm a Queens boy now, in Forest Hills....
Growing up in the South Bronx, there were two street gangs that I remember from Hells Kitchen, the Westies and The Irish Dukes......
When many of my parents relatives and friends first immigrated (or jumped ship) from Greek ships (Ellis Island) they generally ended up living in cold water flats in Hells kitchen until they started opening all the Greek restaurants and Diners. (Most of those Diners are fading away).
(Elia Kazan and the movie AMERICA, AMERICA).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
my mother jumped or came off of one of those Greek ships from New York Harbor, my fathers relieves from PA were 6 hours late to meet her...she was petrified....heard some Greek being spoke and went over to the group and they took her care of her...they became lifelong friends...
Yep, I was born across the street from the port authority on 8th ave, cold water flat with no locks on the door......
Yes, I met one of the crazy Westies at a party, he was dating a girlfriend of girl I was dating in Yorkville.
The just closed the Neptune Diner in Astoria after 40 years....
Never in the Neptune but pass it whenever we go to Costco..... Every Greek diner is the same. All owned by a guy name "George" or "Nickos".....
I have a hobby of researching emigrants arrivals/processing through Ellis Island. It's a serious hobby and I do it for free. If I find the person I'm looking for I usually print the ship's manifest and give it to the family for memories. If you wish I can research your family (but only through our direct messaging). Let me know I really like finding the immigrants..... it's semi-detective work.
Those cold water flats had one bathroom per floor. Different world we live in HUH?
Thank goodness for you it was Yorkville after WWII, if it was before then you would have been dating a Nazi.......
Take care, and BTW I usually go to the Blue-Bay diner on Francis Lewis right off the LIE.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Okay I’ll reach out
my mom came over on the queen Federica …..I think she was processed in Athens so she didn’t go thru Ellis Island she came to New York because my father was a merchant marine and I guess he got his citizenship once he hit the states then went back and married her
BTW 42nd Pct.....
(Famous for detective team called Batman and Robin).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
John as I read your post I had to smile because it reminded me of another duo. “Blackman and Robin”. Yes that term would never be used today but that was how Robbin Olds and Chappie James were nicknamed.
I assume the nickname was originated and given in reference to the 40 PCT you mentioned above.
Thanks for the information. Airforce was/is news to me cause I was a grunt
Col. Robin Olds had a long and close friendship with Col. Chappie James, who became the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing vice commander after Col. Vermont Garrison. James, a former Tuskegee Airman, later became the USAF’s first African-American four-star general.
"that term would never be used today" The P.C. police are watching...
42nd Pct.... South Bronx (spent a night in there once)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
An endoscopy can be a general term for camera inspection including colonoscopy although most people believe endoscopy is upper GI only.Colonoscopy is the usual title for exam via the anus
no endoscopy is endoscopy colonoscopy is colonoscopy my point being you’re throwing out loose terms….please site a reference where modern radiation is carcinogenic where in reality about 1.5% increase for second cancer about 15 years out. Please put this in context. Thank you.
mchale, I have a hard time adding links, I will address your concern .
Rectal cancer after Prostate Radiation: A Complex and controversial Disease-PMC
PMID 37190143
Published online 2023 April 9
Do: 10.339/cancers15082214
If not, just ignore this old country boy
marvelous another thing to worry about. Evidently endoscopy of the rectum can be used interchangeably from the links your provided. I stand corrected 👍
Thank You
👍 This look like the link I used for the info, I'm guessing you found it.