My PSA increased after 6 weeks to 0.04 but my T dropped to 8.87 not sure how to think of this.
I had no expectation, so it is what it is.
Plan is my MO will give me a PSMA scan if a I get to 2.0 PSA.
These numbers are so small that I know that they are meaningless at this point but I would still like to see the trends going in opposite directions ;-((
3/12/24 <0.01 Stopped all meds (Lupron, Abiraterone and Prednisone)30 months
4/15/24 <0.01
5/15/24 <0.01
6/27/24 0.03
8/20/24 0.04
Testosterone had been consistently <7 since 11/5/21... until 6/27/24
6/27/24 13.13
8/20/24 8.87
I stopped ADT in March of '24, ( last shot was in De. '23) will see if Radiation and ADT have put me into remission or better yet have "Cured" me.
MO and RO define cure as no rise in PSA for 5 years (March of '29).