Long time reader but first time posting..
I have just received my latest PSMA PET-CT scan results and would like some help interpreting the results and gain your thoughts about situation and treatment plan.
My overall history:
After slowly rising PSA scores to a relatively low peak of 6.1 at 59 years old, biopsy was completed in 12/2019. Had non-nerve sparing RALP with pelvic lymph nodes bilateral 02/2020. Pathology found Advanced Stage - 4, 90% ductal variant prostate cancer with Non-focal, margins involved, multifocal, and extraprostatic extension. Gleason score = 7 (4+3).
PSA scored remained higher than expected and subsequent PSMA scan in 05/2020 showed metastasis as regional and rectal distant lymph nodes cancerous
Received 35 Radiation treatments ending 12/2020 along with 6 monthly HRT shots ending 1/2021. NED until August 2023 then PSA started rising slowly wtih PSA increased from 0.113 on 2/27/2024 to 0.224 on 5/28/2024.
Had a PSMA PET-CT scan on 12/6/2023 that was completely clear. I had another PSMA PET-CT scan on 7/5/24 which shows:
1a.) A bio-chemical recurrence with a 4 mm left para-aortic node with subtle tracer uptake (SUV max 3.0) which has increased in size (previously 2 mm) and is newly tracer avid from prior exam (previously SUV max 2.1).
1b.) Additionally, in the left mesorectal region, there is a focus of subtle tracer uptake without definite CT correlate (SUV max 2.5).
2.) There is also a single tracer avid punctate sclerotic focus within the medial right iliac wing showing the beginnings of bone metastasis.
Current recommended treatment plan is Lupron shots, either Abiraterone acetate along with Prednisone or Enzalutamide. Also have a consultation with the radiation oncologist scheduled for next week.
Thoughts and opinion on treatment plan very much appreciated?