THIS IS NOT GOOD over 40 Liver Lesions - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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THIS IS NOT GOOD over 40 Liver Lesions

Shorehousejam profile image
23 Replies

ON PET SCAN THEY FOUND 3 stating not psma avid on MRI stating they are psma avid

How bad is this ?

PSA went from in a month 0.77 to 3.61


al Range

May 2, 2024 3.61 ng/mL

3.61ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Apr 4, 2024 0.77 ng/mL

0.77ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Mar 7, 2024 0.4 ng/mL

0.4ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Feb 2, 2024 0.22 ng/mL

0.22ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Jan 4, 2024 0.46 ng/mL

0.46ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/m


Normal value: <=3.0 ng/mL

This type of information cannot be graphed.

Data table

Date Value Normal Range

May 2, 2024 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL

<=3.0 ng/mL

Aug 8, 2023 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL


406U/LHigh 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Apr 4, 2024 300 U/L This value is High

300U/LHigh 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Mar 7, 2024 216 U/L

216U/L 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Feb 2, 2024 206 U/L

206U/L 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Jan 4, 2024 147 U/L


Liver Biopsy on Monday Morning

Chromagin A test not back

CEA Test Low <0.05

A smoker is 0.05

I should did radiation to prostate bed

And ignored the MO not to radiate and just stay on systemic therapy

My prostate bed tumour went from 2cm x 2cm to 5cm x 3cm

It looks like it seeded back to my liver and lungs, , I may of had 3 to 8 or more years, listening to MO not radiating was a huge mistake it may of shortened my already pca stage 4 shortened life

My wife begged me to radiate my prostate bed after Radical Prostatectomy with LNR

This is a crime with 2 lytic lesions

MRI Below

Narrative & Impression





Prostate cancer, follow up Prostate cancer, treated, rising PSA level



MR of the abdomen with and without intravenous contrast.

Contrast type: Eovist



04/24/2024 PSMA PET-CT



Liver: Smooth in contour. No segmental atrophy or hypertrophy. No signal loss on opposed phase imaging to suggest steatosis. Multiple (around 40) bilobar rim enhancing liver lesions highly suspicious for metastatic disease, corresponding to PSMA avid lesion seen on recent PET-CT.. For reference, segment 7 lesion measures 3.1 cm (series 14, image 38). A segment 2 lesion measures 3.3 cm (series 14, image 32) an additional segment 2 lesion measures 3.5 cm (series 14, image 34).


Portal and hepatic veins: Patent.


Biliary system: Gallbladder is unremarkable. No biliary calculi or ductal dilatation.


Pancreas: Unremarkable.


Spleen: Unremarkable.


Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.


Kidneys: Simple cysts in the left kidney measuring up to 14 cm.


Bowel: Unremarkable.


Lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.


Abdominal aorta: No aneurysm.

Inferior vena cava: Unremarkable.


Peritoneum: No ascites.


Osseous structures/soft tissues: Expansile heterogeneous lesion in the right iliac bone unchanged. Induration in the ventral abdominal wall, unchanged. Small ventral hernias.


Lower chest: Unremarkable.



Multiple (approximately 40) bilobar hepatic lesions compatible with metastatic disease.


Electronically Signed By:

Scans on Order

Scan on 5/2/2024  6:30 PM

Result History

MR Liver Advanced with + without IV Contrast (Order #709934684) on 5/3/2024 - Order Result History Report


Show images for MR Liver Advanced with + without IV Contrast

PET Scan below




Metastatic prostate cancer, rising PSA


PET/CT skull base to thigh-subsequent treatment strategy

F18 PYL dose: 10.00 millicuries

Injection site: L AC

Time of injection: 17:00

Time of emission scan: 18:06

Oral Contrast: No

Intravenous Contrast: None

Intravenous Lasix: None

The low-mAs CT Protocol used for this PET/CT study is designed for attenuation correction

and anatomic localization of PET abnormalities.

The standard uptake values (SUV) reported below are maximum values within a region of interest,

expressed in gm/ml.






Mean liver SUV: 5.9, previously 5.2

Mean blood pool SUV: 1.7, previously 1.6

Mean right parotid gland SUV: 18.3, previously 24.7

HEAD/FACE: Physiologic PSMA uptake is seen in the lacrimal and salivary glands.

NECK: Physiologic PSMA uptake is seen in neck muscles.

CERVICAL NODES: No abnormal PSMA uptake.

MEDIASTINUM/HEART/GREAT VESSELS: Physiologic PSMA uptake in the mediastinal blood pool. Coronary artery calcifications.

LUNGS: Small azygous lobe. No abnormal PSMA uptake.

*New non PSMA avid 0.3 cm solid pulmonary nodule in the right upper lobe (image 122)

*Newly appreciated non PSMA avid subpleural ground-glass opacity in right lower lobe (image 147)

Biapical scarring. Unchanged bandlike opacity in the left anterior upper lobe, probably residual mucoid impaction and subsegmental atelectasis. Unchanged emphysematous changes.

PLEURA/PERICARDIUM: No abnormal PSMA uptake.

THORACIC NODES: Unchanged mild PSMA uptake in bilateral axillary lymph nodes, for example:

*Right axillary 1.2 x 0.9 cm, SUV 3.0 (image 117), previously 1.2 x 0.9 SUV 2.3

*Left axillary 1.3 x 0.9 cm, SUV 2.2 (image 110), previously 1.3 x 0.7 SUV 2.1

*Subcarinal (image 196) SUV 2.9, previously 2.5

HEPATOBILIARY:Multiple new non-avid hypodense hepatic lesions. For example:

*Segment 5, 2.8 x 2.2 (image 125)

*Segment 7/8, 2.7 x 2.5 cm, (image 155)

*Segment 2 (image 169) 3.2 x 2.6 cm

SPLEEN: Physiologic PSMA uptake.

PANCREAS: No abnormal PSMA uptake.

ADRENAL GLANDS: No abnormal PSMA uptake.

KIDNEYS/URETERS/BLADDER: Excreted physiologic PSMA activity is present. Redemonstrated photopenic large left renal cysts.

ABDOMINOPELVIC NODES: Unchanged non PSMA avid abdominopelvic lymph nodes, for example:

*Left common iliac 0.8 cm SUV 1.4,

*Right external iliac 0.8 cm SUV 1.8

BOWEL/PERITONEUM/MESENTERY: Physiologic PSMA uptake in the small bowel and colon. No abnormal PSMA uptake.

PROSTATE GLAND/SEMINAL VESICLES: Increased in size of heterogeneously PSMA avid irregular enlarged prostate gland with low attenuation necrotic and solid components. For example, PSMA avid left side solid component extending into left pelvic wall, 5.2 x 3.2 cm, SUV 6.1 image 42), previously 2.1 x 2.1 cm, SUV 5.6. Increased intensity of posterior border of necrotic component abutting the anterior rectal wall SUV 8.5.

Increasing left pelvic lymphocele 4.8 x 4.0 cm, previously 4.3 x 3.4 cm.

BONES/SOFT TISSUES: Unchanged PSMA avid osseous lesions, for example:

*Right iliac SUV 2.4 (image 256), previously SUV 2.4

*Right lower hemisacrum SUV 1.3 (image 271) SUV 1.2



Since February 2, 2024,

1. Increased size of heterogenously PSMA avid prostate lesions abutting the rectum and left pelvic wall.

2. Multiple new non-PSMA avid hypodense hepatic lesions, indeterminant. Differentials can include metastatic prostate (dedifferentiated), new primary neoplasm, or non-malignant process. Recommend MRI liver protocol for further characterization.

3. Unchanged minimally PSMA avid bilateral axillary and abdominopelvic lymph nodes.

4. Unchanged osseous lesions.

5. Non PSMA avid new subcentimeter solid nodule and ground-glass opacity, nonspecific. Attention on follow-up imaging.

The following terms are used to convey the radiologist's level of certainty for a given interpretation.

Consistent with > 90%

Suspicious for/Probable/Probably approx 75%

Possible/Possibly approx 50%

Less likely approx 25%

Unlikely < 10%

Electronically Signed By:

Scans on Order

Scan on 4/24/2024

Written by
Shorehousejam profile image
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23 Replies
cesces profile image

What has your PSA trajectory been with all this going on?

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply tocesces


al Range

May 2, 2024 3.61 ng/mL

3.61ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Apr 4, 2024 0.77 ng/mL

0.77ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Mar 7, 2024 0.4 ng/mL

0.4ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Feb 2, 2024 0.22 ng/mL

0.22ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/mL

Jan 4, 2024 0.46 ng/mL

0.46ng/mL <=3.99 ng/mL

<=3.99 ng/m


Normal value: <=3.0 ng/mL

This type of information cannot be graphed.

Data table

Date Value Normal Range

May 2, 2024 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL

<=3.0 ng/mL

Aug 8, 2023 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL


406U/LHigh 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Apr 4, 2024 300 U/L This value is High

300U/LHigh 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Mar 7, 2024 216 U/L

216U/L 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Feb 2, 2024 206 U/L

206U/L 118 to 230 U/L

118 - 230 U/L

Jan 4, 2024 147 U/L


Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toShorehousejam


Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toShorehousejam


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply toShorehousejam

Your PSA seems to be stable.

Is it possible that your liver mets might be stable as opposed to to growing?

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply tocesanon

If you look at previous post from pet scan they stated 3 lesions are Not psma avid, the mri states they are psma avid

StayingOptimistic profile image

your psa is very slow. Very strange

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toStayingOptimistic

True but I’m scared out of my mind

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply toShorehousejam

I can certainly understand your fear. I wish I have something useful to say. I am not very educated about the subject, unfortunately

StayingOptimistic profile image

what is the history of your chromogranin A and CEA values?

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toStayingOptimistic

Chromogranin A not returned last one was 117.00

As of yesterday



Normal value: <=3.0 ng/mL

This type of information cannot be graphed.

Data table

Date Value Normal Range

May 2, 2024 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL

<=3.0 ng/mL

Aug 8, 2023 <0.5 ng/mL

<0.5ng/mL <=3.0 ng/mL

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toStayingOptimistic

Yesterday My Carcinoembryonic Antigen <0.5 ng/ml

<=3.0 ng/mL Non-Smoker: <= 3.0 Smoker: <= 5.0

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toStayingOptimistic

My LDH double to 400

My last Chromogranin


Oct 10, 2023


0 - 103 ng/mL

Sep 7, 2023


0 - 103 ng/mL

0 - 103 ng/mL H

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply toShorehousejam

Does cgA associated with liver disease ?

StayingOptimistic profile image

I don’t know what to make out of these numbers. My cgA is always high and my CEA is always double the high limit. I have 2 MO and they don’t give me straight answers when I ask so I left it alone.

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toStayingOptimistic

Yup, I get it

Seasid profile image

What your doctors are saying about all of this? What do they recommend? Are you still only on Abiraterone plus ADT? What are the results of your liver biopsy?

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toSeasid

Pet Scan was 04/24

MRI Yesterday

Liver Biopsy Monday

skiingfiend profile image

Some MO's involved in NEPC/SCPC treatment and research:

The Current Therapeutic Landscape for Metastatic Prostate Cancer (2024) with an emphasis of NEPC/SCPC:

Shorehousejam profile image
Shorehousejam in reply toskiingfiend

Still praying it’s not neuroendocrine

Thank you

skiingfiend profile image
skiingfiend in reply toShorehousejam

There are 2 distinct cancers in this group, that share similarities but are not the same thing:

1. NEPC - neuroendocrine prostate cancer

2. SCPC - small cell prostate cancer

If scpc emerges after treatment it is referred to as:

3. treatment emergent SCPC

You will most likely have either:

a. adenocarcinoma metastasis to the liver (normal PCa)

b. some fraction of treatment emergent SCPC (mixed mode)

Your liver biopsy will hopefully answer this question.

Shorehousejam profile image

Thank you

j-o-h-n profile image

Have you recently encountered any symptoms associated with liver issues? Hopefully it is just a glitch "in the scan"......Stay fast and steady....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


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