Has anyone used clean Keto to lose weight without muscle while taking Lupron? I gained 20 around my middle mostly because of inactivity from fatigue. I am committed to change but cannot afford to lose any muscle. I am not thinking keto as a long term or permanent way of eating, only to force my body to burn the fat without losing muscle. 3 years in Lupron with reduced excersize and a few injuries has taken a toll on muscle mass. Don’t want to be another thin person who still looks fat. Please share anything that may help. Blessings to all!
Clean Keyo diet while on Lupron - Advanced Prostate...
Clean Keyo diet while on Lupron

Not sure if Keto on its own will give you results you are looking for without an aggressive workout plan
Oh I plan on being aggressive with workouts. Just do not wnat to lose 20lbs and have 10 of it be muscle. The Keto mantra is that your body switches to burning fat instead of carbs. Not sure I am a true believer.
I plan on most of the workouts being early morning, after being well rested. Evenings are tough with fatigue setting in.
You are trying to ‘double down’ with Keto and exercise. You don’t need to do that. Put the exercise first. Eat lots of protein and few carbohydrates yes, and probably less food overall. Forget the dieting, all of it. Diets don’t work- by definition.
hi there. I was diagnosed in ‘16 with Stg 4PCA, Gleason score 9/10, and mets to bones. Leading up to that, I hv been 10yrs type 2 diabetic, hv been on ADT with quarterly shots of Gosserelin and daily 1000mg Zytiga and 5 mg prednisone . PSA has been undetectable (<0.008) I started keto in 2018, and also practice intermittent fasting . I hv managed to bring A1c to 5.8 from 9.8, weight is now a constant 158lbs from 210. My onco is thrilled. All I can say is that energy levels for me is good at 85-90% and I attribute that to my diet and fasting as it was brutal before I started Keto and fasting. I hv to say that there will be muscle loss with treatment and it wud be tough to build mass. Excerise daily to maintain strength and slow muscle loss is all I can say and attest to .Good Luck !
If you are only on Lupron, keto should still work fine as it is also working for me under Orgovyx/Relugolix.
But when I was taking Abiraterone with Prednisone my body just would not remain in ketosis because the Prednisone spikes up the cortisol pretty much all day long.
Keep in mind that while keto might spare you from getting overly fat, the lack of testosterone itself will cause your muscles to waste away. From my own experience, prior to being on ADT my training regimen was gradually increasing my muscle mass. While on ADT I am still training as much by my muscle mass is no longer increasing and I'd say it is even decreasing despite the exercise. And my muscles hurt as if I was someone who is just starting to exercise rather than someone who has been exercising for years. But it would be even worse without the exercise so it is worth it.
Not just for the looks but for the energy levels and to protect your bone density. The more you can elevate your heart rate during your exercise, the better. For example, and I am not saying to imitate me as we each have our own fitness level, but I've noticed that if the highest my heartbeat gets is 120, that day and the day after I am not as energetic as when I add some running and get my heartbeat to 150 for a few minutes.
Best of luck to you!
Thanks for the detailed info. I have other meds like warfarin and Metoprolol but no Prednisone. I had a mechanical Aortic valve put in 12 years ago. Works like a champ. But if you were next to me you would say, why is your watch so loud, lol!! tick-tick,tick-tick.....
I stay away of keto because I think it’s not good for my health. I go with plant based diet plus fish, minimum sugar, alcohol and fat and daily exercise. This works great.
Eat what you like to eat, just less of it. Cut out excessive carb consumption. Exercise 5 days a week -high intensity exercise 3 times a week and weights the other 2 days.
I lost weight by forcing myself to chart every calorie and by exercising a minimum of 500 cal a day. The charting educates you about where calories are coming from. When you are thinking of having a beer you say to yourself. Dang I don’t want to have to chart 250 empty calories. I used “ lose it “ app. I also did resistance training twice a week snd did not get weaker.
I am no expert but here is what I do everyday. During this cancer journey I have been able to lose weight, gain muscle and feel like a million dollars. I am now with 5 pounds of what I weighed in college while playing sports and my waist is with 1”. My overall attitude and energy level is amazing and life is really good.
Here is what I do. I go to the gym everyday. I do 10 minutes of stretching followed by 30 minutes of resistance training. I do circuit training using light weights and some machines. I then walk the indoor track for a hour to 45 minutes. I wear an Apple Watch to keep track of my exercise and steps.
I then take the dogs hiking for another hour. They love running free in the forest. Doing this my step count is somewhere around 12000 to 15000 each day. I also am on my feet about 12 hours a day. I have found that Apple Watch to be really helpful and an easy way to track my efforts.
I eat a balanced diet and I have used a smaller salad plate to control portions. I try to make the plate colorful which means I incorporate veggies and fruits. I eat three meals a day and snack on nuts if I am low on energy.
I eat a dessert about three times a week and control my carbs. The key for me has been that PLATE size and only doing one serving. No seconds! That takes willpower but gets easier after time. On Sunday I allow myself to spurge at one meal.
I have been doing this for a little over two years and I feel and look great.
I probably should add I am pushing 80. So age is not and should not be a issue.
Hope this helps!
Nothing really impressive about it; you just have to be patient, stay the course and do not quit.
The hardest part was getting over I could not run like I did at 20 and 30. LOL
keto or low carb works well for fat loss, but better with seed oil avoidance.
See Dr. Cate website. On my Oligometastatic journey I ate almost Carnivore
And have had undectable psa even on over a year of testosterone supplement.
I am now at 5 years with no evidence of disease and reversed diabetes and am now with an A1c of 5.5 on no medications
Prior I was eating Ancestral low carb for six years and lost eighty pounds and have kept it off now more than eleven years.
You can download the Rose corn oil study from 1965 from the web. More died on the oil wing than on the saturated fat wing.
Also see Chris Ramsden’s recovered date studies from unpublished. studies from the sixty- seventy era. You will be surprised. Just look him up and you will find them.
Good luck.