What are the most Accurate scans for detecting hot spots of cancer?
Husband has had several PSMA scans and CT with contrast yet nothing shows up.
He had one lymph show up in 2017 on an Auxium scan and it was radiated. 7 years later PSA rising… up to 14. Yet scans show nothing definitive.
CT with contrast showed what they described as “Unchanged” Lymph node suspicious for cancer metastasis yet not conclusive.
Does he need some other type scan? Should he proceed with radiation on “suspicious” lymph?
His and has been on Lupron for 6 years and recently and added NUBEQA about one year ago.
In one year PSA has been rising. Up to 14 now.
Dr. Aggarwal says no longer treat PSA # only scan results. Yet, CT with contrast is not definitive.
Thank you!