I have always thought it accelerated recovery and created water retention….
I have always thought it accelerated recovery and created water retention….
I use it daily in conjunction with other supplements. Water is retained by muscles because muscle needs water to grow, I have put on lots of muscle
Yes water and glucose and proteins, but water retention is another thing. Makes you grow in size but it’s not functional, causes higher blood pressure and makes you lose definition. That’s the kind of water retention I meant. In the old days they used creatine just for mass period when you had no competitions and you had those extra 20 pounds on and you wanted to work harder and needed recovery….absolutely avoided during competition season because you could not get ripped. If you have one of those scales that measure body composition you can keep an eye on it.
Haven't had problem with BP so maybe I am lucky. I use it during bulk and not during cut.
Pump that iron then! 👍👍💪💪
Iron, who's she?..... New kid on the block? Is she related to Creatine.......?
Geez, good material is hard to come by...... must be "the holiday season reason"....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 11/28/2023 6:14 PM EST
any link between creatine and cancer progression? I'm hesitant because I don't want to give the beast food.
Same here. For now (but it's not clinical on humans, we will have to wait for that) it's believed that creatine helps when you are not metastatic, but if you are metastatic it would help...your metastasis. Then we have some anecdotal evidence of people using it being metastatic and had no progression. Too soon to call I am afraid.
I would use it but without the massive loading period that they used to suggest 25 years ago (like one week with 25g of creatine per day loading, then 5-10 grams per day for a cycle of 4-6 months). I would probably go for 3 grams per day everyday or 5 grams per day on workout days.
Creatine is fine, I do use it and don’t retain much water on it. Makes a small difference i suppose.
I just wish I could take pre workout stimulant drinks like I used to, even if it’s nothing but a mild speed hit. They interfere with my sleep even if I use them in the AM.
Oh well. There’s always effort, which fortunately still works best for me.
Creatine = water retention. Also integral in the ATP energy cycle.
Good to help with bulking. I haven't noticed much over the 30 years of cycling this purposely/inadvertently, but I haven't done a controlled study on myself.
If you are about to compete and need to shred, drop the creatine before the event.