First, I'd like to thank the many good folks that contribute this forum. Your inputs have been a life send to me over the past several years, especially Tall Allen who recommended UW Medicine where my MO and RO are located. They have been fantastic to work with.
The short story - Diagnosed in 2018. Had RP in early 2019. Never went undetectable. Had Full Pelvic Radiation with boost to two lymph nodes that showed uptake on PSMA scan. PSA eventually started rising and next PSMA showed a single site uptake in a retroperitoneal LN. Passed on ADT due to side effects and opted for SBRT MDT to his LN. Scans showed it was successful.
PSA dropped and has now shown a small rise. Latest PSMA shows 3 nodes with uptake. I know this is whack-a-mole, but was hoping to delay ADT. 2 of the 3 nodes are easy but the 3rd is touching the lower intestine and my RO is hesitant to zap it due to possible harm to the intestine.
At this point my thought is to initiate Lupron/Abi/Prednizone and hope to be able to take a vacation in 2 or 3 years. Seems to me there is no loss in zapping the two nodes that showed active but not sure if my RO would go for that. Any thoughts?
I believe my MO will be leaning toward life long ATD without an vacations. My initial 6 month shot of Lupron gave severe hot flashes, night sweats and joint pain. Of course, man boobs and fatigue as well. Exercise had helped a bunch I'm sure. If this is what is going to prolong my life with the family, I can suck it up.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Meeting with MO on Wednesday.
Thanks again for all of the great information and support.