Does anyone know about this newer treatment for urinary incontinence ?
Emsella treats for incontinence - Advanced Prostate...
Emsella treats for incontinence
Sorry, I have not tried that medication. But in general meds dont work on my USI (stress incontinence). I have looked at getting surgical relief but find that 1) my sRT (salvage radiation) excludes me from a Sling and 2) my leakage is not severe enough for a AUS (artificial sphincter). Check these articles;
I am thinking about getting a ProAct implant, but right now my leakage is 'manageable,' so I put up with it...we find 'tricks' to keep leakage to low levels and different activities affect us differently...for me its hard labor, like gardening, that I cant control. Rick
PS if you have not tried them, buy the washable pull up underwear...saves heaps on pads and they do work for low leakage. Again, dont know your level of urine loss...Rick
To R. Montana. Emsella is not a med. it is a treatment where you sit in a chair. It apparently provides over 11000 kegels. . Google it . I have an upcoming webinar with my Urologiat and have some submitted questions.

Interesting device, I read about it some time ago.. I seem to recall the treatments aren't covered by Medicare (unless that's changed..) and were expensive. Searching on it turned up a used one for $55,000 on eBay, and a Chinese repaired one for $1600 ( and a few more rebuilt ones from the same vendor.

My bad. Interesting. My USI doesn’t seem to benefit from Keegle‘s because I don’t feel the urine flowing when I am working. If you don’t feel the passage of urine, normal Keegle’s are not going to work. You can’t walk around all day tensing your hammock muscles. I had radiation to my bladder neck post RP and I think that screwed up that part of my sphincter urinary control. Let me know if you try this and how it works. I’ll keep doing some reading on it. Thanks. RickPA will look for the FDA study that approved this as well.
Anyone had Botox injected into the bladder neck?
I don’t know if you saw this post from Darrell. Some of these treatments are beyond belief. I don’t know who would ever try them. If you are brave enough to do Botox injections on your bladder neck, I applaud you. Let me know how it works.
I had the ProAct and HUGE difference. Almost leak free. i am 99.9% dry now even when I play tennis
It looks like an interesting device and quite possibly very useful.. is it fairly new? In checking for MD's who do it - there are almost none in the NJ/NYC area, and those who do aren't at major teaching hospitals..
Thank you. I will check out ProAct.
…good to know. Where did you get your implant?
I did not get an implant. I had a radical prostatectomy. Much success for your healing!
…thanks. I checked with my urologist and he did not have any experience with this implant. One more question did you have salvage radiation or radiation treatment. I had a prostatectomy then I needed to salvage radiation. Let me know cause that makes our urethra more susceptible to erosion when we use these types of implants. But the pro act is better because it doesn’t go all the way around the urethra. Did you have radiation. Thanks.
I had a radical prostatectomy. I did mot need any additional radiation. It is just incontinence from the prostatectomy that I dealing with. I hope you are doing well.

…thanks. Read ur bio; found out the same. U did exactly right on Decipher!!! My GS was 4+3 but my Decipher came back a whopping 0.97. Wonder why they just did not say 1.0! So my case the opposite; medium GS but off the charts Decipher…so I had to throw kitchen sink at it. So far so good. Coming off 21 months of ADT as of Dec22; chest hair just now coming back. For me it’s a flat 50-50 chance of BCR…coin toss. Leakage is from sRT of bladder neck. Low so I love w it for now. Best to u. Rick.