What is the best medicine for radiation incontinence. This just started about two months ago. I am 5 years out from PC metastatic pelvic radiation and going on 15+ years from original diagnosis.
Radiation Incontinence: What is the... - Advanced Prostate...
Radiation Incontinence

Some info about urinary incontinence in patients with prostate cancer :
You might try imipramine.
Pelvic floor training (Kegel exercises) is definitive treatment for incontinence whether post-surgical or post-radiation. You do not mention if you are doing them. Such exercises are "medicine" too but do not cost anything except a bit of time. I have an app on my phone to remind me twice a day to do my Kegels. Good luck and best wishes. Incontinence for me was a real downer.
You might try seeing a urologist. I had RT nine years ago and went in last week to see about an AUS. Turns out I had bladder stones and he said they'd likely been there for the whole nine years. I had them removed two days ago at the hospital and see the doc today for a follow-up, and hopefully to get rid of the catheter.
Thanks for the Information
That is disconcerting to see that problem manifest years after the radiation. I could be looking at radiation some time in my future. Good luck and be sure to let us know what fixes this problem.
My urologist says this new technology does the trick since it makes you perform thousands of kegals!
My husband was perfectly fine until 13 years post EBRT 5 years post brachytherapy he has become increasingly incontinent. His urologist said there are perhaps 30 medications that might work. My husband has just given up and wears diapers.