is there any medication to take for incontinence?
incontinence: is there any medication... - Advanced Prostate...
ProAct Adjustible Continence Therapy device helped me a lot, done by a urologist. They inserted two balloons where my prostate used you be. It’s size can be adjusted by how much saline is inserted in the bags. I didn’t think anything could be done for me after prostate removal and radiation treatments, but it’s helped a lot.
is the Pro Act the same as the Artificial Urinary Sphincter device?
Don’t think so
Thanks for your response, are you on hormonal therapy or do you have normal testosterone levels?
Drink less water.
I know it may sound flippant, but I have plenty of experience with incontinence. I tried several classes of bladder relaxant drugs, and used to do a lot of kegel exercises post RP when my incontinence began. None of that worked at all.
I now have an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implanted so the incontinence is well managed by that, but I still restrict my fluids, especially in the evening. It really helps me. You can get by just fine on far less than you think.
I’m thinking about getting the AUS surgery. I have no testosterone do you have testosterone? Urologist wants to put me on TRTherapy.
I would suggest a bit of caution here.. drinking less water will result in peeing less, but it also can lead to dehydration, with kidney damage and if it is bad enough - general organ failure.
I know all about this because I tend to be chronically dehydrated - my GP keeps telling me to drink more water (he's unhappy with my blood test results..) The phlebotomists who draw my blood have suggested it too - they've found it difficult to get enough flow to fill the vials.
Right now - I know I'm dehydrated - probably due to a sudden cold snap after a very extended summer (summer lasted right into December in NJ this year..) Something about the cold seems to cause it. The skin on my palms and fingers is wrinkled and lined, a sure sign I need more water.
I think just reducing the amount of water you drink to stop peeing without a doctors guidance is asking for troubles of another kind that have the potental to make incontinence seem like a minor issue.
YMMV.. but ask the doctor first.
You’re right that I should not have outright advised it. It depends on who you are. I’ve never been close to dehydration, even in extreme weather, exertion etc. My warning signals are pretty fine tuned at this point but I know we’re all different.
So I suppose I mean it in a relative way. Mostly for me it means basically no fluids after around 8 pm, but not too extreme the rest of the day. I’m more invested in getting up at night to pee as little as possible than anything else.
Yes. I’m in remission. When were you originally diagnosed? Are you on ADT? What is/was your disease stage?
Diagnosed in 2009 stage 3, psa 4.5 gleason 9/10. Prostatectomy in Jan 2010, radiation 35 sessions in spring of 2010. Metastasized in fall of 2010. Dr Snuffy Myers treated me from 2014-2017. In remission since 2018, but years of Lupron has left me at zero levels of testosterone. Urologist wants me to go on TRT for the AUS device to help prevent erosion of urethra. But I decided against TRT. So looking into the ProAct Adjustible Continence Therapy device.
That’s interesting. I guess anyone who was a patient of Snuffy Myers has been at this awhile!
I don’t know anything about the ProAct device but I wish you the best. I think the decision is most about the degree of incontinence. Mine was pretty much constant dribbling when awake. The AUS is the ‘last stop’ solution but it does work. Hopefully you won’t need it but if you do it’s great despite the invasiveness.
Speaking from experience A CORK...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I had bad urgency incontinence and Botox helped for a while. But then it became less effective and i was also having trouble urinating. Had to self cath periodically and it became a problem. On top of that I developed radiation cystitis 6 years post salvage radiation but after 4 trips to the Emergency Dept because of clot blockage, I was super lucky to have a urologist during one of those visits who suggested a supra pubic tube (catheter) which diverts urine directly out of your bladder via a small tube thru the skin. I have had that nearly 2 years and while sounds awful, it makes my situation quite manageable. I hook up a leg bag in the morning and an overnight bag at bedtime. No urgency, no bladder spasms, no issues. Have been on cruise, airplane, extended car trips -no issues. In my case my sphincter at end of bladder does not function properly and yet does not leak, even under the extreme pressure I had before the SP tube was installed. Not one drop. The internal device is likely better but in my case my bladder goes into spasm if the urine volume hits 200 ml or even less.
I had the hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hopefully cured.