Hi, I am now 65 years old and I had stage 3 prostate cancer 4 years ago. After taking out my prostate and getting eight weeks of radiation left me a cancer free but now I am in continent. I have tried numerous pills with no luck I don't want more surgery. Does anyone have any other ideas or any new pill that I don't know about that works. ..most of them just make me tired . Thanks for all your help ..
Incontinence: Hi, I am now 65 years... - Advanced Prostate...

You might check into this device: dribblestop.com/
I am scheduled to begin treatment on 2/29 and have this bookmarked, if needed.

Thanks, I'll check it out ..Hopefully you won't have a problem like I did. I guess it was the cancer starting to spread that was my problem .. Neck of the bladder and margins.
Good luck ..
As a temporary measure consider a convene (sheath and catheter bag) which you pop on each day
You can have an artificial sphincter put in. Yes it's surgical but it's supposed to work. You press a bulb in the scrotum and it releases a valve on your urethra. It stays open for thirty seconds or so then closes without a drip until you open it again to pee. Look into it on you tube or google it
Hi JV,
I also have incontinence since radiation. I use Tena male shields. They adhere to my undershorts, don't show, deodorize and are easy to change on the run. I buy 48-packs online every month or so. Wear one when I sleep. They work for me.
Same experience with Tena
Use the ultimate variety if you have a heavy flow.
They are bulkier but prevent leaks.
Finding the right underware to use with the pads is a trial and error process.
One brand that works for me is JVM( Google them) They only seem to have size 42 but it is the crotch fit you care about not the waist size.
Other brands of underware are coming out with varieties that accommodate a pad nicely- Champions and 2(X)ist.
Thanks for all the ideas.. I'll check out the pads. I've seen advertisements on tv about a pill that helps, wondering if anyone else had luck with them.
I am 74 with similar condition as yours. I highly recommend you check with your doctor about installing an artificial sphincter. It does involve surgery, but what a relief it will provide. I had my prostate surgery last Oct, and will have the artificial sphincter surgery this May. I have connected with several men who have had the surgery, and without exception, they all say it gave them their life and dignity back. Check it out.
I had a radical prostatectomy in 2002. I became incontenant and impotent. A year after surgery I had an artificial sphyncter inserted. I would advise you to look into having one inserted. It works really well and I don't need to wear diapers anymore. I have recommended it to a few other people and there happy they got one.
Although I'm pretty certain that you've already tried it, Detrol LA works great for me.
Check into Men's Liberty, a very user friendly external catheter. Covered by Medicare.
My husband is seeing a surgeon at Johns Hopkins regarding a bladder sling or an artificial urinary sphincter. He has dealt with this incontinence for 11 years.