Hello All , Ive been on Eligard , Zytiga , 250 mg , Abiraterone 5mg for 14 months , Just found out from a EKG I have paroxysmal A-Fib and PVC (premature ventricular contraction ) . The Dr. gave me a monitor to wear on my chest for 2 weeks . This was done at U of Chicago 2 days ago . I saw my V. A. MO yesterday and didnt mention it to her but told her I was getting a EKG this coming Monday at V.A. I wanted to get the second opinion at V.A. first before I tell her . Sounds crazy right . So I asked her yesterday what if my heart test coming up Monday is not good , She said she would take me off of Zytiga and Pred. but keep me on Eligard . All my Labs have been good . Do you all think getting off of Zytiga and Abi is the way to go . maybe that is the only choice I have . Any input will be appreciated . Thank You .
Atrial Fibrillation: Hello All , Ive... - Advanced Prostate...
Atrial Fibrillation

Have you talked to an electrophysiologist about ablation?
Hey Allen , no I have not . This is all new to me . I have read some links that you posted about Sterotactic arrhythmia radioblation or Stereo ablative radio-therapy . As you know I had initial SBRT to the prostate and the pelvic field from Dr. Hirsch . In my case I suspect this is out of her expertise . I should call her for a referral maybe ? Im in the Chicago area . Allen we go back to 2015 and I always appreciate your input . I will start the process . Thanks Again , SemperFi .JJ
An electrophysiologist is a sub-specialty of cardiology. They may be able to ablate the tissue in and around the heart that is causing the misfirings. It's a relatively non-invasive procedure - they run a tube up through your groin. It's not "stereo." It has nothing to do with SBRT of the prostate.
Hubs had afib for years. He had ablation about 6 months ago and feels so much better. Like Allen says, it's a surgical procedure, but it only requires a short hospital stay. Husband was in the hospital for one night. Here is a link to an article about it. Definitely consult with an electrophysiologist. You'll want to do a search for that subspecialty of cardiology. Regular cardiologists typically do not do ablations. heart.org/en/health-topics/...
I got paroxysmal A-Fib (only one time 7 months ago) from the "shindrix vaccine" ..not a guess ..recorded on my interrogation of defibrillator..notwithstanding you need an EP to determine meds and next steps (i.e ablation, blood thinners). the most dangerous part of afib is STROKE..you need to be on blood thinners asap..strokes occur in a much greater % of people with afib.
I agree with Tall Allen about consulting electrophysiologist. I’m writing in response to AFib since I’ve had 2 ablations. My husband is the one with PCa. My AFib was diagnosed in June 2020. I had a small cardiac monitor put under my skin near upper left chest. (I had the 2 week external monitor first) The device communicates with an app via Bluetooth. If there’s anything anomalous, the cardiologist receives a report the next day.
Managing it with medication wasn’t working well. I had an ablation in February 2021. The procedure was easy to tolerate. Unfortunately, I was one of 15% of patients who needed a 2nd ablation because I was fainting a lot and my heart rate was spiking up to 350 bpm. While I wasn’t thrilled about needing another ablation, I agreed to a 2nd one in June 2021. That resolved the AFib, SVT, and PVC. (PVC’s are benign and I had those for years prior to AFib) I haven’t had a single episode of any arrhythmias since the 2nd ablation.
AFib was exhausting and uncomfortable. My husband had a recurrence of PCa after 2 years of ADT and radiation. I saw how much he struggled on ADT and its side effects. He was fatigued during original ADT and is again fighting exhaustion. If you can get the relatively simple cardiac ablation, I think it would be helpful to not be dealing with that on top of your PCa treatment. I stayed home for 2 days after the ablations as directed. However, I felt fine after the 2nd one.
I developed AFib in December 2021. I did 18 months of Lupron starting in Jan 17., so cannot say definitely cause and connection. Still, I wonder. I digress, my cardiologist tried to manage it with medications, none worked, kept having breakthrough incidents with heart racing to 170-190, dizziness, weight gain...not ideal when you're out bicycling 50 miles...! When the cardiology team said the only medications left to try had an FDA requirement to remain three nights in the hospital for monitoring because of the risks, well...Had a cardio conversion done, that didn't stop the break through incidents. So,cardiology team ,which included a electrophysiologist, and I decided it was time for an ablation. We did that in Sep 22, no Afib since. One of my better decision in life!
we were only allowed to try Zytiga if my husband did not have any heart issues, so it might make things worse?
For years and because of other women I would AFib to my ex-wife and sometimes my heart would stop when she noticed I was wearing a new and different sweet cologne.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/12/2023 8:20 PM DST