My Decipher Report came in and says that my Genomic Risk is High (0.66; 5 year risk of metastasis is 4.1%; 10 year risk of metastasis is 8.5%; and 15 year risk of prostate cancer mortality is 7.0%).
I initially thought 7% sounded pretty good, but my RO said no, it's not, and he recommends getting going with salvage rad and ADT very soon.
My PSA is 0.12 and my doubling time appears to be ~5 months. To me that's hard to square with a 15 year risk of mortality. 15 years would be 36 doublings and if I survived that long, my PSA would be 69 billion, which seems a little on the high side.
My MO advises watching and waiting until my PSA reaches 0.5-1.0, and says the risk of any additional metastatic action between now and that point is very slight. I want to believe him but it sounds like wishful thinking to me.
1) Decipher claims that Gleason scores, rising PSA, etc are not taken into account in their calcs. Is that right? Are their numbers generally believable? Because mine seem wildly optimistic to me. After all, if someone said if I were to get irradiated and chemically castrated, I'd avoid a 7% chance of dying of a heart attack within the next 15 years, I'd probably say, "No thanks, I'll take my chances."
2) Any advice on course of action here is appreciated, as I'm getting conflicting advice from the docs. Also, I understand that the risk of recurrence after salvage rad is 30% higher in terms of relative risk if I don't do concurrent ADT but if anyone knows where I can find absolute risk numbers, I'd be really appreciative.
Many thanks in advance.