Just wanting information on the alternative therapies and the alternative clinics. If anyone uses them - success.
Using alternative therapies - Advanced Prostate...
Using alternative therapies

Check out the James Cancer Center before you go too alternate. And as always, Go Bucks!
Please consider updating your profile with your PC information, it will help the people here respond to your question more effectively. Depending on your situation, you may or may not have a lot of proven alternate curative treatments available.
I use various ones. I am not yet ready to attribute my ongoing stability to them, but will chime in if I reach that point. I'm also on Lupron, 4.5 years now. No other hormonal therapy to date.
I use a few things, maybe not "alternative", but I think "complimentary" is a better word, as I am on Lupron and I have used lycopenes, heat, and magnets to eliminate mets. I also eat several foods that are known to kill PC or cancer, e.g. black pepper, tumeric, garlic.
I have always advocated for people to do their own research and choose what is comfortable for themselves. I will repeat a post a sent some time ago to another member:
I can give you some guidance on “complimentary” medicines. My advice is do not rely on alternative approaches. A complimentary approach uses supplements in conjunction with standard order of care from your doctor, and always inform your doctor of all supplements you take.
I have been fighting this disease for 30 years and have taken more than my share of vitamins and supplements. I treat supplements like any standard medication. When it fails and my PSA rises for a few consecutive tests, I move on to something else. If you want, I can send you an list of supplements I have taken but in the meantime here are some websites you might find helpful.
Here are some alternative treatment I have personally used:
Easiac Tea
IP6 Inositol
Selenium + Vitamin E
Shitake Mushrooms
As a fellow buckeye (1976), I hope you aren't wanting to forego SoC in favor of natural folk remedies. PCa is usually exponentially nasty if left untreated. There is no shortage of anecdotes from people claiming natural remedies beat their cancer, but proving those _caused_ remission/cure is a whole other matter. And while one experiments with natural stuff and eschews SoC, their PCa may not be obliging in the slightest. We all have to live with the SoC that is available, insurance-covered in the here and now.
PS for those who are new here, SoC refers to things like ADT, radiation, surgery, and so on.
Curious how many specialists you've consulted with and at what medical centers and if any of them said Active Surveilance was an option? Because if AS is not, then you're gambling with your life on alternative treatments and your odds would be poor for a cure if you are past AS as an option.
I'd add to Magnus1964's recommendations, always get at least one other opinion from a specialist AT A CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (not your local neigborhood Urologist, unless you live next to a University, John Hopkins, or Mayo Clinic LOL)
If a Urologist said Active Surveilance was an option than an alternative therapy might be useful in lowering the chances you'd need a more definitive Standard of Care treatment later. But personally I think it's best to go right to SOC treatment and not waste precious time on alternative therapies.
But one thing I've noticed in forums on Prostate Cancer is that understandably many men really want to avoid surgery and/or radiation at all cost, at least soon after diagnosis, but the cost may be your life. In many cases this is usually because they aren't aware of things like Nerve Sparing Robotic Surgery, or MRI-Guided SBRT.
The key in active surveillance is "active" You have to be on top of things (e.g. regular testing, imaging, biopsies,...) Otherwise, you are playing a dangerous game like the restaurant scene in the movie godfather. I know someone who went off the AS protocol. Fortunately, he is doing OK even after 20 years, but it could easily have turned differently.. He is 82 now, so doesn't care any more
I definitely think there's a place for AS as you don't want to overtreat but it's hard to draw the line on when AS is no longer an option in my opinion. If you gave 6 Urologists the same data, like Gleason 6, no significant findings on all imaging, one third positive cores on 12-core biopsy, PSA 6, and you're 60 years old, you might get half saying AS is an option and half saying it's not. In general, the earlier you treat the better chance you have that the treatment is curative.
Within a minute after posting I find a thread that is essentially a case in point. Patient went AS then HIFU and take a look at what happened after his alternative HIFU treatment.
I visit those that have Happy Endings....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/23/2023 3:38 PM DST