Hi, I've been a member for a little while and have reading and learning lots about this horrendous disease. My husband was diagnosed in July with metastatic pc, psa 69 aged 49. Currently on hormone injections and chemo. Psa currently 7.7. What id like to know is what supplements and alternative therapies are people using. Thanks in advance
Supplements and alternative therapies - Advanced Prostate...
Supplements and alternative therapies

Hello and here is my list: Metformin, Ursolic Aicd, Berberine, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Vit D, Milk Thistle, Pomegranate, Modified Citrus Pectin, Red Yeast Rice, Garlic, Saw Palmetto, and Green Tea extract.
I've done the research and so far it's working for me. PSA at 0.1 from 840, Stage IV, GL 7(4+3) mets to lymph nodes. fasting from 9pm to 1pm the next day. Whole grains, lean protein, fruits/veggies and exercise
Good Sunday Morning jojoberries,
Since you say that your husband is currently on chemo (specifically what drugs), I suggest that he take nothing not OK'd by his Medical Oncologist. You do not want any interference with his chemo.
Only thing I might suggest is Wisconsin American Ginseng for chemo-induced fatigue. Google Mayo Clinic and chemo fatigue for details of their trial.
Best wishes. Never Give In.
Mark, Atlanta
i have been using an innovative new treatment imported from Europe. Multi pass blood ozone therapy. So new you probably won't find it on google. It is a miracle I was lead to it. Used it 2 years ago for 10 sessions and wiped out 50% of the bone mets. Had to stop due to expense. It is pricey. Some extra money coming in now and started up again 2 mo ago. To find a practitioner near you (IF there is one), contact dr Robert Rowen MD in Santa Rosa....google him. He brought this treatment to the USA 2 yrs ago. My PCa is under control with lupron, but I would like the cancer gone, not just in hibernation,
Take only supplements authorized by your Medical Oncologist!
Gourd Dancer
Take on supplements authorized by your Medical Oncologist.
Gourd Dancer
Hi there.
My husband and I were into supplements in a big way a while ago. We bought Maca - a plant extract from Peru which is supposed to help fight prostate cancer - and we also used the DoTerra supplement to support healthy cell growth.
I am afraid to say that, while these things didn't do my husband any harm, they didn't help him either. And we are now at a point where we would say: Don't only rely on supplements, use conventional medicine, because this might be the safest way to fight with this horrible disease. You could waste a lot of time trying to work with supplements when Chemotherapy/radiation/hormone treatment could really work a lot more effectively. There is of course no guarantee anywhere...
No one said over the counter supplements cure cancer. If they do they are lying. Some supplements help when taken with conventional treatments. I have taken many supplements over the years and amazed doctors with how long conventional treatments last with me.