Alternative vs modern medicine - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Alternative vs modern medicine

Dr_WHO profile image
14 Replies

There has been discussions recently on the use of alternative medicine vs western medicine. Listed below is a study that finds higher death rates for natural or alternative medicine vs modern medicine. It is up to you to plot you treatment path, but please know the latest results. For me, I am full bore with both sides.

Note, I copied this from another prostate cancer blog.

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Dr_WHO profile image
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14 Replies
rococo profile image

Shotgun approach, use them all as long as thoughorally researched. They can help with other issues: cvd, health, well being, other cancer prevention, dna mutations and on and on.

DS_WAVL profile image

I don't care what it's called, or where it comes from. If the efficacy of a given treatment can be demonstrated using sound scientific principles, and if the benefits outweigh the risks, then it's medicine.

Q. What do you call Evidence-Based Alternative Medicine?

A. Medicine.

gusgold profile image

I agree surgery is probably the best first option....but I have read a lot of studies that reached the conclusion that chemo, ADT, and radiatiion did not extend OS


pjoshea13 profile image


You mentioned that the study found:

"higher death rates for natural or alternative medicine vs modern medicine"

but this was not so for PCa:

"Five-year survival rates for prostate cancer remained high -- around 90 percent -- for both conventional and alternative treatments".

I'm not interested in "alternative cures" because I have seen no evidence that there are any.

Of course, the Task Force recommendation that men avoid screening, based on flawed studies that showed no survival benefit of intervention, leaves men with little alternative.

{"A large European study that found the highest reported benefit suggests that no more than 1 man in 1,000 avoids death from prostate cancer because of screening. Other studies found no benefit at all." [1]}

I consider my approach to be "complementary". What we need is a study that looks at common supplements. Men with PCa are reported to be big users of supplements. Do those who use vitamin D (at significant doses), lycopene, nattokinase, etc, etc, show survival benefit?


[1] uspreventiveservicestaskfor...

j-o-h-n profile image

I was into the witch doctor approach until I married one......

j-o-h-n Monday 08/21/2017 1:17 PM EST (Eclipse Start Time)

Nal, you, your other researcher buddy you mentioned the other day, and Patrick could write a book on supplements to fight prostate cancer. BTW, I take CoQ10, L-Arginine, and Magnesium for my a-fib. What am I missing?

GARunner1 profile image

Nalakrats, what would you consider to be a dangerous lower level of total cholesterol? Thanks.

GA Runner

kcc9993 profile image

Thanks for sharing you personal experience with all these supplements!

I 100% agree that choosing a CoQ10 supplement that is both water and fat-soluble is essential. Regular CoQ10 does not dissolve in water and dissolves poorly fat. It is also a large molecule. Because of this, it is difficult for our intestines to absorb regular CoQ10. A water and fat-soluble form of CoQ10 can pass through the walls of the intestines and enter the blood stream much easier, leading to higher plasma CoQ10 levels.

Roland632017 profile image


Thanks for the website. I have Advanced PCa which is much worse than yours. I had a work mate who went through same as journey and he had to a valve implanted to control leaks. He is still on treatment which changes now and then with psa 40-70 over the last 2 years. I am determined to take a different approach as my condition is systemic. Currently I am in good shape. Not according to my recent reports which put me at PCa Stage 4 T4 N2-3 M2-3. I hope I can continue to boost my immune system to tackle the cancer straight on.

Roland632017 profile image


I have been following this forum for a few days now. I assumed some of you are experts in your own way and seasoned battlers of Advanced PCa. What I like to point out is that at Cancer cell levels the cancer cell are very good at disguises. Hence very often your immune system could not differentiate it between normal cell or cancer cell hence the cancer cell can proliferate and grow unhindered. The point I want to raise is often a lot drugs and even treating with Kangen high ph water will temporarily turn the cancer cell to normal cell where by the real culprit cancer lies dormant. This why many recurrence and re flare up of cancer erupts. The thing is if any good oncologist should is to implement killer for the cancer cells at microchondria level. Unless this is done there will always be to many active cancer cells for our body to fight. I hope you agree with me.

Dr_WHO profile image
Dr_WHO in reply to Roland632017

I am a very firm believer in hitting cancer as hard as you can with as many (modern) weapons as possible. For treatment of my advanced cancer my focus is on modern medicine. However, I do not mind adding an alternative treatment to the mix..

I posted the above article as an FYI to the group. There are many here that prefer alternative approaches. To those I thought that the article would be of note. In no way do I advocate using alternative medicine over modern. However if that is your thing then go for it.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply to Dr_WHO


I noticed that you have a Da Vinci robotic surgery last year. I had a work mate then went through that 5 years ago. It did not work out well. Since he has a manual valve implanted to control his leakage and of course on going treatment with recent 3 rounds of chemotherapy. Last chemo session was 7 weeks back, in addition to other treatment he has numerous side effects and psa reading 70 just last week. When he learned about my Advanced PCa and looking in very good shape he has the last 2 weeks embark on diet change, hand exercise and meditation, Yesterday when I spoke to him he is looking very good and energetic. I hope this helps

Dr_WHO profile image

I am glad that things are working out well for the two of you. No question that diet plays an important role, not just for prostate cancer, but for your overall health. Some goes for exercise. I try to work out as hard as I can (which unfortunately is just afraction of what I could do two years ago) and try to stay away from processed food, dairy and red meat.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply to Dr_WHO

Have you seen my reply regarding hand swinging exercise (google hand swinging exercise cure Stage 3 colon cancer) It is interesting and not to straineous

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