Hubby diagnosed 18 months ago, stage 4 - w/extensive bone mets - Pain was intractable even on high dose Fentanyl every 48 hours - (normally a 72 hour med) He was on So many additional pain meds that they contributed greatly to cognitive dysfunction - also several strokes - Medication was turning him into a zombie - Began herbal teas and the pain level kept decreasing to the point that he's on a child's dose of Fentanyl and nothing else for pain - The teas have a reputation of shrinking tumors - it seems like that must be happening because if tumors shrink and are not causing pressure on nerves that would have an effect on pain level. Does anyone out there have experience with alternative meds? So far he's still using Zytiga and Lupron along with the herbal teas. Thanks for any input - May God Bless all of you and your families. This is such a hard road to follow.
ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS?: Hubby... - Advanced Prostate...


Hi MerryMack2, sorry to hear that your husband is going through so much pain! There's nothing worse than watching the person you love and care deeply about suffer. I'm interested to hear what kind of tea your hubby has been using? I live in Los Angeles and I'm very interested in combining alternative approaches no necessarily shunning traditional medicines as this would be foolish (my opinion here) but I also believe that herbal treatments can be also very powerful... Good luck to you both.
I'm an "herbalist" by trade - I make him Essiac and Cat's Claw Teas - He gets 4 oz Essiac and 2 oz Cat's Claw a/k/a Una de Gato (herb from Peru - no cats involved) 3 x day one half hour before meals (works best on empty stomach) - doesn't taste bad either, in fact has very little taste - If you're going to try it make sure to purchase from local herbalist - the stuff in the health food store is ground to a powder and tastes and looks like "mud flats at low tide" - We're in Maine so if you're not familiar with low tide you will be if you get your Essiac from big business - I use locally grown (some home grown), certified organic herbs to make the base. If you want to make your own I'll send you the recipe/formula - very easy to do and very easy to take. It's also cheap to make on your own. His pain is nil and it was horrific - it broke my heart to see/hear the pain he was dealing with. fentanyl gone from 75 every 48 hours to 12 every 72 hours. Pain relief is astounding. I will gladly share any information you are interested in - He is also doing Zytiga and Lupron -
Essiac tea is #1.. haven’t done any in awhile . Think I’ll brew some tomorrow.,
Awesome. I have essiac from vitacost, but very expensive. Can you please post the recipe. Ty so much.
Costly but worth it in my opinion. Quality detox..
would love to have the recipe MerryMack2 Any preparation for pain would be great!
thank you and God bless
Hello Merrymack2--- I truly believe in the healing power of teas & herbs, but I did try Essiac Tea about a year ago, and after a few days of drinking it my kidneys became irritated. I had to stop. Since you're an herbalist I thought I'd ask you which herbal component of Essiac might have been the culprit that caused the irritation? Two days after I stopped drinking the tea, my kidneys normalized again. Is there an equally effective tea that might be more gentle on the kidneys?
Hi Kepster - yes, the sheep sorrel can irritate kidneys - I would suggest making the tea with the burdock root and slippery elm only - Perhaps one lb burdock root and 2 oz slippery elm. In my opinion the burdock root is the most important part of the formula. If you want to grow your own, purchase organic burdock seed, allow to grow until fall, and then dig the roots, wash well, chop small, and dry on a screen lined with unbleached paper towels. I plant my burdock like carrots, in a row. Of course they need to be about 12" apart to allow for growth. Burdock has been used in Germany, successfully, for breast cancer - another hormone dependent cancer.
BTW wild burdock is fine but you need the first year roots.
Thank you for your response. That's interesting that sheep sorrel was the culprit. I'll give the burdock root and slippery elm a try. How often would you suggest that I drink the tea? I can plant some seeds but would like to begin drinking the tea sooner than Fall so I'll see if I can find a good herbal resource online to purchase from. I've used Starwest Botanicals in the past for other things unless you have a better suggestion.
I'd love to take you up on your offer. How amazing you were able to reduce his pain with herbs. Thanks for this and I look forward to trying that recipe.
Hello Anthonyq - Life here is nutz!! Have I answered your question? If not, please give me a poke! I want to help - that's my bottom line - been working all day and I'm dealing with illness myself, so super duper tired - No rest for the wicked nor weary - guess I'm both! PLEASE get back to me if I haven't answered your questions or I can be of help. I'm answering/trying to help, lots of folks on this blog and it's hard to keep track - I'd feel horrid if I left you/anybody out of the "herbal loop"! I truly believe I am here, on this blogsite, for a reason - to help whomever I can however I can - God Bless and be well.
To dear MerryMack, we all get weary but you are not wicked. Life s weight can feel like the world on our shoulders. When our shoulders grow weak we dig into our reserves. Soon you’ll need to recharge. I pray that you find the strength to pull out into a better quality of life. You are doing what Must be done.. God bless!
What kind of tea specifically.
I give him 4 oz Essiac and 2 oz Cat's Claw Tea 1/2 hour before meals 3 times a day. It works best on empty stomach - It's easy, it's cheap, and it works wonders. He still does the Zytiga and Lupron but the docs are scratching their heads, incredulous, because the teas are having such a wonderful effect. I'm going to copy my reply to another inquiry so you can see what I'm talking about. Don't buy the commercial "stuff" at health food store because it's horridly muddy and most folks won't drink it. Please get back to me if you want the recipe/formula - My only wish is to offer information that just might help. I've helped others in the past with stage 4, and will be happy to share any information you require.
Copy of response to Anthonyq
I'm an "herbalist" by trade - I make him Essiac and Cat's Claw Teas - He gets 4 oz Essiac and 2 oz Cat's Claw a/k/a Una de Gato (herb from Peru - no cats involved) 3 x day one half hour before meals (works best on empty stomach) - doesn't taste bad either, in fact has very little taste - If you're going to try it make sure to purchase from local herbalist - the commercial stuff in the health food store is ground to a powder and tastes and looks like "mud flats at low tide" - We're in Maine so if you're not familiar with low tide you will be if you get your Essiac from big business - I use locally grown (some home grown), certified organic herbs to make the base. If you want to make your own I'll send you the recipe/formula - very easy to do and very easy to take. It's also cheap to make on your own. His pain is nil and it was horrific - it broke my heart to see/hear the pain he was dealing with. fentanyl gone from 75 every 48 hours to 12 every 72 hours. Pain relief is astounding. I will gladly share any information you are interested in - He is also doing Zytiga and Lupron -
Please post your tea recipe, I'm very interested. Thanks!

My recipe makes a lot of base - it's hard to size down as one of the ingredients is only 1 oz - I guess you could quarter it but we use a lot so never have made small batches - so here it is - all are dry herbs you can purchase from any organic supplier - 2 LBS cut and sift burdock ROOT 1 LB Sheep Sorrel Leaf - 4 oz slippery elm powder 1 oz Turkey Rhubarb Root - Mix all together and then measure out into 1/2 cup pkgs. Paper pkg. (lunch bags) is best, because plastic chemicals will leach into the dry tea - To make your tea use one of the 1/2 cup packages to 1 gallon distilled water - Bring it all to a boil - simmer 10 minutes - Steep, overnight or for 12 hours whichever fits your situation. I make it after supper, steep overnight, and then strain in a.m. It strains easier if it's hot - I just use a fine mesh strainer but if you want a clearer tea you can use unbleached muslin. Store strained tea in glass jars (I use quart canning jars) in fridge - will keep up to one month - However, at 1/2 cup 3 to 4 x day one gallon batch will last only one week. It may sound like a lot of base but it's certainly cheap enough and the dry herbs/tea will be viable for at least one full year. A bargain to be sure and it has helped many, especially my husband.
Cats Claw Tea is made from the dried bark of the Una de Gato vine. It has many wonderful uses - you need .7 of an ounce of the herb to 1 quart "good" water - If you have a well, great, if not, purchase distilled. Simmer the herb in the quart of water for 30 minutes - strain (it will be red if it's good herb) and refrigerate -
I make two gallons of Essiac and 3 quarts of Cat's Claw a Week. Hubby takes it for treatment and I take it for prevention and pain management as well. We are both 70's with usual issues.
I hope this information helps. It is given with the hope that you and anyone who tries it will benefit. Please get back to me with any questions.
What is the dose?
My husband takes 4 oz Essiac and 2 oz Cat's Claw Teas 3 x day - soon going to increase to 4 x day. Works best on empty stomach so 1/2 hour before meals is suggested. We'll be adding in another dose at bedtime making it 4 x day. Our family is thrilled with the results.
Fantastic to find any thrill in this demeaning disease . Anything that makes us feel better..I’m all for searching for natural means to live with APC. Keep the family string.. Take care ..
Call me cynical....
Your a herbalist promoting essiac tea etc. There’s a surprise.
Hi Tommy - I don't blame you being cynical - but guess what - the docs are all scratching their heads, running up and down stairs to confab as they can't figure out how a guy goes from #75 Fentanyl every 48 hours (it's supposed to be 72 hours but pain was horrific) - down to #12 every 72 hours in a matter of a couple of months! I have nothing to gain - I gave the Essiac & Cat's Claw formula/recipe freely - no strings attached - see my reply to Bill for the details - Can it work for or help everyone, of course not, but it's sure worth a shot - the only side effect is it might shrink the tumors and ease the pain - What have you got to lose?
Coincidentally, it would seem the protocol works especially well on hormonal cancers as I have recently been in touch with a 12 year survivor of stage 4 ovarian cancer who was given no hope by mainstream medicine - yes, that was 12 years ago - what a blessing for her and for me to know that my information helped her.
Ty yes my friend also had a rare hormonally driven cancer and refused all treatment though I'd never advise such. Tommy, I wouldn't believe it or in herbal routes either but I've seen a woman crippled by a car accident before cancer manage pain, live with joy and outlive prognosis by over 5 years so far. If this was a post of a woman trying to sell the herbs, making a profit cycnisism would be more warranted, but I ty both for your different though both valuable opinions.xoxo
TommyTV. This essiac tea is special stuff.. don’t be so critical of a women seeking answers and offering her recipe to those that want it.
Cynical and rude. She's giving away information, not selling herbs. It seems to have helped her husband and might help others.
Criticizing people because they have specialized expertise is a strange habit in a person participating in a clinical trial involving novel combinations of drugs - a trial designed and administered by people with specialized expertise. Having a "very positive outlook" should include kindness and compassion for others afflicted by this disease.
From Cancer Research UK:-
Research into Essiac in cancer treatment
Most of the websites that promote Essiac use unsupported opinions and anecdotal evidence.
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre tested Essiac in the laboratory. They found it had no anti cancer properties.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the U.S tested Essiac several times. Their testing found that Essiac had no anti cancer effects. One study in 2006 found that when Essiac was added to breast cancer cells in test tubes, it stimulated the cancer cells to grow.
The CAM-Cancer organisation reviews scientific research evidence. In 2011, they looked at all the reviews about Essiac and Flor Essence. They couldn’t find any well carried out clinical studies and said that some of its ingredients could cause harm.
Researchers in the USA in 2009 also reviewed all studies into Essiac and Essiac preparations. They found there were no well carried out clinical trials to show that Essiac can help with cancer.
This is how I approach all ‘cures’ or alternative therapies. Read what professionals have to say and make an informed decision.
When I go to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center website,
their references on Essiac include this paper:
Inhibition of prostate cancer-cell proliferation by Essiac
which states in part
"We found in vitro evidence of decreased proliferation of both noncancerous transformed (CHO) and cancerous prostate cell line (LNCaP) when Essiac was present in the culture media.
Essiac may have a more selective effect on cancer cells than transformed cells.
Essiac preparations may be able to inhibit tumor cell growth while enhancing immune response to antigenic stimulation. This may be especially valuable in immune-suppressed individuals."
Then there is this article, also at the Sloan Kettering web page on Essiac:
Remission of hormone-refractory prostate cancer attributed to Essiac
"Essiac is a popular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that is utilized by many cancer patients in North America. Much anecdotal reporting exists about its cancer-fighting qualities, but so far no clinical trials have been preformed to validate those claims. We describe here the case of a 64-year-old man whose hormone-refractory prostate cancer responded well to Essiac tea."
There are certainly null results - not negative - I found no papers documenting harm from drinking Essiac, save for one anecdotal report about one woman, who immediately improved when she stopped drinking the tea.
Here's a null result:
Evaluation of the antiproliferative effects of Essiac on in vitro and in vivo models of prostate cancer compared to paclitaxel.
Unlike the other papers I've linked here, this one is only available as an abstract. The last sentence of the abstract concludes:
"These evaluations suggest Essiac has no marked antiproliferative effect on the models tested."
Notice the careful language? "These evaluations," the authors know that all experiements have limits, errors, and other challenges. "No marked antiproliferative effect," acknowledges that it may have some, but their methods, doses, times, etc. didn't find it. "On the models tested," acknowledges that MODELS of prostate cancer are not the same thing as actual cancer in living patients.
Contrast that nuanced language to broad claims that "They found it had no anti cancer properties." As I will now show, that statement is simply not true.
What I did NOT find was any reference, on the Sloan Kettering web page on Essiac, to any research performed by Sloan Kettering. I checked the author affiliations for 17 references.
What I did find was a Susan Komen web page on Essiac with this fascinating story:
"A laboratory at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center tested Essiac® samples (provided by Caisse) on mice during the 1970s. This research was never formally published, and there is controversy regarding the results, with some accounts noting no benefits, and others reporting significant effects (including an account by Dr. Brusch). Questions were later raised of improper preparation of the formula. Caisse subsequently refused requests by researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and the U.S. National Cancer Institute for access to the recipe."
So the statement that 'The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre tested Essiac in the laboratory. They found it had no anti cancer properties." is not only untrue, it is based on 40+ year old work that was never published. This goes beyond cherry picking to deep cherry mining.
The claim that Essiac could cause harm directly contradicts a Canadian study
"The review of all the information about Essiac for the task force reveals some weak evidence of its effectiveness and suggests that Essiac is unlikely to cause serious side effects when used as directed. However, the nature and quality of studies reporting benefit are such that the findings can only be regarded as preliminary. High-quality and open-minded research into the effects of this popular unconventional therapy is needed." (bold emphasis added)
That call for high quality and open-minded research went largely ignored for nearly 10 years, then this paper was published:
In vitro analysis of the herbal compound Essiac.
'Despite the recommendation of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative, little research has been published on the widely used herbal compound Essiac. We aimed to address this deficiency by conducting a series of assays to determine some of the purported activities of Essiac in vitro.
In vitro analysis of Essiac indicates significant antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, as well as neoplastic cell specific cytotoxicity consistent with the historical properties ascribed to this compound. Importantly, significant CYP450 and fibrinolysis inhibition were also observed. This is the first comprehensive investigation of the in vitro effects of Essiac."
So when someone actually bothered to look carefully and without prejudice, lo and behold Essiac has exactly the effects that its proponents like to talk about.
There are at least 2 sides to every story. A sure fire way to spot bias is when only one side is presented. Cherry picking is good for making pies but terrible for medical decisions.
WOW! Fantastic info! When you consider that Essiac can be made mostly from "weeds" that grow wild, are free, etc., why would any commercial enterprise want to promote it? No money in it - The research you found is new to me and likely to many others who might be skeptic - I only hope they take notice, it could help with longevity and quality of life -
I'm exhausted tonite but will follow your links a.s.a.p. I am very thankful for your reply and all the information you have provided. I hope that others on this blogsite will take notice and try it for themselves - Yep, I sound like Trump - what have you got to lose? I KNOW it can help. Thank you so much. Take care, get well, God Bless.
My father is 60 yr old. Suddenly prostrate cancer found in his body. It's in 4th Stage. Doc told he will not survive long. I am engineer by Prof. I had no idea about medicine. But to rescue my father I am reading lot of blogs. Found its horrified that we still using same method we used 120 yrs back.
I found some hope with Essiac tea. Please let me know what's if it works really or not.
Right on FCoffey! Human kindness and compassion can heal us all .We just need to put it into practice daily. Especially on this forum where people are fighting for their quality of live issues.

I quote from the article, which I might add was published by vested interests,
“Collectively, these results indicate that under specific in vitro conditions, Essiac® possesses functional effects consistent with some of the general properties ascribed to it, including both immunomodulatory effects and neoplastic cell-specific cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that Essiac® may interact with both the fibrinolytic and P450 metabolic pathways. However, the clinical significance of these observations remains undetermined”.
The italics ‘in vitro’ are missing in this cut and paste, but are significant. ‘Specific in vitro’ is a million miles away from in vivo. ‘Clinical significance remained undetermined’ is another way of saying no one has any evidence of its efficacy in vivo, as per my previous posting.
I remain totally unconvinced, but I am prepared to be swayed with compelling evidence.
TommyTV, I’m not here to “foist” my views on anyone. I say if you are interested in essiac, try it, you might just like the effects and the ay that it makes you feel .. I do.. ...that’s just me I’m open minded to all natural stuff . What do I have to lose? I’m not saying this tea will kill APC but I believe afterbusing it that it is beneficial to my issues.. each to there our Sir.. Enjoy this sunda6 wherever you are. I always enjoy your posts. Thanks.

The rest of my response was omitted. Here it is:-
I also note Zytiga and Lupron are also being taken. This combination of drugs has remarkable results which are clinically proven. I speak from experience as I’ve been on this regime for 6.5 years after diagnosis with a PSA of 571 and seven major bone Mets, in the Stampede trial.
As this site is for those with advanced PCa, it is important that we have balance. Newcomers to this site need clinically proven facts in order to make a balanced judgement on their course of treatment.
Evidence from Yale University shows an average of 2.5 times increased death rate at 5 years from alternative therapies. In the case of Breast cancer it’s 6x. The true figure is much higher, since most patients return to standard treatment once alternatives fail, by which time it is too late.
I m agreeing with what you are saying. In my case I had no options to save me except RT and ADt. So far so good. All of my natural remedies and nutrients I take in the belief that they help me in this quality of life.
Just like MDs prescribe pharmaceuticals . No suprise there either.
what else you got for to slow progression....lower PSA....increase doubling time
Hi Gus, I used to make a tincture that helped some fellows lower their PSA and also helped manage symptoms - It's been a while so I'll have to look up my old formulas - There were 8 herbs involved, at different stages of growth, and some dried etc. It's late and I'm tired so if you'll shoot me an email I'll try to get the list out to you tomorrow - I'm really busy with hubby and also planting, transplanting etc. This is a very busy time of year in Maine. Snow's finally gone!
Can you pm it to me also. My dad is finally juicing at least, won't diet, but his psa never did go below 4 on lupron over a year and a half. At least I'll have the info if he wants to try. Many thanks
A plant based diet along with the juicing will help. I know it's hard to go plant based (vegan) when people around you are eating the same old stuff.
My wife and I went vegan together in 2002. Neither of us could do it alone. It helped tremendously with her type 1 diabetes and my PCa.
Much easier if both life partners are on the same page.. I mean one eating cheeseburgers and fries while the other is eating kale smoothies ., That tuff..
Snows gone. Whoohoo! Keep up the good work on growing these herbs to help others. Thank you.

Hi Lulu - Thanks for the encouragement - I'm not trying to sway or convert anyone. But, in answer to TommyTv mentioning that my hubby is also using Zytiga and Lupron - yes he is - BUT there was no decrease in his pain level until we began the teas. Once he started Essiac, Cat's Claw, etc., he began going longer and longer before telling me it was "time for the patch" - He no longer knows if it is "patch" day or not - Even with Zytiga and Lupron he needed the 75mcg Fentanyl every 48 hours - The only thing "different" was adding in the teas. So, I was offering information, especially for those who are not doing all that well with mainstream only - I feel that the Fentanyl will be totally eliminated by the end of May - If I can help anyone with information and truth, then that's why I'm here.
I am with you. Narcotics when Needed but if possible to ween him off, I think it’s better. I’m open to all natural remedies. But as you see there is a great disbelief and actually an aggressive opposition by a select few that don’t believe in it. I know you are just offering help to those of us that seek it.. Let’s face it, at least in America there is still a great portion of society that does not believe in even eating healthy. You’d think, once faced with APC people might examine bad habits and change to an organic diet. I did.. Still not mainstream ., Follow the sheep off of the cliff eating KFC and Fries.... After all haven’t we Americans created and perfected the junk food industry?
Green tea doesn't cure prostate cancer, but it sure as heck slows it down. Lots of folks take the extract ECGC, but the herbalists I know all recommend taking straight green tea. Several cups a day. I use a straight organic version that has some caffeine, so my last cup is no later than 3 PM or so.
There are many pharmaceuticals and herbal remedies with a fairly narrow therapeutic window: too little or too much and it doesn't help, sometimes even hurts.
Probably more important is that there is a lot of things in tea besides ECGC, beginning with hot water. The list is long, and our understanding is short.
I'd be very interested in MerryMack2's comments on green tea if she has the time.
Hello from Maine! I've little to no experience with green tea and cancer. When I was in business I grew the majority of the herbs used in my products. I don't know if it can be grown in Maine. But I will say I definitely enjoy it and it has many known benefits so "why not". You said it helps to slow the pc - well anything that slows it down is wonderful. You have peaked my interest and so I'll be doing the research when I have time. Hubby keeps me quite busy as herbal medicine takes time to plant, process, make, dose out etc., plus he cannot do the "around the house" stuff, unable to lift more than 8 lbs, etc. I've been waiting on him hand and foot for a long time. Now he's beginning PT to regain his strength - Before the teas he was in extreme pain and couldn't participate in PT. Mainstream meds had him spending the day in his recliner and snoozing much of the time. That will get better as he gets stronger.
My wife was hand and foot for 2yrs, I couldn’t lift more than 10 pounds. I’m recovering but it takes time. I’m not a teenager any more at 57.. The fatigue can turn chronic. You must genltly influence him to get up ! A battle. , I know it well . There is always hope and a lot of room for improvement from were he is now... I thank you , for the hand and foot care that is why he’s alive today.. Your love is the most powerful med.. peace..
Slowing it down is worth enjoying a couple cups a day...
Hi Gus, Here's a list of the herbs used in my "prostate" tincture:
Saw Palmetto, Horse Tail Herb, Pumpkin Seed, Nettle Root, Gravel Root, Uva Ursi, Pygeum & Hydrangea Root. Look for a good brand supplement that contains those herbs. Organic is always best. Most of this stuff grows wild and therefore would not, ordinarily, be sprayed.
Well these guys got that down Patrick, nalkaratz, Gus etc. I can only tell you how much I believe in your method. My mom has stage four long cancer my dad APC. My dad suffering but refusing meds. My mom on fentanyl has no appetite and her moods are unpredictable as ,25 is not covering the pain. I'll send response from a dear friend and cancer survivor given 3 weeks to love and it's over 5 years later. To look her up look up angel howerton, arkansaa on FB, or pm me as we are very close. Miracles are possible naturally. I only wish my family would go this route.
Content on HealthUnloc
This is written by my friend angel howerton. Founder of camp hope. specificslly for those going through chemo or rasiation. Look her up. Amazing friend snd spirit. Im not saying to try to fight without scientific medicine but this is for integrated care. Pm me for other protocall she used though not all cancers are the same essiac tea was crucial to her healing.
NAUSEA ; Ginger, Peppermint tea Caraway seed, Homeopathic's: Sodium Phos, Nux vomica, Ipecacuanha
Acupressure bracelets are great too
PAIN: Magnesium gel, Turmeric, MSM. Arnica, Pepperment oil
Francensence oil
ANEMIA : Black strap molasses, Hemaplex, Ferrum Phos cell salts from Hylands, Beet Root
Insomnia : Valerian, Passion Flower, Hops, Skull cap, St John's Wort, Calms Forte
ANEXITY : Rescue remedy, Calms forte by Hylands, Passion Flower, Lavender Oil,
CONSTIPATION : Liquid Cal/ Magnisum Citrate from the Heath food store. Reflexology
MOUTH SORES : Coconut Oil and Baking soda
To keep from losing muscle mass and to keep from losing too much weight please take a good protein drink .
Vega Sport or Alive Protein and Hemp Hearts are great too
Make sure to get enough fiber, Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Pysullum Husk
Keep PH level up, Drink lemon water twice a day and juice
Prepare Emotionally
Get plenty of sleep
Stay Positive
Positive Affirmations
Light Message
Find a purpose
Gratitude Journal
Stay positive listen to relaxing music
Tai Chi
Eat Healthy stay away from all red meat and dairy
No Processed Food
Drink Plenty of Fresh Water
Gluten Free Diet
Remove all Toxic Chemicals from your home..and Toss Out all toxic beauty Products
JUICING "Carrots. Celery. Ginger. Garlic. Cilantro. Parsley. Bell pepper. Cucumber. Dandelion. Kale ,Spinach. Peppers. Beet, Apple
"No more then 3 Juices a Day While doing chemo"
On your off weeks drink more juice and drink 2 cups Essiac Tea
a year ago
Wow that’s awful. Fentanyl was great for me,won’t work with the Xtandi that I’m on now. I have heard of a Canadian doctor that used dandelion root tea as a medical way to decease cancer. Might look into that
Chocolate Chip Ice Cream anyone?
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/03/2018 11:52 AM EDT
Before I got sick I rarely ate ice cream or sweets in general. Now I have to have a dish of ice cream and fruit or pie every night 😀😀😀
You're not sick... you're slick.....
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/04/2018 1:50 PM EDT
Hi Larry, I understand about the ice creams etc., because cancer thrives on sugar - cancer makes you crave sugar - So -- if you were able to eliminate sugar and carbs you will make the cancer very uncomfortable - So, if you're in it to win it - the fight for your life - perhaps you can use a substitute. I grew stevia - as an annual in Maine - you can buy it dried at any good health food store - the green leaves, dried, are better than sugar and even help to lower/regulate blood sugar which also helps to deter cancer - it helps diabetics also because it's adaptogenic. It "normalizes" blood sugar - it does not cause it to be lower than "normal" -
VIP: Powdered stevia (white powder created commercially) - is horrid! I don't think it would harm you but it tastes awful, gets into your nose, lungs, etc., and it's hard to get rid of the aftertaste. I use the green leaf in my herbal tea formulas and it's really good! If memory serves I used one teaspoon of stevia dry green leaf to 1 cup of dry tea herbs - I've not used it in baking but I'm sure the myriad of books out there would have great recipes.
So, I'm sorry, if you didn't already know about the sugar connection you probably didn't want to hear about it - but in good conscience I had to mention it. Take care, be well, and get back to me if you want further info.

The ice cream sounds great..I use it in a healthy milk shake for Sid daily,,,fruit..maybe pears ..strawberries,(frozen or fresh, mango, blueberries and whatever fruit you have. then I put a lot of "whey" in before shaking it with an electric mixer......Lots of protein...Unfortunately I do not believe in the herbal tea formulas..just green tea.
Sounds delicious. Mmmmm
I have tried 4 mu for 40 days and now gone off. Any info on timelines for taking .Thanks and thanks for the concise info sheets.
Try whatever you can at this point and have him seen at a National Cancer Institute site. I am the prognosis is terrible. I think you must try to prepare yourself for the inevitable.
Hi Stelle, There's no way to know what the future brings but I believe, in my soul, that the teas are helping my husband - He has little to no pain - what a relief! He has extensive bone mets yet he is comfortable. We are cutting back on anti-depressants because they are very sedating. We got rid of the pic line so he can go fishing! He sees a wonderful oncologist at Cancer Care of Maine so we have not forsaken mainstream meds - But I have to say the doctors are scratching their heads with the fact that hubby is able to almost completely forego pain meds. He was on fentanyl #75 - every other day - morphine and other meds for pain and had significant side effects. No side effects from the herbs. He takes immune boosters, and the Essiac and Cat's Claw also nourish and support the immune system. Your immune system is what fights disease, including cancer. The herbs are reputed to have anti-tumor properties as well - so, what have you got to lose? The decision to add the teas to his care was difficult for us. It's unknown territory. There's little to no information about herbs and pharmaceuticals when used together. Ultimately, the decision is up to the individual. I'm not advocating for any particular treatments, only sharing the information so folks can come to their own conclusions. There is always hope and we are very happy with our decision to add the teas to his protocol. Pain relief has been nothing short of miraculous for my husband. Good Luck and God Bless.
We all must prepare Stelle... ..denial ain’t just a river in Egypt... acceptance is key .. we all heading for the falls....
MerryMack Welcome to a group that we as wives never wanted to be a part of. My husband dx at 48 in July 2017 stage 4, extensive mets to bones and lymph nodes had extreme pain to the shoulder due to the shoulder met. It limited his mobility of his right arm, however with physical therapy and High Dose radiation it is getting better. He just completed Docetaxel in Jan and is currently on Lupron only. Much like you and some others we have decided to take an integrative approach to this cancer. We take supplements much like what maxlife outlined and also to Vit C IV 2x/week. Well as you know it got costly and who really wants to have an iv done 2x week and recently reduced it to once every other week and began to see the adverse reactions such as depression, irrational behavior, mood swings, and insomnia to name a few. So this week we began the Vit C IV 2x week and will watch to see if he gets better. Currently my husband is doing well. Training for his first half Iron Man in 5 weeks. It is nerve wrecking because every month you dont know what is going to happen. At the end of the day, we are all terminal. We all do not know when it is our time to go. But I can say that PC has helped my husband and I see life through a different lens. Best of luck to all you warriors battling this wretched disease. I am believing and hoping we see a cure in our lifetime!
Very good , I also did the Vit-C thru treatments now going in once every 3months . I would do it moreoften but I’m broke.. good luck on your journey.. peace..
Thank you so much for the information and link. The "docs" put my husband on palliative care and didn't expect much "time" for him. Well, we are doing pretty well and he's getting better every day. Thanks so much for sharing.
Will have to talk with the doctor Tuesday ,the nutritionist at the hospital said eat whatever I can as the cancer will make its own sugar from whatever I eat.
Hi Larry - Are you not able to enjoy regular foods? Have you tried cannabis to increase appetite? I don't know much about which helps appetite most THC or CBD - THC can cause euphoria and CBD is not supposed to do that. Both help with pain and increase appetite - Green foods like broccoli have anti-cancer properties - Eating lots of veggies can help deter cancer - but, you need to feel good enough to have an appetite - There's a post I saw earlier listing many supplements etc., and it was right on - Also the person who created the list is a long time cancer survivor. Please look around this blog site to see if you can find the extensive list. There might be some things that you are able to use to help yourself back to health. Green foods neutralize acid - cancer thrives in acid - sugar - carbs etc., create an acid environment causing cancer to thrive. Perhaps your nutritionist is correct, I honestly don't know - but why give cancer even more of what it loves by providing extra sugar? There's lots of books out there about using food as medicine. Hippocrates said - let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food - Yep, it still works! There is a website offering a powdered "green" drink - I think it's (google it as I can't quite remember) - the green drink plus ph-lowering drops would go a long way to raising your ph thereby making cancer uncomfortable. Nope, I have no affiliation with any websites period. I'm just trying to help because that's what I do. That's why I do herbal medicine - I do the best I can to help folks heal. One thing I forgot - Add juice from 1/4 organic lemon to 8 oz water - add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda (just a pinch!) - This will help to alkalize your body - Cancer hates that! It's easy, cheap, and it can help you. Goodnight and God Bless.
I don’t believe in that nutritionist.My urologist told me the same thing.. Basically “ eat whatever you want it doesn’t matter your going to die in 36 months any way. The next day I went to my naturalpathic friend and he said “ Oh no” there is also that I can do . I’m on his path. I’m at 38 months now with the past two yrs being clear. The pain in my prostate and abdomine from RT tells me that I’m stlll on a far different path .. somfrom here is a war of attrition , who can outlast who . The cards are all held at first by APC. I’m doing my best to improve quality of life. Quantity is in Gods hand.. the rest is all a crap shoot .. we do the best we can.
Yes I am eating regular food now, vegetable,pork,chicken not much beef. Nothing really interests me but I do eat.
Hi Larry - My fella too had little to no appetite - Getting off the pain meds has helped tremendously - also, have you tried any CBD products? That's cannabis without the high that just might be really good for cancer patients. It has many wonderful properties, and the most you might feel from it is relaxed! It helps increase appetite and decrease pain. CBD is legal to purchase and use, no worries there - if you decide to try it make sure it's from a reputable source. It has helped my guy to get hungry - He eats very well and that is key to fighting the monster - I'm,happy to see you are eating what your body needs now. Twinkies just ain't gonna do it - Food - good food is your fuel and you need good honest home made food - no chemicals, no artificial colors, and heavens to Betsy no aspartame or it's ilk. Okay - off my soapbox - early day tomorrow - doctor far away - everything is far away in Maine especially when you want to live rural. Gorgeous yes, inconvenient when you're ill - oh yes!
Hoping all is still improving.