In November when I posted for the first time you all were so very helpful in making suggestions to help my honey when he began his Docetaxel chemo treatments on December 1, 2022. Your advice about icing his feet and hands, I believe contributed to his having no neuropathy. He has now completed five of six sessions, and other than fatigue and some hair loss, has had no other side effects until now.
I am writing to ask if any of you have had any experience with memory loss while using Docetaxel? We were advised about 'chemo brain/fog' and I anticipated the confusion he is experiencing in things like using his computer and his phone apps, and also doing multi-step tasks sometimes. But he is starting to have significant memory loss relating to things that have been part of his life for years. Here is one of several examples I shared with his MO last week........ While watching a PGA golf tournament as we do almost every weekend, Mike asked me, “why are we watching the same guys golf today who we saw golf yesterday?” I explained that golf tournaments are four days (Thurs-Sun) so we watch them golf all four rounds. He said, “Oh, ok”. At the end of the round on Friday he said, “So since four different golfers all have the same score, how do you know who won?” I told him, “they still need to play two more rounds, then on Sunday, if there is more than one person with the lowest score that there will be a playoff”. They showed one of the player's score cards, and he asked me, “what is that chart for?” I told him it was the golfers scorecard and what he scored on each of the 18 holes. .....Golf is something he has done for more than thirty years and all of this is something he knows very well being a person who golfs once or twice weekly up until starting chemo treatments.
I shared a few examples of this type with his MO and she suggested that this might be more than what they would attribute to chemo brain/fog. She said that the combination of Docetaxel with Eligard may possibly be contributing. She suggested they may want to have him see the Neuro team for an evaluation and baseline cognitive testing. Mike had no evidence of memory loss or this level of confusion prior to his fourth treatment on February 8th. He just had his fifth treatment this past Thursday and seems quieter and confused about more routine things. My questions are these, (1) has anyone experienced this? (2) Is it a temporary situation that once the chemo treatments are completed will this confusion and memory loss improve? I honestly feel like we worked to try to find the best treatment to help fight his cancer, but now question at what cost-to have him with these cognitive issues that may continue to get worse to the point where he can no longer remember where he lives, or people he knows or do the activities of life he has loved? I am trying to be hopeful that this is temporary.
Thank you all for the kindness and support that you share. Reading all your posts each day provide me with encouragement and hope.