QOL - Even More Handy APC Euphemisms - Advanced Prostate...

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QOL - Even More Handy APC Euphemisms

Carlosbach profile image
93 Replies

Every once in a while (24/7) my brain takes a dive into black humor. I know this type of humor isn’t for everyone, but hopefully the rest of you will find a chuckle or two to brighten the day.

Even More Handy APC Euphemisms

for Patients and Their Families

1. Wee Willie, Shorty or Rip VanWinkie

– These are all nicknames for penis’s that can no longer be called swinging dicks, anacondas, big bratwursts or shlongs

o “Sorry I dribbled piss all over the floor, Wee Willie was extra horizontally challenged this morning”

2. Norman Batesing

– Volatile changes in temperament due to ADT

o “Look out! Dad’s Norman Batesing!" (having big mood swings again)

3. Clean up on Aisle 5

– Public incontinence

o “Honey, I need your help with clean up on aisle 5

o What he’s really saying is, "ARRRGGH! As soon as I felt the urge to pee, my leg felt wet and now I’m trying to hide the evidence.”

4. Raquel Welch’s

– Man Boobs

o I started out with little mounds, but it is getting harder to disguise my new Raquel Welch’s

5. Go Juice

– Trimix or alprostadil.

o I’m heading to the pharmacy to pick up my new bottle of Go Juice - wink, wink

o May in some cases also be used to refer any of the following: oysters, ginseng, yohimbine, or a 1976 Farrah Fawcett poster

6. Grape nuts

– Slang for balls emaciated by ADT.

o Alternatively, “Ghost balls refers to the absence of testicles following castration surgery

7. Harshing my mellow

– Suffering from scanziety

o Waiting for the results from my scans is really harshing my mellow

8. Date With a Vampire

– Going to the lab so they can draw more blood

o Honey, I’d love to watch more of the Voice with you, but I can’t, I’ve got a date with a vampire

9. Daddy’s Little Helpers

– Ativan, gummies, shrooms, booze, Zoloft...

o Self-explanitory. May also be referred to as Grandpa’s Little Helpers

10. Asshole

– Anyone who reminds me that I’m fortunate that I have prostate cancer instead of a more deadly cancer.

o Them - “Isn’t that one of the best cancers to get?”

o Me - “Why don’t you sign up for it then, Asshole!”

Written by
Carlosbach profile image
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93 Replies
Zengal79 profile image

Made me laugh! Thanks.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Zengal79

Thanks Zengal

Kaliber profile image

hysterical….. “ harshing my mellow “ is one I’ve never heard before… really funny . Kewl post buddy .. still laughing ( and thinking of how I can pirate your material ) yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Thanks K. It's "open source", so no copyright

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach


dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Kaliber


Rest in Peace Olivia

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to dockam

thanks bruddah

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Lol, no problemo, you know me and my Radiohead

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam

I like her music too.


dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Kaliber

Have you never Harshed mellow?

Have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you?

Have you never been happy just to wear your Thong?

Have you never let someone else be strong?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam


I think my mellow is mellow yellow, with saffron and fourteen ….

Pretty much “ all “ my comfort comes from with-in , cept for some from that quart of Southern Comfort

Hummmmm …. Well maybe a xxl jock strap would be barely ( pun ) adequate…. a thong ,……. I’d be totally naked

Uh dunno … I’d always be the black leather, supple knee length 6” stiletto heel boot , fishnet stockings and that shiny, ultra supple , black 10’ coachwhip with 7 tassels on the end , each knotted three times…… type …

Whatever that stuff is , I have no idea what we’re talk’in about. This isn’t even me typing …. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya

Just say’in


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Cool man, just pass the spiff on and don't bogart the whole thing next time

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Mahalo for setting me up for a song post



Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

the hammer usually moves in and bogarts everything Yayahahahaya have to hide in tha garage .😂😂😂

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Gotta hate that. Just remember if she pounds on the door you answer with a "Dave's not here, man"

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

maybe if I hide under a car or use my Harry Potter cloak of invisibility . The garage has network 4K cameras it …. No hiding in there. Maybe throw a rag over the camera …. Yayahahahaya.

There is a plan tho … let her get couch locked and “ then “ eat a gram myself. That works every time. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya


dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Kaliber

Yea, I'm just mad about Saffron youtu.be/BbxJmEduMFc

And How dare you say "Yellow" you're such a Racist😂

Ohhh, had a bad experience with Southern Comfort in my Youth and now I can't smell it without gagging. LOL

Oh, was this you in here?: youtu.be/bc80tFJpTuo

And don't get me excited with those thoughts of fishnets, and a little French maids outfit? orientaltrading.com/women-s...

Yea, I think there's a Ghost in the Machine typing my responses too💙

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to dockam

Don't sweat it, "In just seven days I can make you a man"

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. I see you shiver in antici... pation.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam

omg … hang on a minute , hang on there … I wanna get my popcorn and a beverage and comfortable seat before this feature starts … got my phone recorder going too. Woooohooooo ….

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to Carlosbach

My MO said "Don't sweat it. In just seven days I can make you a woman."

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to monte1111

To quote Shania, "Man, I feel like a woman"

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam

frank-n- furter ( Tim curry ) was an extremely talented actor and showman … way above most others , his role as frank-n- furter was a classic of all time. I only wish I had a crumb of that talent. I surely have watched them dozens of times , standing in line to get in nights on Hollywood Boulevard , and dozens on video since.

I have the same thing with Wild Turkey … turkey makes me dry heave when I smell it ( it’s a long story ) and I don’t drink whiskey, still today, because of it. Yuck …

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Kaliber

Yea, saw it a ton when in Hawaii with HS classmates and in LA with Collegemates. We brought the required items: water guns, Scott TP, toast, rice


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam

on the Hollywood bvld theater, everyone came dressed as a character. if you didn’t have a character outfit, the theater workers came out , before the midnight show, and passed out top hats , zoro masks, capes, foxtails mesh for your legs if you were in a dress ( gals or guys ) etc. … all crepe paper etc. the fox tail looked kewl in line but didn’t work inside in a seat. Same with the cape but less so. People spent more time in the aisles and on stage than in their seats. Shows were rather ruckus and many people passed out or tripping in the medical office .( they were let loose after they sobered up ). I always got the top hat and zoro mask and sometimes the cape. So many rowdy stoners and drinkers … it was super loud and great fun. In downtown L.A. , in those days, the bars only took a two hour break about sunrise , so the partiers usually moved to the closest bars you could walk to easily. I needed a couple weeks to “ get well “ after one of those shows.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Sure glad nobody had smart phones in those days. I'd hate to think of the videos that could be circulating of me from that era

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

thank goodness huh …. that could have changed everything. Scary …😂😂😂

gsun profile image
gsun in reply to dockam

Don't forget the BIC lighters. "Theres a light..." We used melba toast. And when she sang "touch me, touch me" several people would go up on the stage and grope her boobs on the screen.

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to gsun

Oh yeah, forgot about that!! And Yelling "lips" at the Start of the movie, "asshole" for Brad, "kick it" when he checks the tire, What's for dinner "Meatloaf" "Slut" for Janet.


gsun profile image
gsun in reply to dockam

And booing every time the announcer came on so you could never hear what he said. I had to see it at home to find out!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to gsun

don’t remember lighters but might have been some … but I did see various “ fondling the screen “ from the stage too. Those giant inflated body parts were common. Times were different back then … it was all kinda fresh and new and not jaded back then. Oh well . ❤️❤️❤️

gsun profile image
gsun in reply to Kaliber

Exactly. It was just fun.

gsun profile image
gsun in reply to Kaliber

We used to say that using a Tommy Chong voice.Hey maaan... don't harsh my mellow.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to gsun

woooooow mannnnn ….. I might have heard that but it prolly flew right past me … that’s the problem with couchlock yayahahahaya. Too busy thinking about food and looking for those foster grants stuck on the top of your head. Just say’in. 😂😂😂

dockam profile image

Well done my Bruddah 😂

Carlosbach profile image

I like it. Never heard that one that I recall. However, I have used the name “Vienna sausage“

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

COCKtail weiner? Lil Smokies?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dockam

” big “ imaginations more likely …. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya

Carlosbach profile image

Baby Hog is a proud nickname as long as you and the wife are still mak’n bacon

Carlosbach profile image

I love it! My wife and I are still practicing as well. A lot of fun when you don’t have to worry about a little piggy in 9 months

TylexGP profile image

Thank you for the laugh!!!

ragnar2020 profile image

No more “watering the elephant,” or “playin hide the banana” but there are memories of those days gone by. Used to be known as the “Rampart penis of the north,” or “hot cock from the east” “swinging wiener from the south” or “ramblin bones from out west” now just the tired old one-eyed trouser snake with his shrunken bb balls. My frat brothers are mostly dead and gone now but I smile when I remember them.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to ragnar2020

Might be time for some Go Juice Ragnar. That, when coupled with my memories, can still move and inspire a small pup tent in my pants.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to ragnar2020

Thought maybe your nickname was Biggus Dickus


Love this clip

Horse12888 profile image

Some truly funny stuff here.

Re: #10, I' reminded of an incident shortly after I had my primary therapy that included ADT. My sex life is over, my wife has become my roommate, getting ready to move out, and I feel like shit, crying like a small child several hours each day.

At an industry trade show, a woman told me that PCa was probably not going to kill me. I was so new to whole concept that I reacted without thinking about it, "Oh, it doesn't END your life. It RUINS your life."

I quit ADT when I came very close I was to blowing my brains out. And, in the nine intervening years, I've gotten used to all of this; I feel pretty good.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Horse12888

Glad you are still here with us, despite f'ing PC

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Horse12888

good for you bruddha … whatever gets you thru the night , it’s all good.


Catskills profile image

This hit me at just the right time. Thank you.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Catskills

Glad that my list worked for you. A better outcome than I could have hoped for from my jokes. Bless you and don't let anything harsh your mellow

nuc1111 profile image

Thanks for sharing. Ed

NEHOG profile image


Rick0 profile image

laughing out loud. Thanks.

pjd55d profile image

har har har - great stuff - If I couldn't laugh at the insanity of this disease and the insanity of my life - I am sure I would be hiding in the corner of a dark room crying - but mostly I am out there bashing my way through life - laughing inappropriately and doing my best to live thinking - sometimes saying :" Fuck you Mr Cancer " hope those are some of my final words - also " I love you baby " to my partner.

Best to all of you

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to pjd55d

Sounds like a pretty good epitaph along with, "he laughed right up to the end"

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Carlosbach

Will slide sideways into my grave at the last moment.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to CAMPSOUPS

hold out as long as you can bruddah

I’m thinking more along the lines of a Thelma and Louise ending

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

I've actually jokingly said to a pt that a Convertible Corvette, me, beers and a suicidal Blonde next to me off a cliff 😂

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to dockam

I thought that looked like your big smile in that T-Bird

Thelma & Louise can fly
dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Lol, and I'll be screaming Yippee Ki Yay M' fer


Okay4now profile image

Love it !! I think of my vestigial testicles as raisin nuts rather than grape nuts.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Okay4now

Had to do a little research, but I get it now

Okay4now profile image
Okay4now in reply to Carlosbach

Perfect !

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Okay4now

I hear that … mine shrunk up and withdrew up into my abdomen , now fighting for real estate with my gherkin pickle sized PCa tumors yayahahahaya.

Still here tho .. that’s what’s most near and dear. 😂😂😂

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Death to the gherkins! Raise a glass and a prayer for a long life for Special K

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

love ya bruddha ❤️❤️❤️

Margoto profile image

Dark humor is better than no humor! Laughter is often the best medicine.

cancerfox profile image

I especially like #10. One of the reasons I rarely tell people that I have PC is I don't want to "disappoint" them by inferring that I "only" have PC, like it's similar to catching a cold or spraining an ankle. Suggesting that PC is a "good" cancer to get is like saying someone is a little bit pregnant........it's disingenuous at best. Tell it to the wives, children, and other loved ones who have lost someone to PC. Somehow when I was first diagnosed with PC it never occurred to me to throw a big "It's only PC!" party to celebrate. 🦊

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to cancerfox

I agree. Once word got out that my cancer was "only" pc, I was inundated by people who meant well telling me how fortunate I was. All that after the doc told me to expect an 18 - 24 month life expectancy

Jeremiad53 profile image
Jeremiad53 in reply to Carlosbach

I was told that if I was lucky, I would live long enough to die of a heart attack. IDK about that but I am now 6 years in, mets on ribs, shoulders and currently .04 PSA on Zytiga + prednisone. There are twists and turns, hang in for the next method to extend life.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Jeremiad53

We will be waiting with you

cancerfox profile image

Here's hoping that your doc is off in his prediction by a factor of 10 or more! 🦊

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to cancerfox

Thanks fox. I've already proved that he was full of shite. I passed the two-year mark in October and I've got plans for a longer future.

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Congrats on that Cancerversary!!!

Live Long and Prosper and Qol On!!

anonymoose2 profile image

Yes the comforting words of ““Isn’t that one of the best cancers to get?””

Not one doctor or nurse told me that! it was family members.

After a few counseling moments with those individuals I don’t think they will say that again to anyone no matter the cancer especially me.

On my headstone “ He died of one of the Best Cancers”

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to anonymoose2

Here lies Anony Moose II

He died of one of the best cancers

Oh, what a lucky man he was

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach


dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Watch out for these guys youtu.be/grbSQ6O6kbs

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to dockam

knew when I posted my reply that it was a setup for EL&P...

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Carlosbach

Yea, I was too good to pass up and you baited me into it :-)

Still you turn me on youtu.be/yoxHGxQw9ws

anonymoose2 profile image
anonymoose2 in reply to Carlosbach


cancerfox profile image
cancerfox in reply to anonymoose2

Tombstone epitaph: "It Must Have Been Worse Than We Thought" 🦊

anonymoose2 profile image
anonymoose2 in reply to cancerfox


Carlosbach profile image

The eulogist should include some encouragement to my family and survivors: “At least he didn’t suffer (compared to those with a “bad” cancer)

Jeremiad53 profile image

Is it normal to have mod swings and feel really down? I thought it was only me.

Jeremiad53 profile image
Jeremiad53 in reply to Jeremiad53

My wife is now about 8 months into endo cancer, Has a bag, now was told just this weekend it MAY involve a kidney. My great grandson was delivered dead the same day, and if feels like a good day to end it all. I have never been more down. This humor helps, but the hits just keep on coming. Tomorrow will be better I hope. Hang on brothers, in my experience don't forget the Highs, CELEBRATE WHEN YOU CAN, Party on

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Jeremiad53

Up, Down, Cyclotron around. The meds F with your moods. The cancer F's with your idea of life, and Life itself is always F'd, except for when it is glorious. I'm working to dwell on the glorious.

Carlosbach profile image


Shit brother. Humor only lightens a mood, but it doesn't begin to touch what you are experiencing.

I agree with your last line, CELEBRATE WHEN YOU CAN. Two and a half years ago when i got the news that I would be dead in two year (or less), I got slammed with three big hitters within two weeks of each other. I was beyond devastated. The only thing that got me through was the strength I had gained in the previous months of good times. Right now, the only one of the three issues that has been resolved is that my son is no longer in jail. The others still f'ing suck big time. At times they are all I can see.

For now, all I can tell you is that you are there for your wife, your dead grandson's family, and that is a reason to keep being there going forward. Your continued existence helps them.

At this point my nighttime meds are closing my eyelids, but PM me if you need to talk more tomorrow. My meager jokes can't patch the deep pain you and your family are experiencing, but I can be there online to listen and support you.

Jeremiad53 profile image
Jeremiad53 in reply to Carlosbach

Thanks Carlos, things are brighter today. My daughter in law told me that it was a relief, she knew something was wrong all along. I am devastated, they are sad but okay. Wife says LETS GO LIVE LIFE, told her surgeons one more test and we are gone. She wants to sell the house, get a truck and a 5th wheel trailer and boogie till our pants fall down. Who knows what comes next, or if we will do it, but the idea has us busy planning, cleaning and setting up a garage sale for the 3 day weekend coming up ... Presidents day or something.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Jeremiad53

Glad to hear that the today is a little brighter. My experience has been that this journey puts a roller coaster to shame. Big highs (you're in remission), and big lows (the CT scan detected new suspicious nodules). I'm all for turning loose of the safety bar, put your hands in the air, and scream on the big drops. RVing might be a good option. After my diagnosis I bought a small tow behind so that I could still see friends and family during the pandemic. In two years it has paid for itself in great experiences. Best to you and your family

Peealot profile image

Humor is ALWAYS good medicine. Thanks for the laughs.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Peealot

Your name here on the forum is by itself big humor lol. Peealot what a fit for any of us here.

We should think of some more. Sweatalot. Cryalot. Napalot. Weighalot.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to CAMPSOUPS

love it camps

Can I be sir Sweatsalot?

Ampa profile image

Enjoyed your humor. Keep them coming! Thank you!

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