WARNING! These jokes contain DARK humor
The National Cancer Institute urges cancer patients to build humor into their day-to-day lives. Hope these wisecracks help you meet your quota of laughs today…
1. Nothing is more fun than showing your 13 year-old grandson how long and how big in diameter your catheters are. After mine finally came back into the house he was still in shock.
2. My wife just laughs and laughs when I showed her the emails offering to show me “How to score with babes”, or informing me that I can “Meet hot singles in my area.”
3. As a bonus, any kicks to the balls are likely to miss
4. Old guys could be so creative with their user nicknames (yes “peealot”, this means you)
5. It is unlikely that your airline miles will expire before you do
6. Your brain fog means you don’t miss sex – because you can’t remember how great it once was
7. My final joke in this life is that I get to pick who will be stuck serving as my executor – My choice is my pompous brother-in-law. I've prepared a spreadsheet with all of my assets. Boy is he going to be surprised when he finds out I accidentaly transposed all of my account numbers.
8. Finally, you’ve got the perfect excuse if you forget your anniversary
9. If you die and go to hell, you probably won’t notice the difference for at least a month
10. You are eligible to join this forum of supportive old farts
In all seriousness, this forum has been a Godsend (even for a skeptic). I wish that the Drs had given me a link to the site instead of a cartoon pamphlet.
Thank you for all of your support,