Thank you all that gave me feedback and your support. I do understand that the Dr. needs more data to map the course of attack for the cancer. I also had the ExoDx prostate test ( urine collection kit that you mail in). Dr. told me the test results came back at 89% cancer. Onward. My God guide us through our trials and tribulations.
Update-the votes are in! I will do th... - Advanced Prostate...
Update-the votes are in! I will do the prostate biopsy.

Thank god. Good for you. Your "I am leaning towards it" response had me worried.
Good man, I wish you well.
GOOD! It is the first step in diagnosing and setting up a treatment plan. You will be fine, honest. These guys have all done it and won't let you down.

Thank u
Carry on Spartan! Data is a good thing!
In bore, mp, 3.0T MRI, a perineal biopsy? The very best all the way around.
Refuse any fluoroquinolones if prescribed. Ask that Cefdinir or Rocephin be used.
I have irreversible damage from fluoroquinolones used during biopsy procedures. I was nearly a cripple for a few years. The FDA ignored years of adverse events reported thinking "the benefit outweighs the danger".
Fluoroquinolones and aortic aneurysm
Fluoroquinolones appear to increase the risk of aortic aneurysm and dissection by approximately twice the usual risk, although the risk is low. The reason for this increased risk cannot be determined, and the usual risk of aortic aneurysm can vary depending on the population.
FDA In Brief: FDA warns that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can caus… …
FDA: Fluoroquinolones Boost Risk of Aortic Ruptures, Tears. An aortic dissection or rupture of an aortic aneurysm can lead to dangerous bleeding or even death, the agency said. Such incidents can occur both with fluoroquinolones given by mouth and those delivered by injection.
FDA: Fluoroquinolones Boost Risk of Aortic Ruptures, Tears
Fluoroquinolone neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy has been listed as a side effect of fluoroquinolones since 2004. There have been reports of long-lasting nerve damage and disability in patients taking this type of medication. A recent FDA review revealed that the existing warnings for fluoroquinolones were inadequate.
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Linked to Serious Nerve Damage neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy has been listed as a side effect of fluoroquinolones since 2004. There have been reports of long-lasting nerve damage and disability in patients taking this type of medication. A recent FDA review revealed that the existing warnings for fluoroquinolones were inadequate.
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Linked to Serious Nerve Damage
Oral Fluoroquinolones and the Risk of Retinal …
Antiobiotics and Risks to Tendons, Muscles and Joints
"A black-box warning from the FDA now recommends that most patients with these illnesses should receive an alternative treatment, if possible. According to the new guidelines, fluoroquinolone should be used to treat only the most persistent bacterial infections which fail to respond to any other antibiotic."
The new recommendations stem from a recent safety review which found that regular use of Cipro or Levaquin may result in permanent damage to the muscles, tendons, joints, nerves, and the central nervous system. Some patients have experienced chronic and disabling pain associated with their use of this antibiotic."
As for the fluoroquinolones and guv agency oversight, a friend was severely damaged by one of the early fluoros in 1986. He was a robust, athletic man who had a cold. His doctor prscribed a newer wonder drug. He had vision loss so great that even with coke bottle eyeglasses he was unable to drive any longer. His wife had to drive him everywhere. He developed neuropathy in both hands. It was thought he might have MS.
In 2013, twenty-seven years later they started giving me pills to swallow and one doctor also injected me at the same time combining two different fluoroquinolones. Biopsies and procedures you know! Now I have irreversible damage.
More--? Five men, four who had prostate cancer, one who didn't, about four years ago, discussing their prostate issues. I brought up the fluoro topic. Another of the four had been diagnosed with adverse reaction to the fluoros he had been prescribed, joint problems I believe. The man without prostate cancer expressed his shock stating that he had an aortic aneurysm after he had been on fluoroquinolones. Two out of five diagnosed by doctors and a third that wasn't.
My very best you,
Thank u. TRUS procedure being used...yuck. Headed to pharmacy to see what they are giving me.
If you can pay anything out of pocket, I would suggest Dr. Busch in Atlanta Georgia. A biopsy is similar to an army's reconnaissance. The better the reconnaissance, the more likely the army is to wage a successful campaign against the enemy.
I have never been to or spoken with Dr. Busch or his staff, but I have spoken to several of his patients and have read some of his other patient's positive comments about him. Dr. Busch only biopsies when he "sees" something rather than mapping out a grid. Biopsies can cause damage.
The TRUS biopsy is a bit archaic and often misses cancers. Did you request an in bore, real time, biopsy using a mp 3.0 t MRI? You might ask about it.
If the TRUS is what you have. all you have or can do then I would do it --but--do not get beat down in discussion if your request for a superior imaging technique is denigrated.
My best to you,
"THEY"--don't count! "YOU" do!
As before, if you can afford an in bore by one of the best in the country, Dr. Busch in Atlanta is who I would go to.
I learned the hard way, but, my first biopsy was a TRUS and found the cancer. Really--they do things backwards. The mp, 3.0T MRI should be done first before a biopsy. An in-bore biopsy could be ready if needed.
I am just giving you information. The decision will be your decision. As for myself, a doctor literally did three, nearly saturation biopsies on me in addition to the first TRUS. My oncologist who has decades of experience, has participated in studies funded by guv agencies and is the head of the genitourinary department at his hospital has told me, "Don't let anyone biopsy you again".
My best to you,
Do what you have to do then!
Ask for Cefdinir or Rocephin rather than a fluoroquinolone.
Ask about a MRI first.
Let us know how your results.
Good! Although not real time, the MRI will likely be linked to the ultrasound for more accuracy. That will be a plus.
Good luck!