What should I be expecting from Radiotherapy
I’ve had a good response from initial treatments
DX Dec 2021
N0 M1b PSA 102
Zoladex 3 month given 2 weeks after Bicalutamide
First PSA reading to give baseline in March 2022 before starting Enzalutamide PSA 0.2
Bloods taken again 3 weeks later after Enzalutamide started PSA .001
Scans that I’ve had MRI / CT / Nuclear Bone scan have showed only the one Met.
CT scan is booked for next week to then discuss scan later that month with Oncologist to look at Radiotherapy treatment to the Prostate and the metastasis assuming no progression.
This is being described as with a view to “consolidating” the disease
Could this mean a long durable remission ?
What treatment should I expect
Can this only ever be palliative and not curative.
Should I have a PSMA pet scan which I would need to pay for plus if I did and this resulted in micro mets showing it could take me from low volume to high volume and migrate to the point where I would get no radiotherapy so a double whammy.
What side effects can I expect it seems fatigue is again mentioned but there seems to be mixed information / advice in Google land.
Tall Allen has said that in the UK the radiotherapy is given once a week over 6 weeks but I may not of given as much information at the point of his commentary
Any thoughts and comments ?
Thank you in advance