Hey everyone I'm a newby here. I live in Toronto Canada. August 2020 I was diagnosed with advanced metastatic prostate cancer, Gleason 8 psa111. I started treatments of elegard injections every 3 months and zytiga with prednisone every day. My most recent imaging and bloodwork show both my psa and mets undetectable.
My Journey: Hey everyone I'm a newby... - Advanced Prostate...
My Journey
Sounds like you are responding well to treatment. Keep up the good work.
Great response!
Welcome to the group! I too am a Canuck but living in British Columbia. You are at the start, hopefully, of a very long road. Good response so far. Your oncologist is hitting your PCa hard with prescriptions for both Zytiga (abiraterone) and Eligard (leuprolide). No wonder the big drop in your PSA reading. I have been battling this damn disease for a very long time. Nine years this May but I am on a slightly different path: Xtandi (enzalutamide) and Zoladex (goserelin). I hope you have as many good years as I have had and hope to have.
Bravo being undetectable! join me! So far six years under the wire! 😂👏🏼👏🏼
Hi Painterism1,
Good response to the treatments of elegard injections every 3 months and zytiga with prednisone every day.
Since PSA is at undetectable stay on the treatment. If it starts to rise, do consider either radiation or chemo. But always check with your good onco, the good advice on this forum and how you feel.
Take care and stay safe.
Good results! I am on a very similar path to you, diagnosed in December 2020.You say 'latest blood work' shows these results? Does this also show your mets activity? I have undetectable PSA, but have also had 3 PSMA PET scans which show that my mets are still active and increasing slightly. If you haven't had one can I suggest that you have a PSMA PET scan to check this out.
Best wishes
Hi Stephen, I would love to have a psma,but it is only available in Canada through clinical trials or find a hospital that you can pay to have it done. Its standard of care in many countries.
When you say the PMSA scans indicate Mets are increasing slightly, do you mean that SUV is higher-or the actual met area? Thanks
Sorry, been away, but a good question.I don't know if the area has increased, only that the SUV has increased. I will find out from the oncologist as we have an appointment tonight.
Painter, I would expect your MO to do this, but watch out for your liver enzymes. Zytiga worked great for me, but my liver enzymes shot up, way out of normal range.
👍 Did you get your alkaline phosphatase checked? My understanding is that it is important to be trending down or stable with bone mets. I have similar profile to you currently 5.7 PSA but243 Alk Phos elevated.
Welcome to the club noone wants to join...busounds like great response to first line treatment.....