Hi Everyone,
My Dad was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer at age 72. His PSA was 9,800 (very high). He had an issue with something pushing on his bladder. Lymph nodes were involved, but no bones or organs.
He chose to do 6 rounds of Taxotere with ADT.
The result was tremendous! His PSA went to .3. He had a ton of cancer kill. There is no longer an issue with the bladder. This result has lasted for two years with a three month ADT shot. He PSA remained steady at .3 the entire time.
Over the last six months his PSA has gone up a very small amount. Let’s say from .3, to .4, to .8.
With the overall increase from .3 to .8, his doctor (Dr. Nordquist) wants him to decide if he should:
1). Do nothing (wait and see)
2). Enroll in a trial with Zytiga and Fuzuloparib
3) Zytiga
4) Taxotere for another 6 rounds (my suggestion because we have proof it worked so well)
He just had a PET scan and there are no bones or organs involved
What do you guys think?
Thanks again and again for your insight, knowledge, and help!
Much love and good health to the community❤️,