My journey started with yearly PSA test. 4.3 to 3.9 up to 4.5 at the end of 2019. At that point my urologist thought he felt something so did 6 biopsies. 3 of the biopsies contained cancer ( Gleason 7 4+3). I elected to have robotic radical prostatectomy at the end of March 2020. My prostate, semilvascial and 11 lymph nodes were removed. 1 lymph node contained cancer. My grading was T3bN1. I postponed further treatment until I healed and recovered from incontinence (got to zero pads). During this time, I had PSA tests. The 1st couple were <0.1. I then switched to ultra sensitive PSA resulting in 0.028 then 0.026. My understanding is without a prostate my PSA should be 0. So my minute PSA could be a result of a wrong test ( same lab doing the test) , my surgeon left a minute amount of prostate tissue generating PSA ( surgeon has done over 10,000+ prostatectomies so I felt good about his capabilities), I still have some cancer cells floating around hopefully in my prostate bed area. Not wanting to play Russian roulette with cancer, I elected to have whole pelvic 40 SRT sessions and ADT treatment ( 6 mos Lupron with my testosterone at 469.4 ng/dL before injection). I finished my radiation about month ago and two weeks ago had ultra sensitive PSA and testosterone tests. My PSA was 0.014 and testosterone was 3. Other than frequent hot flashes and lack of sexual activity, my life has returned pretty much to normal ( walk 18 holes of golf 3/4 times a week, manual work around house, hiking, etc). I will be having my follow-up visit with the radiation oncologist in mid August. Ant thoughts on AS and/or additional treatments would be appreciated