I just took my 4th taxotere treatment and had blood work done my alkaline photophase dropped down to 99. But my psa went up from 15,4 to 25.8 . Feeling pretty hopeless that this not working. Also I had to have a catheter inserted 2 days before the treatment and test . It is still in until next monday. Can this cause much of a rise in the PSa just grasping for straws at this point . Any info would be appreciated.
4th taxotere treatment PSA went up - Advanced Prostate...
4th taxotere treatment PSA went up

Had the same issue. So rechallenged with zytiga and dex. That lasted 4 to 6 months then now doing taxol which is working wonderfully. Ask to switch your poison. Good luck.
My PSA started back up after #4 (tested before infusion #5). Added Xtandi and drove PSA down and after 9 cycles stayed on Xtandi until I was an invalid and aPca was in remission. Cut back on Xtandi, got my life back, and now 4 years in to this war. One battle at a time. Best of luck to you. Taxotere should still be killing your cancer.
Tryed xtandi and zytiga which neither worked did the sbrt and it dropped my psa from 60 to the 13. Just don't understand what is going on just depressing. Is the the taxotere a useless treatment just can' get any answers just feeling hopeless that not is working. Was hoping that this catheter is causing the problem because it sure bothers my prostate.Thanks for your info.
Think about what PSA is. It is a protein expressed by all healthy prostate cells whosee purpose is to liquify semen. It doesn't normally make it into the blood serum. But when prostate cells are mechanically disturbed (sex, prostate massage, bike riding, urinary retention, inflammation, a catheter) PSA is released from cells and is picked up by blood tests for PSA.
Yes, catheters can certainly cause a PSA increase if you still have your prostate. It is the whole picture (especially the picture!) that counts, not just PSA.
The catheter was put in on late saturday and psa on monday still have my prostate. Can it raise the psa by 9 points ,the prostate feels like when I used to get prostatitis. It has me concerned that the taxotere is not working. Was hoping because my alk photophase had decreased into normal range {99} so I thought the chemo was working. Supposed to leave catheter in for a week. Does this make sense that this could be reason that PSA went up not that chemo is not working? Just confused and very concerned . I always appreciate your info. If you can shed any light on this would be greatly appreciated.Thankyou
I was told at Mayo Clinic that several things can cause PSA to rise other than Cancer growth. #1 is infection #2 is Cycling longer than 30 minutes day before or day of test. #3 is Lovemaking day of or day before testing (most of us on ADT need not worry bout #3😔). Sounds like you have #1?
I hate catheters , after removing it I got a raging infection and was on meds to take care of it. I would think it would rise the PSA also, keep on fighting.
I'm sorry for this dumb question.... but why the catheter?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 03/31/2021 7:09 PM DST
Had issue with bladder hurting when I went . It was like a terrible cramp and very little would pass. So went to emergency room and they put in catheter and removed about 3 bags of urine. Told me my bladder was distended. Said to leave in until I could see my Urologist and give the bladder relaxed. That was was late saturday night and had psa on monday morning with catheter in .Spoke with the oncologist who has background in urology and he told me he did not think that this would raise my psa . Seems contrary to all I have been told over the years about psa testing. I explained that I felt like my prostate was enlarged causing some aching in the testicles and into my buttock. Was hoping to get some encouragement that this could possibly be problem but he was not about to go that far.I explained my alk photophase had dropped even though psa went up. He said lets see what your next scans look like. Just threw me into a panic mode that treatment was not working and whats next. hoping the catheter has something to do with this. So no further than when I started my post but I appreciate all the replies I have received from other on the forum. Just have to get my head on straight which is sometimes hard to do. Scootman
Let's hope that by Monday the 5th everything will settle down. I hate those catheters....Take deep breaths and try to relax....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 03/31/2021 9:25 PM DST
Thank you hoping all is to do with bladder retention have scans on tuesday and hope nothing new shows up. Just going by gut feeling the urinary retention has to do with this but that might be just way of wishful thinking I am not a doctor and anytime I bring up an idea like that I always get shot down. Thanks for your good wishes
I’m sorry- same shit happened to me. PSA rising on Taxotere! Have you had genetic testing done to see if immunotherapy may be an option? What about a PSMA scan to see if LU-177 may be effective? Stay strong brother!!!!!!