I had my prostate removed in January. I started ADT about two weeks ago and just received my second session of radiation. Prior to starting ADT, my PSA was .37 and a month prior was .22. I had blood drawn right after my first session of radiation yesterday and got the result back today. My PSA has gone up to .53. Is this normal
PSA Went Up After Start of ADT - Advanced Prostate...
PSA Went Up After Start of ADT

" right after my first session of radiation yesterday" Did your RO recommend this? The radiated cells increase the PSA value while dying .
Your mistake was having a PSA too soon. Radiation kills PCa cells. The dead cells dump their PSA into your blood. You have to wait 3 months after radiation to see a decrease. Your RO should have known that and should not have approved a meaningless test.
My RO order the PSA to be done one week from my next appointment with is next Monday. I blood test was order to see the level of testosterones because of the ADT. The PSA was just one of the panels that came back from the lab. So, I got the blood drawn about three hours after my first radiation. That will cause the PSA dump?
You contradicted yourself, in a previous post:
"That's not a bounce. Bounces refer to prostate treatment."
The poster has no prostate.

Sorry, I don't know what you are referring to.
Thanks for that. What happens to PCa cells after Doxetaxal - my hubby’s PSA continued to decrease after 5 infusions (also on Zoladex)?
It kills many.
apologies I should have worded better - I’m asking where to the dead cells go following chemo; if into the blood stream (like RT) then why does PSA not increase after chemo like it does after RT?
I had 6 chemo sessionsAll six blood tests my PSA went up?????
Very small, but consistently each blood test before chemo.
No answers,
Doctor said may have gone up twice as fast if not had chemo!!!!
But finished chemo, finished radio, then month 2 after, my PSA is back where it was pre chemo.....
none, still baffled but now not so worried about that point in my life!!!
PSA is maybe not always a cancer...
My PSA also went up a little bit to 0.3 after finishing my last chemotherapy but later went down again.
"blood test was order to see the level of testosterones because of the ADT. " So what was your T? If it was not undetectable the .53 perhaps could be just a continuation of your upward PSA trend, not yet halted by ADT or RT. You don't have a prostate but you do have prostate tissue.
And I'm just guessing here but I doubt that 1 RT session kills very many PCa cells, if any. The total dose is divided over many sessions, meaning that any one is just a fraction of the amount needed for the total kill. The effect over the treatment period is cumulative.
An additional consideration is that can often take a month or so until Lupron and similar ADT lowers testosterone to castrate levels. And can also have a testosterone flare before then. Patience. You are on a good treatment course.
Hey toyman why not buy one of those kid's doctor kits/toys and drawn and test your own blood. Hence no confusion.......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 06/16/2023 10:44 PM DST