First diagnosed in December 2018 with PSA at 7.57. Went on ADT (lupron, zytiga, prednisone) and numbers dropped through 2019 and into 2020 with last few readings at 0.37, 0.33, 0.32, 0.31, 0.31, 0.30 (every 3 months). Today the number went to 0.4 and my MO said not to be concerned. Should I be? Thanks, guys.
PSA rises from 0.3 to 0.4 - should I ... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA rises from 0.3 to 0.4 - should I be concerned?

No. If you have 3 straight rising numbers then I'd start to be concerned. Or a big jump on the next one.
No you shouldn't be concerned.
Tiny changes either in PSA or in the machine or its calibration, or even in the time of day, the food you eat, or other otherwise irrelevant factors can cause a report to change slightly.
I notice that you reported two significant digits (.31, .30) but only one (.4, not .40) on the most recent test result. Is it possible that the testing mechanism changed?
I would not be concerned at a small increase as that. Watch for three consecutive rises.
Last time mine jumped like that, i did another test a month later to confirm the rise. unfortunately it had gone up even more. i think that's worth doing to know either way.
I was diagnosed 6 months before you, in July 2018. Like you, my treatment (ADT and docetaxel) kept my PSA low and relatively steady ... started at 103, nadir of 0.17, fluctuated around 0.3 and 0.4 for a long time. My last 4 monthly tests are causing concern. 0.57, 0.70, 0.68, 1.0. I may have become castrate resistant. No symptoms yet and I feel great. My oncologist has ordered scans. After that we'll decide what to do.
I hope you continue with good PSA readings for a long time yet.
MSK has a nomogram where you put in our last PSAs, month and year and it return a PSADT so you can see what is going on. Just search MSK nomogram for PSADT.
Only reason for celebration, not for worry.
you should be concerned if your numbers start to double in the next 2or 3 readings from .4 to .8 to 1.6 etc. until then it sounds good
Thank you to all that have commented. At this time, I feel that my concerns have been reduced. I am realistic enough to know that things can change as this monster condition can adapt. For now, I will enjoy life to the fullest.
Relax and listen to some jazz.....
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 02/12/2021 7:04 PM EST - Happy Chinese New Year (year of the flu)
Took your suggestion and put on a little Miles Davis and Bill Evans.
Good, now my turn to relax (My Favorite):
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 02/13/2021 1:04 PM EST -