I am 77 years young. I've had metastatic prostate cancer for 27 years. I had radiation seeding that lasted 5 years. Went on Lupron injections for another 5 years. My oncologist put me on endaludamide which I am currently using. I had the provenge treatment 3 months ago. Not a bad experience at all. The only hard part is having to sit still for 4 hours. The cost was $170,000. Over the course of 27 years, I figure the cancer has cost somewhere in the neighborhood of a million dollars. My cost was next to nothing because the veterans administration paid for 99.9% and has given me great care. Anyone say anything bad about the VA hospital, I'm healthy enough to punch them in the mouth.
Still above room temperature. - Advanced Prostate...
Still above room temperature.

I don’t see where your mets are mentioned. Where are they located??
Va guy here, G. company Rangers, Da Nang.
I thank God for the VA on a regular basis. Without them, I'd be either broke or dead or both.
Hi Pokeragain
Great results at 27 years and counting 👍
Your docs did a good job and your body responded very well to the meds.
Keep it up with the exercises too!
Make like a drum.... and beat it.........
Yep, I wish I could poke my ex-wife again...........this time in the eye.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 05/04/2020 8:03 PM DST
I've done it some ways but never in the eye...🤔
Keep on fighting there warrior, sounds like you are doing great. 🙏🙏🙏
Sounds great. Congratulations and keep it up.
Thank you for your post Pokeragain.. you are an inspiration.. I am just a baby 4 years into this..
Great title on this post, I smile everytime it shows in the news feed.
thank you for the inspiration. Reading your post made me more hopeful.
stay safe and healthy
Love your post. Are there any supplements you take or special diet?
You are an inspiration to us all, 2 years into this, plan on going till my 90's, 100 would be nice if mentally sane and not pee on my shoes.
Again, why do you call your PCa “metastatic”? There is no mention of your mets in either your profile or previous posts.
Your rockin it!