I know I'm dying from this cancer but I'm trying not to! Thats my 2020 response to those who ask how I'm doing. Talapro trial has me at .3 PSA and no bad side effects except more fatigue. MO got me on a clinical study using exercise. Hopefully it will convince insurance companys to help subsidized an exercise routine for cancer patients. Next scan on Jan 10 . Here's hoping that things have not progressed.
Still here and looking forward to 2020 - Advanced Prostate...
Still here and looking forward to 2020

when were you diagnosed and what was your gleason score? what have you done, conventionally?
Gleason 10 diagnosed Sept 2018. Meys to bone. Started lupron every 3 months with early docetaxel 6 injections ever 3 weeks. PSA went down to .6 after chemo but jumped to 14.7 in 3 months. Was able to get into clinical trial with enzalutamide and talazoparib/placebo which had my PSA to .3. I still consider myself a fairly fit 62 despite my cancer so doing trial was no brainer.
Exercise trial was a mutual agreement between my MO and my wife. I needed to strengthen core and fight fatigue so this was a good option. My MOs point is we all understand how much exercise is beneficial so why shouldn't insurers get on board and help with covering cost for a prescribed exercise plan, especially for those with a chronic illness that can reap good benefits.
I'd be very interested to hear more about the exercise clinical study. What do they have you doing? and does the control group have to eat bon-bons on the couch while watching TV?
If the control group do eat bon bons then I'm jumping to that side. Actually it's a group of men who comfortable not exercising on a ser schedule. On my resistance days I do 4 body weight exercises, 4 weight exercise, and 4 core exercises. Sets of 15 2 reps each. We are working up adding weight and extending time on some of the exercises. The other days is aerobic 30 minutes working up to an hour. So far it's been good.
Good May everyday hold a miracle for you🙏
Good luck on the scan, like facing a firing squad waiting for the orders to fire. I too am scheduled for my scan on the 10th. May we both get good news in this new year 🙏🙏🙏
You might try an estradiol patch to improve side effects from ADT and also help keep bones strong. For me, it made me feel much better. 0.10 biweekly patch changed every other day, for example.
That is such a good sign, I think that prescribed exercise is the answer for a longer life for all of us.
Praying for you and going to use your response if you don’t mind!
You'll do great Maleko ... chin up for the 2020s!
Sounds like things are pretty much thumbs up. Cheers.