Have been in pain and limited motion on my left arm ... pain on right. Seems the tumor on my C5, C6, and C7 is growing. It is pinching the nerves and is starting to penetrate my spinal cord. Was radiated to the max there back in 2012, so that is not an option. Decided today with my "team", Onocologist and Neurosurgeon at Tulane, that I will have surgery on May 7th. Will take as much tumor out as he can, the bone fragments that are there (probably from radiation) and then free up the nerves (hopefully). Will put in a couple of screws and said I will be in quite a bit of pain for a couple of weeks while I heal. 50-50 chance that this will work ... but have to do something as not doing anything is not an option. (too much pain and probability of becoming paralyized); after surgery, my have to do another round of chemo, but I'm taking it one day at a time. PSA is still under 10, so staying on Lynparza for the time being. Trying to play "whack a mole" .... as the "mole" has been wacking me for the last several months!
Update - now surgery: Have been in pain... - Advanced Prostate...
Update - now surgery

What a carnival ride APC is ! I’m sorry about this hellish pain . I’m squinching just hearing about it . Hope you can find some relief.. we are the moles and pc wacks us if we don’t wack it first..... 50/50 is hopeful. Get on the right side if that fifty .. they gave me 50/50 chance of surviving my initial treatementsv. That was five years ago . 41/2 in remission. I thank god for the five years . Not without suffering but after two years of urological brutality I’ve beennsksting in thin ice in the eye of the storm. We carry this in our back until the end. Take care Alvin ... good luck Scott
Does not sound like fun. Do your best to hang in there!
I wish you much success in your future procedure(s). Take that 50/50 % and turn it into a 100% plus on your future... BTW Save some of those whacks for my ex-wife..... Hang in there....we need you....at the top of your game....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 04/23/2020 6:04 PM DST
100% 🤙🏽
Good luck brother, I'll say a prayer