Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advices for my father. He was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. He probably already had it for a long time. Quite high PSA (way over 20), and spread to multiple lymph nodes. The surgeon said surgery is still doable, followed by radiation. Radiation oncologist recommended hormone therapy followed by radiation. We feel so much pressure trying to make a decision asap, as there is already spread outside his prostate.
My father is otherwise healthy, a few years from 70 years old, Gleason scores were 7 and 8 (majority is 8). Besides the couple pelvic lymph nodes there is no spread elsewhere according to PSMA scan. I’m not sure if all these makes him a better candidate for surgery or radiation.
I’ve seen many posts and watched videos but still cant really make a decision between the two (my father is okay with either approach). To add more details, his prostate has been enlarged and he has some issue urinating sometimes, because the enlarged prostate or the tumor itself has been impacting the urethra. There is only one tumor and quite large (about 4 cm I believe).
Would really appreciate any advice you could offer. Surgery vs. radiation, any specific type of radiation, specific type of HT, etc. Thank you.