On 3/20 my father (66) was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, with widespread bone mets (right femur, pelvis, spine, ribs, skull, right shoulder and others). His PSA was as high as 126 in december, but on march was 36 just before diagnostic. He started Bicalutamide on march, two weeks before his first shot of Leuprolide, on April 1st/2020. He also went under radiotherapy to his right femur one week later (this was the pain that took him to see a doctor almost for first time in many years). His radioterapist want him to do radio in some spot on his spine mets.
My dad is not aware of his full diagnostic, but he knows something bad was happening since he lost almost 10% of his weight during the last year and a half. I am in charge of everything about his treatment choices, so now I am focused 24/7 reading everything about mPC. He trust me, and most of the time he says that he doesnt want to know what he has; that is the first reason we havent told him the name of this ilness, but so far he knows he has something on his prostate and bones; the other reason is that he is very sensitive, and he has been already depressed for his lost of weight, so we (I and his wife) want him to try his treatment with a positive spririt. He is also depressed because he deeply know something bad is happening and he thinks about my little 6 years old sister and his future.
Well, we are in Venezuela, and we love our country, but for many reasons here we don't have resources and availability than have other people in USA. Luckily the Leuprolide and Bicalutamide treatment are SOC and, therefore, given for free, but his MO suggested me to find a way to put him on Abiraterone treatment, since I know my father wouldnt agree to try Docexatel in this moment. I have read the last trials and I know it would be better to treat him with Abiraterone before the cancer become resistant to ADT, but unfortunaly we don't have access to that medication here, and with our 10 USD salary it would be imposible to think. Anyway, we are looking for support to hey the treatment, even if we have to take the risk with the low doses treatment.
Well, I can say I am "happy" to be here with good people who support each other on this very hard path. This site have helped me a lot to control my anxiety post-diagnostic. I was very shocked and depressed even when I was expecting this new, because it was worst from what we thought.
But well, here I am, trying to face this reality, and help my father to have the Best Quality of life during the most extended time.
Thank you for being here...I have today one month being one of the many "secret" and "silent" readers from this page.