My dad and I were set to go to Cleveland today for his final Provenge treatment. However he received a call last night from Dendreon (the lab that makes Provenge) that his cells did not meet quality standards and would not be shipped.
I called his oncologist in Cleveland and she was very emphatic that we discontinue his Provenge treatment; that the risk of him contracting the virus was not worth the potential gain from the final Provenge treatment.
While I'm very relieved that he isn't going to be additionally exposed, I'm disappointed that he's not going to receive his final treatment.
Is there any data that shows that two rounds of Provenge is sufficient? I've heard it likened to a vaccination with the additional treatments being "boosters" in a sense. Can anyone comment on that?
And now, we're faced with trying to get his double lumen dialysis port removed in a world where non-essential surgeries are not being scheduled.
If anyone has any advice or words of encouragement for me, I could certainly use it! Thanks so much!