Will my PSA always increase going forward as my cancer is now in lymph nodes. Have had my prostrate removed 82 radiations and Zytiga with Prednisone.
Does PSA always increase with PC in l... - Advanced Prostate...
Does PSA always increase with PC in lymph nodes

82 radiations? Never heard that before. And none were to your lymph nodes?
Its a typo, he had 62 radiations. As long as Zytiga works, the PSA value will not increase.
As your PC progresses, PSA numbers can become a less reliable yardstick by which to judge your cancers progression..It's possible the metastasized cancer stops producing much PSA..That's why oncologists insist on scans to measure the cancers true rate of development as PSA numbers alone can be unreliable..
Thank you, it was hard to get an answer about my PSA levels 5 years after surgery, radiation and the female hormones...then 4 years later a reoccurrence. Months before I felt horrible with an increase in.pain levels along with several infections and Doctors said the fact my PSA was good everything thing was good. Then 4 months later after a CT scan they saw it was now in my lymph nodes. So I worry as my condition seems to repeating itself even another infection. I have a CT scheduled on Monday. However I wanted to thank you for answering my question.
None of us can answer a "crystal ball" question. Wish we could, but we cannot. "Prostate cancer is not a cornfield; it is a meadow ". Every man's PCa is unique.
Thanks my question was can PSA continue to increase after removable of prostrate, 62 radiations with Lupron
Three years later a reoccurrence and feel horrible. lots of back pain. leg pain with it in my lymph nodes will my PSA ALWAYS increase or can it stop producing high levels of PSA. Purely layman's explanation. My Gleason was 9.9
I reviewed your past posts and you mentioned the VA. If you are still being treated by them and.... if you're a veteran then breaks balls there and get HELP.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 12/09/2019 7:46 PM EST
Wow ! ... naw 28? No matter. I’m a zitiga and predict guy too and glad to hear from you.
Your PSA might not increase but keep in mind if your PSA decreases but your lymph nodes increase in size you could be dealing with small cell carcinoma. That is what I’m dealing with. Something to talk to your doc about if you see that.