I looked through the slides of Prof. Hofman which he presented at the APCCC 2019 conference in Basel. In Australia they are starting a lot of interesting trials using Lu177, now that the well known VISION trial has been closed for new patients. Maybe some of our Australian members are interested to take part in these trials.
The question these trial try to answer is whether the Lu177 therapy can be used earlier than after all conventional treatments failed. Prof. Hofman und colleagues apparently think that is the case.
There is the #LuTectomy trial for patients presenting with lymph node metastases before surgery has been done. These patients will get one to two cycles of Lu177 therapy followed by surgery with extended lymph node dissection. up.picr.de/37234863ge.png
The #UpFrontPSMA trial is treating hormone-naive patients presenting with high volume metastatic disease with two to three cycles of Lu177 therapy followed by ADT and Docetaxel chemo: up.picr.de/37234873ob.png
The PRINCE trial is combining the Lu177 therapy with Immunotherapy (Pembroluzimab): up.picr.de/37234878hz.png
Then there is the LuPARP trial combining Lu177 therapy with Olaparib: up.picr.de/37234881vy.png
The slides of his entire presentation can be found here:
apccc.org/fileadmin/files/2... and a video of his presentation is here: