Hello! I’m an 83 year old with 23 years old prostate cancer. I have developed HRPCA, so been on Xtandi and Lupron. My PSA went to undetectable from 16 in four months. I do suffer from mild to extreme fatigue. My oncologist just lowered my Xtandi dosage from 4 to 3 pills per day. He said I could lower it even more if I wanted to! I wondered if any of you have done this and what the outcome has been? Thanks!
REDUCE XTANDI DOSE?: Hello! I’m an 8... - Advanced Prostate...

There is this abstract of a retrospective study with low number of patients. It suggests that it may work for a while:
Thank you. Interesting study. But small group. I was hoping there were men that may have reduced their dosage on this forum. Maybe....
The information in the "study" could be more useful that the experience of a few members of this forum.
Best of luck.
There are a number of members of this forum newly experimenting with lower doses of Xtandi. Too early for general results.
I'm only 71, and I have not done it, but the info from Part 12.3, Pharmacodynamics, of the Prescribing Information for Xtandi might provide some food for thought as to the interplay of Absorption, Metabolism, and Elimination profiles for Xtandi.
You can go much lower if you add Vit C via IV to your regimen. But let the ups and downs of your PSA be your guide as to how aggressive you must be.
I was on four pills a day for about six months, My MO and I decided to reduce it to two pills daily, my PSA held at 0.15. I reduced it recently to one pill a day and my PSA spiked to 0.28...I went back to two pills a day and it continued to rise.Last week I went to three pills a day awaiting my next PSA in December... I hope I did not screw myself...
Wishing you positive outcomes
Go Blue... Its a Prostate Cancer Thing
I reduced dose to two pills per day after SE’s got to be too much after taking full dose for 3 years. Been over a year now and PSA is still undetectable.
PCSPES and moderate ADT . Especially at your age.